Sunday, September 23, 2018

Real-Life Miracles

My Princess Bride and I agreed together to make application to serve a mission.  While generally we don't get to select what mission we will serve, Senior Missionaries are given an opportunity to select three missions to which they'd like to be considered for assignment.

The three missions we selected are these:

The Uruguay Montevideo Temple assigned to The Uruguay Montevideo Mission.

The Mexico Tuxtla-Gutierrez Temple assigned to the Mexico Tuxtla-Gutierrez Mission.

The Mexico Villanueva Temple assigned to the Mexico Villanueva Mission.

We hope the brethren will permit us to go to the Uruguay Montevideo Temple because I served in Uruguay as a young missionary many years ago and I want to serve those people again.

As we have been preparing for a mission, and even before we have received an assignment, we have applied for passports and we have begun to purchase the clothing we will need as missionaries.  We have made arrangements to place some of our things with others who need and will use them until we return. 

As we have made these preparations we have noticed a few miracles in our own lives.  I have noticed that my need for oxygen has all but been eliminated.  During our travels over the past two weeks I have not needed auxiliary oxygen at all.  This is indeed a miracle.  I have noticed that my glucose readings are lower and I don't use medicine at all to mitigate diabetes.  My Princess Bride is becoming stronger as demonstrated over the past two weeks.  We have not had time to rest much, but we have both been busy for most of the time.  She still tires, but she is able to work through most of it.

As we prepare our money seems to be stretching enough to do what we need to do.   All of these things are indications, at least to me, that we are doing what the Lord would have us to do.   These small miracles in our lives are interesting and perhaps even unexpected. 

I serve in the St. George temple as an Ordinance Worker.  I have had many moments of personal revelation as I have worked there.  And I have been healed mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically as I serve.  I love working in the temple as a patron or as an Ordinance Worker.

We are richly blessed.  We have 7 children plus one adopted child, 15.75 grandchildren plus 2.2 adopted grandchildren.  These are our glory and we are joyous because of them.  Some of our offspring do not share out religious fervor, but they are pretty good children anyway.  Each of them has enriched our lives in some way.  These are also blessings to us.  

We love our lives.  We love the Lord, Jesus Christ.  We love serving Him through those with whom we come into contact.   We are not perfect, and we will never claim to be, but as we strive to  improve our lives, we understand better the things we need to change. 

More later.