When there's love at home.
Enough said.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Private enterprise employment vs School employment
I've been doing some remedial research. I dug up some interesting facts based on my own experience and that of some of my family.
School employees in my area work 185 days per year. Teachers have college degrees and make $35-50k per year. Their retirement is funded by state monies, but they can augment it by contributing themselves. They are not required to contribute anything for health care coverage. School employees generally have a work day of 8 hours 5 days per week.
I work in private enterprise. I work 260+ days per year. I also make $35-50k per year. I supervise 35-40 employees. Many of my colleagues of the same pay grade have graduate degrees. We pay more than $6200 per year for health coverage. We personally pay for whatever retirement we will eventually receive over and above whatever pittance Social Security will pay. We are obligated to at least 55 hours per week in the office. Most of us are 24/7 employees and must be available for call when not in the office.
It is my humble opinion that workers who work less than 260 days per year are "seasonal" employees. In my particular industry that means they don't qualify for ANY benefits and may not even be invited back for the next season.
I have taken some heat from some of my own family who are public employees for my post of yesterday wherein I criticized the public employees in Wisconsin for their short-sighted protests. They've been protected for too long. Yes, I have chosen my line of work and school employees have chosen their line of work. I chose full time employment. School employees chose part-time employment but expect full time pay and benefits.
Mr. Obama says everyone must be treated fairly. I'm guessing his definition of fair is not the same as mine.
School employees in my area work 185 days per year. Teachers have college degrees and make $35-50k per year. Their retirement is funded by state monies, but they can augment it by contributing themselves. They are not required to contribute anything for health care coverage. School employees generally have a work day of 8 hours 5 days per week.
I work in private enterprise. I work 260+ days per year. I also make $35-50k per year. I supervise 35-40 employees. Many of my colleagues of the same pay grade have graduate degrees. We pay more than $6200 per year for health coverage. We personally pay for whatever retirement we will eventually receive over and above whatever pittance Social Security will pay. We are obligated to at least 55 hours per week in the office. Most of us are 24/7 employees and must be available for call when not in the office.
It is my humble opinion that workers who work less than 260 days per year are "seasonal" employees. In my particular industry that means they don't qualify for ANY benefits and may not even be invited back for the next season.
I have taken some heat from some of my own family who are public employees for my post of yesterday wherein I criticized the public employees in Wisconsin for their short-sighted protests. They've been protected for too long. Yes, I have chosen my line of work and school employees have chosen their line of work. I chose full time employment. School employees chose part-time employment but expect full time pay and benefits.
Mr. Obama says everyone must be treated fairly. I'm guessing his definition of fair is not the same as mine.
Friday, February 18, 2011
What hypocrites!
I read today that Ayatollah Obama and Hillary "the smartest woman in America" Clinton support peaceful protests throughout the world. However, when an American Veteran attends one of Mrs Clinton's speeches and just turns around to give her his back, the police haul him away and charge him with disturbing the peace. Uh-huh. Hypocrite!
Again today, I read that the Ayatollah-in-chief supports the union thugs that are determined to destroy Wisconsin. The government of Wisconsin want to bring the state financials back into reality by cutting some of the unwarranted expenditures there. I read that teachers in Wisconsin have a compensation package equal to $100,000/year. And they went AWOL because someone wants them to participate in their own retirement? I believe each one that went AWOL should be fired. There are many graduates looking for work as educators that are willing to take up the slack for much less. So much for wanting the "best for the children" I'm pretty sure the children are being well educated while these teachers whine and stamp their feet. Evidently the teachers learned more from their K-6 students than they learned from the colleges and universities. Hypocrites all of them. They don't care a whit for the children as much as they care about THEMSELVES.
I've observed, over the years, that most of the liberals that I've known are government employees of one type or another, i.e. teachers, professors, city/county/state/federal employees. Most of them have never had to actually prove themselves able to hold a production position in a free-enterprise company. Also interesting to me is that nearly all of the military folks I've known are not liberal even though they are government employees. Perhaps it is because their compensation package is a pittance in comparison. And the Ayatollah wanted Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen to pay for their own health care, and he wants the teachers to get a free ride.
I say to Wisconsin. Fire those who went AWOL. Both legislators and teachers and whoever else did so. Replace them with people who want to work. That's the way the "REAL WORLD" works. They need a taste of reality.
