Whoa! I can't believe it has been over a year since my last rant. I should remember that Princess Bride and I have been serving as missionaries over the past 18 months, so it should not be surprising.
I felt, then, that I should not incase myself with political strife during those few months, and mostly I didn't. However, now it is over and I can permit myself a little more rope (with which to hang myself?)
This post will be a little disjointed. I hope you, gentle reader, will grant me a little latitude.
I've been observing our current government commit the basest acts over the past few years. In my not-so-humble opinion a leader is one who leads....kinda simple, isn't it? Apparently it isn't that simple. Our "leader" hasn't got a clue of what is going on. We've been hearing over and over that he gets information the same way we do, through public media.
Yesterday he told us that he doesn't watch/read the news because he usually knows ahead of time what will be reported. So is he prescient? or maybe gets a preview before the newscast? or perhaps his various minions write the "news" articles and distribute them to the various news outlets. Maybe he knows about the news because he creates what he wants what Rush calls the "Drive-By Media" to report and they report nothing more than the "news" given them.
After all, the IRS works for the Department of the Treasury, not for the President. Ambassadors work for the Department of State, not for the President. Border Protection works for the Department of Homeland Security, not for the President. CIA/NSA work for the National Security Advisor, not for the President. AND, since Cabinet Meetings are not being held, those departments cannot report to the President and can run afoul of the law and the constitution without his knowing anything about it.
The jury is still out. I prefer to believe Barry Soetero, AKA Barak Husein Obama, just doesn't care about what is going on. In my opinion he has a large dose of the Marie Antoinette disease. He doesn't know where tax money comes from and he doesn't really care unless the lack of it restricts his ability to play 30+ rounds of golf per year and take multi-million dollar vacations every other month.
I believe congress should give the White House a budget within which the President must live. He makes a goodly sum already at $400,000.00/year. Roughly 100 times more than we "normal" folk, who pay for his lavish lifestile. It used to be that travel by the first family (other than by the President,himself) was paid for out of the President's salary. I wonder why that changed.
This president and his government is so arrogant that they personally believe the lies that are passed to us ingrates as soon as they pass the lips of the speaker. And then those people in government are insulted when we refuse to believe them. Any person with any kind of logical mind can see through this nonsense. Sequential, logical thinking goes a long way. It is too bad none of that is done in government.
I think I'll coin a phrase:
"Those who can, do. Those who can't, regulate those who can, so that the net result is the same." After all we are ensconced in a government that dances to the "outcome" tune. It doesn't matter how it is done so long as the desired outcome is the result. And right now, the desired outcome is bringing the United States of America down to the level of the lowest level of living in any nation in the world. After all, it is only the ruling elites that should be able to make decisions.
more later.