Friday, September 23, 2011

Politics by rote

I wonder when these politicians will get it.  It appears to me that they all spout the same drivel, just in different terms.  I haven't heard any ideas that will turn my head or make me vote for any one individual.  Here's what I need.

I need a candidate to say:

1.  Embargo Chinese goods and put Americans back to work producing goods.  Ease up on regulations that have forced manufacturers overseas.  I can't imagine that China produces anything that cannot be produced here and yet I can't find much in the way of hardware that is made in the USA.

2.  Shut off the import sources of oil and get American oil back in the pipeline.  Let the wild-cat producers get back to work.  De-regulate the production of energy.  We have more resources in the United States than anywhere else in the world.  Let's get it producing.

3.  We have thousands of miles of coast line where there are trillions of acre/feet of water.  We have the knowledge and capability to produce fresh water from that source.  Ask any aircraft carrier engineer.  We have the ability and yet we don't use it.  Why do we even think about drouth? we should be using the resources we have.  California should not be thinking of Colorado River water when it has the largest source of water in the world on its front porch and some of the greatest scientists available in some of the best schools in the world .

4.  Politicians worry about some of the dumbest things.  Let's worry about the things that affect US first.  When we get pretty good with that, then perhaps we can help our neighbors with their needs.  So far we've been so buried helping people all the way around the world, we don't have time to take care of our own citizen's needs.  Bring the troops home.  Take care of our borders, Set up DEFENSE and not OFFENSE.

5.  Get back to our roots.  Let's get on our knees and ask God for forgiveness.  We've forgotten Him.  We need to get back to studying the Holy Scriptures, praying, holding family time, attending church and taking care of our elderly.  We can and will become the most prosperous nation on earth if we'll do these few simple things.  I know God will get us through these hard times if we let Him, but He won't make us.