Again today, I read that the Ayatollah-in-chief supports the union thugs that are determined to destroy Wisconsin. The government of Wisconsin want to bring the state financials back into reality by cutting some of the unwarranted expenditures there. I read that teachers in Wisconsin have a compensation package equal to $100,000/year. And they went AWOL because someone wants them to participate in their own retirement? I believe each one that went AWOL should be fired. There are many graduates looking for work as educators that are willing to take up the slack for much less. So much for wanting the "best for the children" I'm pretty sure the children are being well educated while these teachers whine and stamp their feet. Evidently the teachers learned more from their K-6 students than they learned from the colleges and universities. Hypocrites all of them. They don't care a whit for the children as much as they care about THEMSELVES.
I've observed, over the years, that most of the liberals that I've known are government employees of one type or another, i.e. teachers, professors, city/county/state/federal employees. Most of them have never had to actually prove themselves able to hold a production position in a free-enterprise company. Also interesting to me is that nearly all of the military folks I've known are not liberal even though they are government employees. Perhaps it is because their compensation package is a pittance in comparison. And the Ayatollah wanted Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen to pay for their own health care, and he wants the teachers to get a free ride.
I say to Wisconsin. Fire those who went AWOL. Both legislators and teachers and whoever else did so. Replace them with people who want to work. That's the way the "REAL WORLD" works. They need a taste of reality.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Our political leaders are WRONG!
So..Former President Carter has the unmitigated gall to say that the Islamic Brotherhood is "nothing to worry about"? I wonder what rock he has been living under. Mrs. Clinton said the same thing a few days ago. Are these people stuck in fantasy land? Have they not been paying attention? Why is it that I know the Islamic Brotherhood is dangerous when these so-called leaders do not. Perhaps their "advisors" haven't told them. I can't believe they read any background or do any research themselves. They must rely on others to tell them what to believe. If that is the case we have hired a bunch of dolts who cannot form their own opinion based on their own research. I AM FRIGHTENED.
I fear the wars mentioned in the Bible are near. Never in modern history have all the signs and symptoms of a potential global religious war been so evident. Remember "all nations against Israel and Israel against all nations?" Israel is again surrounded by non-covenant nations. Her closest ally, the USA, is unfortunately weakening it's support of Israel. I am very afraid that the chaos mentioned in the scriptures will shortly be coming to pass. I fear for my children and grandchildren.
I hope and pray that we adhere to the admonitions of the Prophet. He has instructed us as to what we should do to protect ourselves. Our nation needs to return to Christian Values. We need to exercise fasting and prayer to God. We need to exercise collective faith. If we do not....nothing else we can do will prevent the disaster we fear.
We need to stop the multi-cultural nonsense and get back to praising God. He is our only salvation.
I fear the wars mentioned in the Bible are near. Never in modern history have all the signs and symptoms of a potential global religious war been so evident. Remember "all nations against Israel and Israel against all nations?" Israel is again surrounded by non-covenant nations. Her closest ally, the USA, is unfortunately weakening it's support of Israel. I am very afraid that the chaos mentioned in the scriptures will shortly be coming to pass. I fear for my children and grandchildren.
I hope and pray that we adhere to the admonitions of the Prophet. He has instructed us as to what we should do to protect ourselves. Our nation needs to return to Christian Values. We need to exercise fasting and prayer to God. We need to exercise collective faith. If we do not....nothing else we can do will prevent the disaster we fear.
We need to stop the multi-cultural nonsense and get back to praising God. He is our only salvation.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
It's a wonderful life
This is a wonderful, exhausting, productive, spiritual day today.
We witnessed one of my youngest sons as he married his sweetheart. One of the things they were told was to listen to the lyrics of the song, "Little Things Mean a Lot". It's been years since I have heard that song, but the advise is good. Little things do mean a lot. If the little things are taken care of the big things will take care of themselves.
I am grateful that my son has chosen to covenant with his sweetheart for time and all eternity. They didn't covenant until death, or until they change their mind, or until marriage becomes inconvenient, or until something better comes along, but for eternity. What a wonderful covenant. This is a long term commitment. There is nothing instantaneous about eternity. It takes far more consideration to plan for eternity, than it does to plan for a one night stand.
