Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Politicrats in Washington Still Don't Get It!

So our nation is broke.  We are in debt up to our eyebrows with no end in sight.  Our elected representatives cannot bring themselves to the point of eliminating costs in order to unravel the mess.  This is kind of like trying to untangle an extension cord.  In order to put it right you have to start at one end and work to the other.

In the case of our government, rather than start to unravel the tangle, we're making it worse by increasing costs.  My question is:  How does that help?  Obviously the people the Administration has hired have never met a budget.   Oh Yeah...they haven't had a budget to meet.  Congress doesn't want to publish one.  Why does the House of Representatives not perform its constitutional duties and create and pass a budget and then let the Senate and President explain to us why they won't endorse it.  Since a compromise does not seem to be in the cards, the House needs to just act unilaterally.  If Mr. Boehner is not man enough to take care of business we'll need a new Speaker with courage and forcefulness.

I'll restate my suggestions:

Close the Department of Energy Denial.  Dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that department.

Close the Department of mis-Education.  Dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that department.  Send the responsibility for education back to the local level where it belongs.

Sell ALL land now administered by the Bureau of Land Mis-Management, close the bureau and dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that department.

Sell ALL land now administered by the National Park Service to private entities who will run the parks and monuments at a profit.  By so doing, the parks and monuments will be better maintained and will be more attractive and less dangerous to the public.  Close the National Park Service and dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that service.

Close the Department of Transportation.  Dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that department.  The federal government long ago gave responsibilities to the states and there is no reason for it to exist now.

Close the National Health Service.  Dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that service.

Close the Food and Drug Administration.  Dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that Administration.

Close the FAA.  Turn all responsibilities over to the American Airline Association who is funded by those who use the airways.  Dismiss all employees, regulators, managers, enforcement officers and any other person attached to that administration.

Close the Department of Homeland inSecurity.  It is a intrusive department that is not needed or wanted by the public.  Move all law enforcement to the Department of Justice where it belongs.  Dismiss any other employees, regulators, managers, bureaucrats, and any other person now attached to that department.

Reduce the Department of Agriculture.  Obviously if the BLM, the Park Service, FDA, and other entities are reduced, the department won't need as many people.

Close the Environmental Protection Agency.  They've regulated us out of business.  They've strangled the free market.  Dismiss all employees, managers, enforcement officers and agents, and any other person attached to that agency.  

By attending to the above, the deficit is eliminated, taxes can remain low and there is plenty of money to take care of essential government programs.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot my personal favourite candidate for closure... the BATF.

    - Matt
