Friday, September 28, 2012

Mr. Obama Abdicates His Official Duties

Mr. Obama wants to be re-elected so badly he is willing to abdicate his official responsibilities.  Only he isn't abdicating to the Vice President, but rather to the Secretary of State.  During the U.N. General Assembly, leaders of nations gather to help one another understand each nations fears, internal struggles, and failings.  Mr. Obama had no time for such frivolity.  After all he is interested in jobs.  More specifically, he is interested in keeping the job he has.  So instead of actually doing what we hired him to do, he abdicates his responsibilities to Mrs. Clinton.  He met with no foreign leaders, he wasted no time in leaving New York to get back on the campaign trail.

If I had an employee that spent as much time brown nosing to keep his job as Mr. Obama does, he'd be fired in an instant.  He has no time to do the work for which he was hired.  Instead he vacations, golfs, parties, and sleeps when he should be taking care of his job.  I guess this is the "hope and change" he advertized.  No president of which I know previous to this lazy bum has been so negligent of his responsibilities.

After all, It is everyone else's fault that things have gone badly.  He's hired a bevy of czars, advisors, and aides that are supposed to do all of this for him.  It seems to me that his opinion is that he doesn't have to do anything.  That's what he hired all these people to do.   Mr. Obama talks the talk, but does NOT walk the walk.  He doesn't understand organizational structure.  For a constitutional professor, he doesn't understand the constitution.  He thumbs his nose at the citizens of the United States and I believe he thinks this is all a huge game being played.   

It's time for a little "hope and change" away from the Islamic law and extreme hate which Mr. Obama appears to embrace.  Let's fire him in November.

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