Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Obama Apologizes Again! But not to the American People.

So Mr. Obama apologized again.  This time to the U.N. for the musings of a single individual regarding Islam and Mohammed. 

When was there a demand that the Supreme Leader of Iran to apologize for the remarks made about Jesus?  Where was the outrage?  When was the demand that Mr. Ahmadinijab apologize for his remarks regarding Israel? Or are we just to say to ourselves "Only Christians and Jews are permitted to be offended"?  This is a shining example of how tolerant Islamic peoples aren't, and how intolerant Mr. Obama is towards Christians.

How can a genuine Christian vote for intolerance of this nature.  I wonder why there isn't an outcry for the intolerance regarding the Mormon Christian faith.  I wonder why only Islam is permitted to be outraged.

Interesting isn't it?

Mr. Obama, GET OFF YOUR SORRY BUTT and go to work for AMERICA and not Islam!  Stop the partying, vacationing, golfing, and sleeping late and at least pretend you really want to be president of the Greatest Nation the world has ever known.

As for Harry Reid.....I've wondered how he can be a member of the Mormon Church and make statements he has made about Mr. Romney.  Honesty is a virtue of utmost importance in the Church.  While I can't judge him personally, I can judge his actions, statements, and record.  I am baffled!

Mr. Reid:  Shut up if you can't be at least honest in your dealings with your fellow man.  You should be ashamed.  Telling Bold Faced lies is not a virtue.  It seems to be the symptoms of a pathological liar.  Nevada needs to recall you.

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