Two weeks ago I was called by a marvelous young lady who asked if I could come and visit with President Jones. I asked what President Jones was President of and was informed he was a Counselor in the St. George Temple Presidency.
Well, that surprised me somewhat, but I agreed and we set aside a time and date for me to come and visit with him. I was unsure what this was all about, but I suspected that he was going to interview me preparatory to becoming a Temple Ordinance Worker. And...that was what it was. I'm not sure who recommended me for that work, but I suspect it was my Bishop. I began my adventure, of which I won't give many details, on April 13. I am assigned two shifts per week, but I can volunteer for more. The first week I worked three shifts and last week I worked only my two shifts. We'll see what this week brings.
When President Jones set me apart, he gave me a blessing that I would have health sufficient for the work, and that has been the case. I have a lung disease that often requires me to use Oxygen. However, I have not needed it when I have been working my assignments in the Temple. It has been a blessing and a marvel to me. I have learned the processes and procedures quickly. I am amazed because I have never memorized anything well before now.
I am blessed. My life has been one blessing after another. I am married to the perfect wife, my children, while not perfect, are still prize arrows in my quiver. My grandchildren, while also not perfect, are gems in my eyes. Each member of my family is special to me as are some of my very close friends (you know who you are).
Thanks to all of you who have supported me/are supporting me/will continue to support me in my various little challenges.