I wish more people would consider making such a commitment. My bride and I did so nearly 38 years ago. We have never even considered shortening our covenant. We are committed to working out our problems. We love each other more now than we ever even knew was possible 38 years ago. Love is a continuing project and it gets better with each year behind us.
I wish everyone had a relationship as do my bride and I.
We witnessed one of my youngest sons as he married his sweetheart. One of the things they were told was to listen to the lyrics of the song, "Little Things Mean a Lot". It's been years since I have heard that song, but the advise is good. Little things do mean a lot. If the little things are taken care of the big things will take care of themselves.
I am grateful that my son has chosen to covenant with his sweetheart for time and all eternity. They didn't covenant until death, or until they change their mind, or until marriage becomes inconvenient, or until something better comes along, but for eternity. What a wonderful covenant. This is a long term commitment. There is nothing instantaneous about eternity. It takes far more consideration to plan for eternity, than it does to plan for a one night stand.
I wish more people would consider making such a commitment. My bride and I did so nearly 38 years ago. We have never even considered shortening our covenant. We are committed to working out our problems. We love each other more now than we ever even knew was possible 38 years ago. Love is a continuing project and it gets better with each year behind us.
I wish everyone had a relationship as do my bride and I.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Things I hold sacred
My friends, I feel compelled to share some of my most sacred feelings.
1. My son and his fiance will be married on Saturday. They will enter into the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ and make covenants with one another and they will be sealed together for time and all eternity. This ordinance is available for any worthy son and daughter of Heavenly Father. Eternal Marriage is ordained of God. It is to be only experienced between a man and a woman. The purpose for marriage is to provide a stable family environment where children can be conceived and raised. Father's role is to provide a safe and sufficient place for the family to live and to produce the living necessary to feed and cloth and care for his wife and his children. Mother's role is to nurture the children, teach them right from wrong, teach them to read, pray, and teach them respect for their elders and others with whom they may come into contact.
2. Religion is an important part of family life. Genuine love of God and His Son Jesus Christ is imperative. Learning respect by searching the scriptures, pondering those things learned from them and then exercising fasting and prayer to learn God's will for us is the only way to peace. When these things are not experienced only chaos can result. Our nation is drifting into disbelief because of the lack of true understanding of these sacred principles.
3. Husbands and wives must let each other know they love and respect each other. They must never let impatience or discontent enter into their thinking or escape their mouths..even to close friends. The ultimate focus should be on one's spouse no matter what else may be going on.
4. Successful marriages include children. Much is learned as we experience the joy of teaching little ones. What a sacred experience it is to see a child born and then watch him or her grow into themselves. Some couples cannot have children naturally. Adoption is certainly an honorable avenue and should be examined.
5. Prophets are not only for those who lived long ago. God is just as concerned for His children that live today as He was in the time of Moses or Ezekiel, or Abraham. We can benefit by listening to a prophet as he instructs us as to how we should comport ourselves. Prophets do not teach of evil, taking of lives, destroying families, disrespect for women and children. They teach of respect for fellow beings, for love of life, love of spouse and children. Never would a prophet of God require one's life to be taken. There is a prophet today who has the same authority as did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Isaiah, or any of the other Old Testament prophets. Seek him and learn from him. He will not lead you away from the precepts of Jesus Christ.
6. There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--
And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.
-Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21
If you want specific blessings...look for the law that controls it and obey that law. After all, the Lord said, "I, the Lord am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
I love my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I extend the invitation to all to do likewise. Peace can only come when that love is evident. I love my wife and each of my 7 children, my two adopted children and my 12 grandchildren. I hope I tell them often enough.
Please find the temerity to enjoy what I enjoy.
1. My son and his fiance will be married on Saturday. They will enter into the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ and make covenants with one another and they will be sealed together for time and all eternity. This ordinance is available for any worthy son and daughter of Heavenly Father. Eternal Marriage is ordained of God. It is to be only experienced between a man and a woman. The purpose for marriage is to provide a stable family environment where children can be conceived and raised. Father's role is to provide a safe and sufficient place for the family to live and to produce the living necessary to feed and cloth and care for his wife and his children. Mother's role is to nurture the children, teach them right from wrong, teach them to read, pray, and teach them respect for their elders and others with whom they may come into contact.
