Oh boy...what a time to be a conservative. The only real conservative left is Mr. Santorum. And now I have to rconsider my thoughts for Herman Cain and Sarah Palin. Why, oh why, would they endorse a morally corrupt and political opportunist candidate like Newt? I have lost a lot of respect for the two of them. I had great hopes for Mr. Cain, and hoped for Ms. Palin would come forward. Now I'm sorry I supported the two of them.
While I have problems with Mr. Romney, and won't vote for Mr. Paul, I find myself wondering why Paul Ryan didn't offer himself up. Perhaps he needs to be drafted at the convention.
I'd consider it of great value, if the delegates to the convention just sidestepped the current candidates and drafted a real conservative. I'm tired of having to hold my nose to vote.
My ideal candidate:
1. enforces the constitution
2. protects our borders
3. cuts government to its constitutional limits
4. endorses freedom of religion and not freedom from religion.
5. protects the institution of the family.