We all thought we'd fool the political knuckleheads into thinking they could actually be civil during the Christmas season. Boy were we wrong.
I'm still waiting for the real conservative to stand up. Please someone give me a candidate for whom I can vote.
I still won't vote for Mitt Romney. As a conservative he's a real good liberal. Check out amnesty, global warming, etc.
I still won't vote for Newt Gingrich. He doesn't stand in one place long enough to know what he believes in.
I still won't vote for Gov. Perry. He wants to permit blanket amnesty for felons.
I still won't vote for Ron Paul. Withdrawal from the international stage is not in our best interest.
I may be able to vote for Rick Santorum. I don't have a whole lot of faith in his ability to beat the Ayatollah Obama, though.
I can't vote for Michele Bauchmann. She has international criminals on her staff. If she hangs out with that crowd as a candidate, I'm guessing she will continue as president.
Jon Huntsman is more liberal than the Ayatollah Obama. He never met a crisis he didn't believe in.
I would have voted for Herman Cain, and I would have voted for Sarah Palin.
We need a clean candidate who will STAND UP for AMERICA each and every time. Be honest in his dealings with the public, both foreign and domestic, AND PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION. We need a candidate that will close those departments that are not specifically noted in the Constitution, and then strengthen our military, protect our borders, get rid of "political correctness" and be an honest leader.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The 2nd most sacred celebration
In my mind we are about to enjoy the 2nd most sacred celebration the world has ever known. Tonight and tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. While we know his actual birthday is in the spring, it is convenient and acceptable to celebrate it now.
Few in the days preceding Jesus' birth knew the importance of what was about to happen. The ancient prophets knew and some historians and scholars of the time recognized the signs and knew, but the general populace had no idea that the great Jehova would present himself as a tiny baby in a most humble circumstance so that he could fulfill prophesy.
Mary knew, of course, that the baby she carried would be the Savior, but she could not have known the pain and suffering that would accompany her son. Joseph knew, but did not know how or why.
Mary was the one righteous enough to be the mother of Jesus. Joseph was the one righteous enough care for the little child and His mother. What a wonderful family. Jesus was not the only child, but He was the only mortal child of Almighty God.
It is a wonderous event. We thank God for the temporary loan of his Son. We thank Jesus Christ for his life upon the earth, the atonement affected in our behalf, and His resurrection. All this so that we have the opportunity to return to that Heavenly Father from whom we all came.
We praise our most powerful, omniscient, righteous Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, whom we worship.
Merry Christmas to all.
Few in the days preceding Jesus' birth knew the importance of what was about to happen. The ancient prophets knew and some historians and scholars of the time recognized the signs and knew, but the general populace had no idea that the great Jehova would present himself as a tiny baby in a most humble circumstance so that he could fulfill prophesy.
Mary knew, of course, that the baby she carried would be the Savior, but she could not have known the pain and suffering that would accompany her son. Joseph knew, but did not know how or why.
Mary was the one righteous enough to be the mother of Jesus. Joseph was the one righteous enough care for the little child and His mother. What a wonderful family. Jesus was not the only child, but He was the only mortal child of Almighty God.
It is a wonderous event. We thank God for the temporary loan of his Son. We thank Jesus Christ for his life upon the earth, the atonement affected in our behalf, and His resurrection. All this so that we have the opportunity to return to that Heavenly Father from whom we all came.
We praise our most powerful, omniscient, righteous Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, whom we worship.
Merry Christmas to all.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Excerpt from my new book-are you interested?
We sat on her mother’s couch visiting about our evening. I knew I wanted to ask her to marry me, but I was so worried that she might laugh me out of the house that I stammered and delayed. I told her that I wanted to tell her something, but I was afraid. She used every wile she could think of to get me to speak up and eventually I did. I said, “I think....” And paused, I was very nervous. My palms were sweating, my heart was pounding, and I was sooo apprehensive of the whole situation.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“Well, I'm not sure I I want to tell you what I think.” I was extremely unsure of myself.
“I’ll wait until you do.” Now the pressure was on me. She sat there quietly waiting for me to speak. She wasn't going to wait for another day, or another week. She was expecting me to speak right then. I suspect she knew what was in my heart, but I didn't know that then.
“I think I want you to be my wife,” I finally got around to saying.
Oh boy! What a response that elicited. There was a little scream and she ran out of the room. What had I done? I wondered if I had offended her. I wondered if she was gone and had left me sitting on her mother’s couch. I wondered if she’d be back. I wondered if I should leave. I wondered if I had made a complete fool of myself. I was an emotional wreck.
What really happened is that she ran to the back of the house to tell her parents that I had proposed to her. But I didn’t know that. I was bewildered. I didn’t know what to do. Should I leave? Should I apologize and say I would never do it again? My mind was running through the possible scenarios and my thoughts were running amuck.
