Monday, May 30, 2011

It depends on your point of view

I guess much depends on your paradigm.  From where I stand I an see much to improve.  I like Paul Ryan's government reduction plan, but a the same time I see value in protecting our nation's poor and disabled.

Here are some things I consider worth discussion.

1.  Return welfare to the churches where it belongs.  The churches are better qualified to administer aid to individuals and familes.  They know the people and their circumstances. 

2.  Government is, by definition, non-producing.  In fact it is definately a resource pig, sucking up all available resources if it is left to do so.  This pig needs harvesting for the better of the nation.  Both the Republicrats and the Demicans have helped to fatten the pig, and now it is time to enjoy the barbeque.    I've said before and I'll say again; the following departments need to be abolished:  Energy, Transportation, Labor, Education, Homeland Security,    Each of these department spend its time discouraging philanthropy, terrorizing businesses and individuals, and causing governmental hatred.  Just think how much money could be saved by government and business by eliminating the departments cited above.

3.   Return education to the local level where it belongs.  The local people know best how to handle their respective children.  The federal government has no reason to be involved in local education.  Each mandate that federal regulators put onto local school districts costs money they don't have and don't want to spend.  We have school administrators doing nothing but keping watch on federal regulators so they won't be found in non-compliance.

4.  Increase tariffs on Chinese goods.  I have much trouble finding goods made in America.  I can't believe nobody in America makes Padlocks, or scissors, or staplers or any number of things.  I'm willing to pay a little more to get goods "made in America".  We need to produce and purchase only goods "Made in America".

Enough said for the moment.

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