2. Religion is an important part of family life. Genuine love of God and His Son Jesus Christ is imperative. Learning respect by searching the scriptures, pondering those things learned from them and then exercising fasting and prayer to learn God's will for us is the only way to peace. When these things are not experienced only chaos can result. Our nation is drifting into disbelief because of the lack of true understanding of these sacred principles.
3. Husbands and wives must let each other know they love and respect each other. They must never let impatience or discontent enter into their thinking or escape their mouths..even to close friends. The ultimate focus should be on one's spouse no matter what else may be going on.
4. Successful marriages include children. Much is learned as we experience the joy of teaching little ones. What a sacred experience it is to see a child born and then watch him or her grow into themselves. Some couples cannot have children naturally. Adoption is certainly an honorable avenue and should be examined.
5. Prophets are not only for those who lived long ago. God is just as concerned for His children that live today as He was in the time of Moses or Ezekiel, or Abraham. We can benefit by listening to a prophet as he instructs us as to how we should comport ourselves. Prophets do not teach of evil, taking of lives, destroying families, disrespect for women and children. They teach of respect for fellow beings, for love of life, love of spouse and children. Never would a prophet of God require one's life to be taken. There is a prophet today who has the same authority as did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Isaiah, or any of the other Old Testament prophets. Seek him and learn from him. He will not lead you away from the precepts of Jesus Christ.
6. There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--
And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.
-Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21
If you want specific blessings...look for the law that controls it and obey that law. After all, the Lord said, "I, the Lord am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
I love my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I extend the invitation to all to do likewise. Peace can only come when that love is evident. I love my wife and each of my 7 children, my two adopted children and my 12 grandchildren. I hope I tell them often enough.
Please find the temerity to enjoy what I enjoy.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Obama planning to change the name of USA?
I have learned, from an administration official who must remain unnamed, that Ayatollah Barry Obama is planning to change the name of the USA by administrative decree. The new name? The Peoples Democratic Republic of Amerika. Because he so admires the way the DRK, the PRC, and others are progressing so much better than USA, he feels changing the name will more perfectly reflect his views as to how our own country should be managed.
How else can he manipulate the populace into accepting illegal search and seizure, government approved sexual abuse, illegal confinement, and unjustified detainment in public places all in the name of "national security". What crap!
The populace must not permit such indignities. We should boycott the Super Bowl. We should demonstrate our unwillingness to abide by these tactics. We should not attend and we should not watch it on TV. We must show our displeasure by putting an economic vise-grip on those who permit these things, i.e. NFL, Airlines, Railroads, ETC. We should demand that our government stop this nonsense. Instead of harassing people at sporting events, our government should be securing our borders. I can't imagine a sports enthusiast being someone that will cause so much hate. This has gone way too far.
We get scanned when we go to the Airport, scanned again when we arrive at the stadium, scanned again before we can leave Dallas....when will we put a stop to this. Instead of harassing our own citizens we should be looking for intruders. Those who enter into our country illegally. The government should immediately begin profiling. Those who are against it must be ignored.
We, the people, must demand this abuse to stop. I demand that it stop here and now. If you agree with this, please pass this post on to your friends. Let's get it around the internet.
How else can he manipulate the populace into accepting illegal search and seizure, government approved sexual abuse, illegal confinement, and unjustified detainment in public places all in the name of "national security". What crap!
The populace must not permit such indignities. We should boycott the Super Bowl. We should demonstrate our unwillingness to abide by these tactics. We should not attend and we should not watch it on TV. We must show our displeasure by putting an economic vise-grip on those who permit these things, i.e. NFL, Airlines, Railroads, ETC. We should demand that our government stop this nonsense. Instead of harassing people at sporting events, our government should be securing our borders. I can't imagine a sports enthusiast being someone that will cause so much hate. This has gone way too far.
We get scanned when we go to the Airport, scanned again when we arrive at the stadium, scanned again before we can leave Dallas....when will we put a stop to this. Instead of harassing our own citizens we should be looking for intruders. Those who enter into our country illegally. The government should immediately begin profiling. Those who are against it must be ignored.
We, the people, must demand this abuse to stop. I demand that it stop here and now. If you agree with this, please pass this post on to your friends. Let's get it around the internet.
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