Then she returned. She had a smile a mile wide. She was bouncing. She was beaming. She leaped onto the couch next to me and yelled “YES!” I still hadn’t asked her to marry me. I had only told her what I wanted. I never did propose, officially. She, and I guess I, just assumed we were now engaged. Whew! I could breath again. My sweaty palms could dry. My level of stress could diminish. My anxiety could quiet. My nervousness could quell. My emotions could settle. I was in love!
“What do you think?” she asked.
“Well, I'm not sure I I want to tell you what I think.” I was extremely unsure of myself.
“I’ll wait until you do.” Now the pressure was on me. She sat there quietly waiting for me to speak. She wasn't going to wait for another day, or another week. She was expecting me to speak right then. I suspect she knew what was in my heart, but I didn't know that then.
“I think I want you to be my wife,” I finally got around to saying.
Oh boy! What a response that elicited. There was a little scream and she ran out of the room. What had I done? I wondered if I had offended her. I wondered if she was gone and had left me sitting on her mother’s couch. I wondered if she’d be back. I wondered if I should leave. I wondered if I had made a complete fool of myself. I was an emotional wreck.
What really happened is that she ran to the back of the house to tell her parents that I had proposed to her. But I didn’t know that. I was bewildered. I didn’t know what to do. Should I leave? Should I apologize and say I would never do it again? My mind was running through the possible scenarios and my thoughts were running amuck.
Then she returned. She had a smile a mile wide. She was bouncing. She was beaming. She leaped onto the couch next to me and yelled “YES!” I still hadn’t asked her to marry me. I had only told her what I wanted. I never did propose, officially. She, and I guess I, just assumed we were now engaged. Whew! I could breath again. My sweaty palms could dry. My level of stress could diminish. My anxiety could quiet. My nervousness could quell. My emotions could settle. I was in love!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Embarking Upon a New Season
Let it SNOW!
We've enjoyed some snowfall, here in Paradise, over the last few days. In fact, it is snowing now. I like how clean and fresh the snow leaves the air and the landscape. It's too bad our political discourse can't take a page out of mother nature's book.
Wouldn't it be nice if the election cycle were limited to six months instead of 4 years or longer? I think we'd have a much better turnout and a better election review if campaigning for federal office could not begin until 6 months before the election. I'm sure I'm not the only person that gets tired of all the political clap-trap that goes on the moment an election result is announced. And the next election is 2, 4 or 6 years away!
The electorate is becoming tired of the rhetoric. This group or individual bashing that group or individual. You'd think we have 4 year-olds tattling on each other. Isn't it enough that we get that with our children? We don't need supposed adults running to "mama" (the press) with some juicy tidbit that might bring down a campaign, destroy an individual and/or his family, and make the entire populace uncomfortable. I wonder when good manners went out of fashion. I remember my dear mother telling me something like this, "If you can't say something nice about him, don't say anything at all." I believe slander is slander even when the target is a public personality. I don't especially want to hear it.
To me all this wrangling feels like a war! Indeed there are no violent weapons, but people are destroyed nonetheless. Families are cartwheeled into chaos. Individuals are tossed onto the dung heap of political waste with no consideration at all. I believe those who perpetrate this kind of assassination should be isolated. I suspect it will never happen because people enjoy watching the destruction of others. I don't understand it, but I know that to be the case.
Rodney King, scoundrel that he was, made a good point. "Can't we all just get along?" I think our political lives depend on it.
We've enjoyed some snowfall, here in Paradise, over the last few days. In fact, it is snowing now. I like how clean and fresh the snow leaves the air and the landscape. It's too bad our political discourse can't take a page out of mother nature's book.
Wouldn't it be nice if the election cycle were limited to six months instead of 4 years or longer? I think we'd have a much better turnout and a better election review if campaigning for federal office could not begin until 6 months before the election. I'm sure I'm not the only person that gets tired of all the political clap-trap that goes on the moment an election result is announced. And the next election is 2, 4 or 6 years away!
The electorate is becoming tired of the rhetoric. This group or individual bashing that group or individual. You'd think we have 4 year-olds tattling on each other. Isn't it enough that we get that with our children? We don't need supposed adults running to "mama" (the press) with some juicy tidbit that might bring down a campaign, destroy an individual and/or his family, and make the entire populace uncomfortable. I wonder when good manners went out of fashion. I remember my dear mother telling me something like this, "If you can't say something nice about him, don't say anything at all." I believe slander is slander even when the target is a public personality. I don't especially want to hear it.
To me all this wrangling feels like a war! Indeed there are no violent weapons, but people are destroyed nonetheless. Families are cartwheeled into chaos. Individuals are tossed onto the dung heap of political waste with no consideration at all. I believe those who perpetrate this kind of assassination should be isolated. I suspect it will never happen because people enjoy watching the destruction of others. I don't understand it, but I know that to be the case.
Rodney King, scoundrel that he was, made a good point. "Can't we all just get along?" I think our political lives depend on it.
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