Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Will these Paper Tough guys never get enough?

So we interfered in Iraq.  We interfered in Libya.  We interfered in Egypt.  We are about to interfere in Syria.  I agree with a man I used to know long ago. 

When our government feels the urge to change the regime of another country, our President should call out the leader of that other country to a one on one duel.  I'd bet a nickle we'd stay out of many conflicts.  As long as these paper tigers can get others to fight the wars they dream up, we'll be entering into every little squabble that comes along.

When will these knuckle heads understand that the United States of America can no longer afford to play policeman to the world?  We have not the means to arm millions of extremists that will eventually use those same arms against our own people.  We no longer have the ability to send our sons and daughters out to be slaughtered by those we think are our allies, but are instead in league with our enemies.

We haven't learned the lesson that Iraq and Afganistan taught us.  When you can't tell who the enemy is we should either do "scorched earth" or get out.  Afganistan is a moral war, but we aren't fighting a war.  We are instead playing politics because we might hurt someones feelings.  I say...."our feelings were hurt pretty badly when over 3000 of our people were killed in the twin towers".  And these extremist peoples in Iraq, Afganistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, CHEERED!  But WE can't fight to win a war because we might hurt someone else's tender feelings.  And then we have the Ayatollah in Chief going around lamenting that we didn't have more of our people killed on September 11, 2001, or at least it appears that way.  I think he believes that if more of our people were killed our enemies would be kinder to us.  He apologizes to them, bows to them, tries to appease them.  And they laugh up their collective sleeve. 

We need to get out of the fights that are none of our affair, and get IN to those that ARE.  Get IN to WIN and no apologies.  Let our very professional warriors do what they do and get out of the way.

It will never happen until we get someone in the White House that understands this is the greatest nation on the face of the planet and will remain so if we simply protect ourselves and get out of the bully business.  That someone is not the Ayatollah Barry Obama.

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