Sunday, June 12, 2016

When will Mr. Obama and Congress Get a Clue?

I read this morning that an ISIS member, living the good life in the U.S., shot up a night club in Orlando, FL.  50 people were killed and many were wounded.  I imagine the follow up investigation will indicate that this lunatic, Omar S. Mateen, came to the U.S. as a refugee or student.  The FBI admits they have known about him for some time, but he didn't show any indication he would commit violence even though he was an ISIS supporter and FBI knew it.


In this case Mr. Trump is correct.  We need to round up all of these people and move them back where they came from.  If Islam is so wonderful, why did they leave the nations where Islam is the state religion?

Here is a warning to Mr. Obama and whoever is the next POTUS:  Get this under control or we will cease to be the nation our forefathers founded.  The United States of America, the European nations, Israel, Jordan, Egypt and any other nations that are having trouble with these violent "refugees" need to focus all energy, weapons, and force to eradicate the infestation of radical Islam beginning with ISIS and any other organization that promotes violence against our combined nations no matter what the cost.  And then we must remain vigilant and stay focused on not permitting this type of behavior to crop up again. 

I believe Satan is in control of this violent behavior and it will not stop until those that perpetuate it are destroyed...not incarcerated....but destroyed by any means at hand. Satan's influence must  be bound through any means necessary.  And that doesn't mean restrict the means of self protection to our citizens, but rather increase our ability to protect ourselves.

We cannot afford to permit this environment to permeate our society.

It is of notice that the so-called "non-violent" inmates that were released from Gitmo are those who are leaders in the violence we are seeing.