Friday, November 9, 2012

Disappointed, but vindicated.

I am pretty disappointed with the outcome of the national elections held last week.  I'd be the first to admit that I hoped that it would turn out differently, but I didn't really expect it.  As I have said many times over the past year, Mr. Romney, in my humble opinion, is a closet progressive.  He pretty much admitted it during the last "debate" where he agreed with most of the things Mr. Obama said.

What happened?

Again in my most humble opinion, a wanna-be conservative doesn't stand a chance.  A campaign can never be won on a sliding rule or on changing stances.  Mr. Obama didn't win because he's such a great president, but rather because the conservative did an about face and returned to his centrist past. 

A staunch conservative would have won.  A candidate that will stand up and be counted to do the following will activate the conservative base, wake up the silent majority, and will definitely win.  It is only when there isn't much obvious difference between the candidates that the challenger will fail. 

1.  Don't use advisors from the past.
2.  Check in with the Tea Party activists.  They have good ideas.
3.  Remember the Title of Liberty, which is:  "In Memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our      peace, our wives and our children".  Proclaim it loudly and proudly.
4.  Stick to the founding documents.  They are not fodder to be destroyed.
5.  Remember that the family unit is the basic unit of society.  It should not be destroyed in the name of progressive liberal politics.
6.  Our nation was created by inspired men.  It should be led by inspired men. Don't promote evil individuals for public office.
7.  Consult leaders of religion, particularly Christian leaders of religion.
8.  Disregard any deviations from righteous principles.
9.  DO NOT spend useless time destroying others.  Present your case in your own terms and learn to speak without notes or teleprompter. 
10. Be honest.  It's easier to remember the truth than it is to remember which fairy tale you told last time.
11. Don't tell us what you think we want to hear.  Tell us how you will govern.  Tell us how you think.  Don't give us "buyer beware" tactics.

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