Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mr. Obama's Sleight of Hand

Do you know how a magician works?  He diverts attention away from where the action really is so that he can appear to affect magic when in reality all he is really doing is hiding the truth for a bit.  Some of his viewers are completely taken in.  Some of them are curious as to how he did it so they can do likewise.  And some of them are entertained, but not believing.

So it is with Mr. Obama.  Some of the ignorant are completely taken in by his sleight of hand.  Some are curious and want to find out the details of how he did it so they can do likewise.  And some of us are not taken in and don't believe the "magic" as presented.

I don't believe gold can be spun out of lead.  Lead is heavy.  It might just be a little similar to gold by its weight, and if it was hidden inside a bag or crate, some might be convinced it is gold.  If it was covered with a little gold leaf, it would also appear to be gold as well as be heavy.  But someone who understands the difference knows it cannot be gold because its properties are not right and the leaf does not cover scratches and scrapes.

Some of us see that what Mr. Obama offered us 4 years ago was not gold, but instead it was lead painted to appear to be gold.  It looks pretty, but oh so dangerous.  It is capable of killing the unwary.  Caution is called for and handling carefully.  Mr. Obama flings the lead around openly hoping nobody will notice it isn't gold.

It is not even close to gold, however.  It is deadly.  The proposals that Mr. Obama have made in the past, and that he is making now, are subtly leading this nation down the path to destruction.   He first spent money not available and thus devalued our currency.  Then he sent social deviants into our streets to cause hate and discontentment amongst our youth.  Now he is promoting additional deviancy by advocating gay marriage and by so doing has insulted a vast majority of the citizenry.  Will they still vote for him?  Yes, some will.  Why?  Because he makes promises that sound sooooo gooood.  They show gold on the outside, but when you scratch the surface you see plainly they're made of deadly lead.

Some will vote for Mr. Obama because even though they know he sells gold painted lead, they like how pretty it is.

And then there are those of us who know lead and know exactly how deadly it is.

When will we learn that looks are deceiving. 


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Wrong Track

I'm an old railroad man.  In my railroad career I worked as a Switchman, Brakeman, Locomotive Engineer, Yardmaster, Trainmaster and finally as Assistant Superintendent-Operating.  I think I know tracks somewhat, and I know how easy it is to get on the wrong track by just moving two pieces of steel just 4 inches.

It appears that the Grand Ayatollah Barry Obama has moved the switch and is attempting to get us to enter the wrong track.  He would like us to believe he is a Christian, but he negates the thought in everything I see him doing.  Just a few days ago he said he supports same-sex marriage.  By so doing he indicates his willingness to deny the scriptures, the prophets, and God Himself who plainly told his prophets that homosexual activities are an abomination to him.  I am interested in Mr. Obama's motivation.  By supporting same-sex marriage he ostracizes Muslim, Hindu, Jew and Christian, among others, alike.  That statement is a clear multi-purpose anti-religion and anti-social statement.  How in the world can he justify it?  Perhaps it is the homosexual population that is pulling on his puppet strings?

Into how much more evil can Mr. Obama lead our nation?  We are becoming more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah and less and less like the Promised Land.

The Lord promised, through his prophets, that if the peoples of the American continents would stay faithful, they would continue to live in the promised land, but if they (we) deny His power and His glory and deny His gospel, kill his prophets and His people He would sweep them off of the face of the continent.

I say, better not to test fate.   We need to get back on the right track.  We need to exercise faith, get on our knees and pray to our Heavenly Father.  We need to read and study the Word of God.  We need to heed the counsel of today's prophets.  We need to repent and plead for forgiveness.
We need to teach our youth to do likewise.  The alternative is too terrible.