Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's discrimination

So why can I not buy a shirt?  Why is it that dress shirts stop at size 17.5 in most stores and rarely get above 18.5 in others.  I need 19T-36 shirts.  When I do finally find the right neck size, the sleeves are 38 inches.  Just because my neck and chest got larger doesn't mean my arms grew to ground length.  I just don't get it.

Maybe there is some obscure law somewhere that says no attractive dress shirts may be commercially made over 18.5 inches around the neck because larger neck sizes increases the incidence of heart disease.  I say if so the liberals are again into my personal life.  I like being large and intimidating.  It helped run off more than one pimple infested youngster that wanted to date my daughter.  Why can I not dress well at the same time?

I like to dress well.  I'm comfortable wearing a dress shirt and tie, but I'm not comfortable wearing a shirt that is too small and a tie that barely descends below my nipples.

I'm fed up with people trying to save me from myself.

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