I think it is way too early for Presidential Politics. If I had my way congress would pass a veto-proof law that would restrict national office campaigning to the year in which the election is held. Why in the world do we have to be inundated with political angst 18 months before said election? That being said, I will do as I did last cycle and make my observances. You all know that I am conservative. In fact I make Rush Limbaugh look like a centrist.
On the Democrat side:
Basically anyone but Hillary.
Mr. Biden was ineffectual as a Senator, pretty much a do nothing VP. Why would we expect anything different as President?
Mr. Sanders is an admitted Socialist. While we've suffered through an Obama socialist experiment, Mr. Sanders would be Obama on steroids.
Mr. O'Malley is someone I've heard little about. I can make no comment about him.
On the Republican side:
I like what Mr. Trump is saying. So far he has stayed true to his cause. He is very anti-establishment and if he follows through with his stated program our nation would be much better off than it is today. That having been said, I wonder if his various business organizations can get along without him for 8 years. It is something to consider. He does connect well with the populace. If he can keep doing so is the real question. I believe Mr. Trump could take the country by storm even if he went under the umbrella of a 3rd party. The nation is craving a true conservative and he at least talks like one.
I also like what Mr. Cruz is saying. I like it more because he irritates the Republican establishment elitists and that I like. I like what he is saying about immigration, and he is ready for the fight. However, I don't believe he has the staying power I'd like to see.
Mr. Rubio is fading fast. I can't think he'll make much of a showing. He is a centrist in conservative clothing.
Ms. Fiorino is someone I could seriously consider. I think she may be a little too naive, but I hope she will go far enough to have some strength left for the future.
Mr. Santorum is a non-starter. otta give up now.
Mr. Pataki is also a non-starter. wasting his money and political influence.
I would be interested in hearing more from Dr. Carson. I think he is way to naive to be a serious politician, but I think he'd make a great Sec. of State.
I wish we'd hear more from Mr. Jindal. I like what he has done in Louisiana.
I'd like to think Mr. Walker could go far, but he doesn't have the ability to connect with the people well.
I'd like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket. I think that ticket would be unbeatable.
It is still early and my mind is still open to change.
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