Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Government is the Antithesis to Religion

The Church has taught me all my life that when one is in temporal, i.e. physical, financial, emotional, straights one should first seek to elevate themselves.  We were taught to be self sufficient as much as possible.  We were taught, in my family, that family sticks together to assist its members.  Should family be unable to help, then assistance should be sought from church or community.  Government should be the last gasp, not the first stop.

This morning I came across an article describing a plea from the Department of Human Services.  It issued a plea for individuals and families to get more help from the government because "only 15% of our citizens are asking for help from the Government, and over 25% seek help from family."

I can't believe my eyes.  I had to read it twice to understand just what they were trying to say.  In essence the article indicates that these bureaucrats want to supplant family support with government intrusion.  The family unit is already under attack and now the government wants to destroy it completely.  

My opinion is that government needs to step back and let families take care of their members.  Church congregations should take care of their members.  After all said and done, clergy is better equipped than bureaucrats to understand individuals' needs and they can better mete out what is needed instead of what glories the government is wont to distribute.  Families and clergy approach their deity where bureaucrats are not able to do so.  Families and clergy understand individual circumstances.  Families and clergy can help circumvent the spiritual trap that the dole offers.

In short....government needs to butt out.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

History is Bound to Repeat Itself

The definition of insanity is:  doing a thing, over and over, exactly the same way and expecting a different result.

Our congress still doesn't get it.  Those of us with a very small voice seem to understand, but those who seek fame and fortune in the halls of congress do not.  We cannot continue to run our affairs in the same way and expect a different result.  I think the federal government should take a page out of the book of Scranton, PA and reduce the salaries of federal civilian employees until the budget is balanced.  Included in these reductions should be the President, members of Congress, their employees, aids, czars, members of the cabinet, and any other non-defense public employee.

Indeed Scranton has returned it's employees to full pay, but not until there was enough money in its accounts to do so. 

The Political Climate

I have taken a little hiatus from writing over the past few weeks.  It isn't because I don't have an opinion of the goings-on, but rather so I could gather my thoughts more completely. 

The Ayatollah Barry Obama (Soetero) is really outdoing himself.  His administration is in such disarray that even he doesn't know how bad it is.  He is taking advise from those who have little information and who seek none at the same time.  His dis-connect from the "little people" is more profound than ever.  I've been watching the polls that have been telling us that he leads Mr. Romney by so many points, but then I see that they over-sample democrats sometimes as much as 2-1.

After taking into account the oversampling and re-figuring the actual balance, I believe Mr. Romney will win in a landslide victory nearly as strong as Ronald Reagan's.  Here is the problem:  Mr. Obama only gets told what he wants to hear.  He is only asked what he wants to be asked.  He only tells what his perception of what we want to hear.  I believe his distance from me to be extreme.  He can't believe the little people can think for themselves.  We are, in his mind, unable to make decisions for ourselves.  We are too stupid to know how to raise our children.  We need to be told what food to prepare for our children and how to prepare it.  We are unable to determine our children's needs.

What a buffoon!