I wonder, in the midst of the rule of the King-men and in the midst of the Gadianton Robbers, where is Captain Moroni? We are in the middle of an election cycle that pits a professional politician, wanting to be coronated so that the the policies of the establishment elites can be perpetuated, against a flawed man who is interested in liberating the nation and restoring liberty to the individuals. One is a globalist and the other is a nationalist. One wants to advance the "New World Order" and the other wants to return to "America First'.
The struggle I see is much like the struggles described in Alma chapters 60 thru 62. So now we must determine who is Captain Moroni. Who will restore a representative democracy, where each CITIZEN has a vote and none else? Who will attempt to enslave our citizens through executive fiats and king-like decrees permitting laws handed down from other nations or the United Nation even if it will be contrary to our own laws and traditions? Who will corrupt our political system and permit citizens of the world to vote in our nation's election? Which candidate is recruiting voters that no longer are able to vote due to criminal activity? Who is recruiting dead citizens to vote and then using those registrations to vote in the dead's behalf?
Which candidate is going out to the masses in their communities to seek support of those communities? Which candidate is listening to the common individual without regard to their ethnicity? Which candidate understands the destroying limitations placed on business and individuals by out-of-control national and local governments?
Who will appoint justices that will uphold the original intent of those divine documents of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? Who will appoint justices that will continue to limit freedoms?
Neither of the two major candidates are perfect. Both have flaws. Both have offended a portion of the electorate. So it becomes necessary for the CITIZENS to determine who will do the least damage to our way of life.
It is disturbing to me that these questions must be answered. Our nation was not founded upon liars, cheats, and thieves but rather on honest men who wanted only to be free from oppression. Today we have more oppression than that against which the revolution was fought, and it must be defeated again.
So I repeat... Where is Captain Moroni?
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