Monday, March 12, 2012

Loving Life; Wondering why living isn't permitted.

I love my life.  I enjoy my profession.  I appreciate the blessings that are mine.  I am anxious to hear the Prophet's voice again.  I rejoice in the ability to make choices......oops.....that isn't permitted any more.

We are not permitted to make sack lunches for our children any more because we're too stupid to make lunches that are wholesome and good for our children.   We aren't permitted to grow our own food in our own garden and eat what we grow because we're too stupid to grow government approved crops that are harvested too soon and have little natural nourishment.  We are not permitted to grind our own wheat because we might not get enough government required "additives" in it.  We are not allowed to milk our own cows and drink the milk we obtain.  Obviously all these things are way too healthy and do not fit into the office bound, brain dead, bureaucratic, mush for brains regulators' opinion of what they deem to be "nutritious".
 The food police are invading our very lives.  I expect that we'll one day see a required menu that every family must follow or face civil and criminal penalties.

We are not permitted to build our homes out of the materials we determine to be best.  We are not even permitted to draw our own plans without paying someone to bless them.  We are not allowed to fly our flag in our own yard without a permit.  We are not given permission to sell our no-longer-needed items without a permit and paying yet another tax.  We are not permitted to exploit the minerals of our own property.  We are not allowed to capture rain water that falls on our own property.  We are not even allowed to erect a fence surrounding our property without bribing the local governing agency.

We are not permitted to travel by airplane, train, bus or even personal automobile without permission of the government.  We must permit our persons be viewed by the perverts hired by the so-called Transportation Security Agency". 

We may not practice our religion because it will "offend" someone.  We may not pray to our Heavenly Father in public places.  We may not express our religious belief in public because there might be someone that doesn't believe in God. We cannot have moral objections to government sanctioned murder.  The pursuit of happiness is now denied us because it may offend someone.  Life no longer is sacred.  Liberty is being denied us.

And may I note....I don't live in 1930's Germany, but I live in the United States of America.

I wonder where the nation I used to know is hiding.  I wonder how long it will be before the Christian and Jewish citizens of our nation will rise up and demand our rights back.  Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and morals.  We believed in the 10 commandments.  Many of our schools taught reading from the Bible and most people had bibles in their homes and they kept their family records there.  We should demand our right to practice our religion in private and in public.  Isn't it ironic that Muslim people are permitted to practice their religion and are even given public financed places to practice it.  But Christians are not given that freedom.

Now we are taught that murdering defenseless babies is permitted.  We are told that our old folks are expendable.  We  hear that certain illness should be ignored and those victims should be just "given a pill".  Our government has determined that only it is intelligent enough to decide what medicines, procedures, treatments are permitted.

I anxiously await the uprising.  I hope i live to see it.  I hope it begins with the election of 2012, but I'm not holding my breath.  There is too much graft in government.  There are too many Gadianton Robbers in all three branches of local, state and federal government, and I don't see anyone that can take the place of Captain Moroni to clean house.

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