Saturday, February 11, 2012

Today's pet peeves.

1.  Whew!  With all the spin touting the greatness of the Ayatollah Barry Obama, my emotions are all a dither.   He is reported to be such a great public speaker that every sane American should be jealous.  I see it differently.  If it wasn't for for tele-prompters he couldn't even form a complete sentence as he has proven over and over.  As far as reading....I have a 6th grade granddaughter that can read aloud better than can Mr. Obama.  There are many people who can read without giving it away.  Mr. Obama isn't one of them.

One of the best at reading a speech was Ronald Reagan.  Listening on the radio, one could not tell he was reading.  One ALWAYS knows Mr. Obama is reading.  ;

2.  I hear the conservative talk shows commenting that Ronald Reagan was the ultimate conservative.  However, my memory recorded it a little differently.  It was Ronald Regan that gave amnesty to over 3.5 million illegal aliens.  It was Ronald Regan that elected to move Social Security funds to the General Fund in order to brace up US Government finances, taking away the "insurance" every American thought they would have for their retirement.  While every president since then has also done so, this is the real reason Social Security will fail.  Had those monies been kept separate, the fund would have been fine.

I don't consider these acts to be acts of conservatism.  Government rules, restrictions, limits on liberty, and domestic spying have increased every year since I can remember.  While Mr. Obama didn't start them, he and the lower gov't imams have certainly increased them to skyrocketing momentum.   

We need to give Mr. Obama a ticket out of the White House, but what will we get in return?  Can we put in a congress and president that will return us to our constitutional government and close the rest of the agencies, departments, bureaus, and offices?   I am very pessimistic on this score. 

On the other hand we cannot allow the liberals to continue to make a 3rd world nation out of the USA.  We are an extremely blessed by our creator.  Our constitution was divinely inspired.  If we continue to drift away from recognizing the hand of God, we will fail.  Prophets have warned us over and over and we have scorned them just as the prophets of ancient Israel were scorned.  We will inherit the same fate if we do not return to our Christian-Judeo heritage.

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