Saturday, June 11, 2011

It was only a matter of time..

It was only a matter of time until we figure out that Gadianton Robbers have invaded every facet of  our lives.  They are in Congress, the White House, courts, local and state legislatures, business and even in some churches.  We knew it would happen, but hoped it would take a little longer to become so pervasive.

Gadianton Robbers are especially subversive because their methods are very subtle.  They invade carefully, like wolves wearing sheep's clothing. We elect, hire, appoint them because what they SAY is appealing.  However, what they DO is particularly revolting.  They are immoral, leading our people into error and sin.  They are evil, in that they make particularly repugnant issues seem appealing.  They are vicious, in that they are violently enforcing their will, plans and goals.

Who are these people?  I won't name them, but I will describe them.  They:

1.  Sext, and say, "it's ok because I'm a congressman/judge/advisor to the president."

2.  They force their will on the public, i.e. ObamaCare, immoral searches at airports, etc.

3.  They cause confusion and intimidation at the polling places.

4.  They blackmail the public by threatening investigations.

5.  They cause loss of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness when they shut down a business because of inconsequential, oblique, little known or enforced laws in order to protect their "buddies".

6.  They cause loss of life and liberty by starting illegal, immoral, unrighteous wars in which we have no business becoming involved.

7.  They work to destroy the institution of family with one father and one mother.

8.   They are sexual predators, preying on the weak and helpless, and then discarding them like used kleenex.

9.  They work to prevent our God given individual choice.

10. They destroy our homes in the name of "homeland security".

If we want peace in our time, we need to root these individuals, groups and ideas out and isolate them.

enough said.

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