Some time ago, before the world was created, there were two exalted beings. Two persons who had already experienced an earthly existence and had overcome it and had received their eternal reward and had become celestial beings. Thus began the cycle of eternal existence in which we have a part. Our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother lived on a world much as the one we live on. They had many of the same challenges we have. They overcame temptation just as we must do. They repented just as we must do. And if we do as they did, we will become just what they are now.
Our Heavenly Parents began generating their glory. Moses was told, “For behold, this is my work and my glory–to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” Moses 1:39 They began to conceive and produce spirit children. How many did they have? I don’t know. I do know they produced sufficient spirits to people this world with all the people who have lived here, who live here now, and who will live here until the end and more. We lived with our Heavenly Parents and were taught by them. We learned all of the things we needed to know before we came to this world.
While we lived as spirits in the pre-earth existence a grand conference was held. All of Heavenly Father’s children were in attendance. There were speakers who gave us instruction much as previous conferences we attended. This was to be a special conference, though, because we were to be given information that would affect all of us. Jehovah, the first spirit child born to our Heavenly Parents, spoke. He told us of an eternal plan. A plan that would offer us an opportunity to become celestial beings like our parents are. This plan would have some danger. We would have to prove ourselves worthy to receive celestial glory. We would be given the right to chose right and wrong; To set in motion our own path; to make our own destiny. Then if we made bad decisions and recognized them, we would be given the opportunity to repent and ask forgiveness. A Savior would be provided so that we could repent and change our destiny. Jehovah told us that a council of heavenly leadership had been held and that He had volunteered to be the savior for all mankind.
After Jehovah finished his presentation, Lucifer, one of the most chosen spirits, began to address us. He reported that he had volunteered to be the savior of mankind also. He had presented a plan to the leadership council that provided that all of Heavenly Father’s children could receive celestial blessings. He would create an environment that would compel us to do right and would not permit us choices. In return, he wanted Heavenly Father’s power and glory.
We were given the opportunity to vote as to which plan we wanted to follow. The results were that 2/3 of us wanted the plan presented by Jehovah. We knew this plan was the plan followed by our Heavenly Parents, and that it was a plan that had been in place for eternities. 1/3 of our brothers and sisters voted for Lucifer’s plan. After the vote was concluded, Lucifer and the spirits that voted for his plan rebelled against Heavenly Father. A great war broke out. How it was fought I don’t know. I do know that Michael, the Arch Angel, led the fight on the side of Heavenly Father’s plan. Lucifer, who’s name was changed to Satan, led the fight on the other side. Michael’s forces prevailed and at the command of Heavenly Father, cast Satan and his followers out of heaven. They were exiled to this world.(Revelation 11:7-9) They would be the catalyst that would permit us to make decisions based on right and wrong.
Peace was again established in Heaven, and the plan could go forward. Plans were laid to carry out the great plan of happiness. A world had to be created for us so that we could go forward. Our Heavenly Parents have physical bodies. We, as yet, were only bodies of spirit. In order for us to become as our Heavenly Parents we needed a place to gain physical bodies.
Heavenly Father directed Jehovah and Michael, among others, to go and create a world. We can read about this creation in Genesis, Moses, and Abraham. I don’t know how long it took to create this world. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in 6 days. We are taught in the temple that there were 6 creative periods that Heavenly Father called days. I suspect that the periods were not of equal length of time. I’m not sure that time was even measured during the creative periods except that they called each period a day.
This earth was not created out of nothingness. There were materials unorganized available. These materials were used to make this earth. How was it done? I don’t know and I don’t think any of the greatest scientists have any idea either. I have an idea that it was done using natural physical laws, many of which we have no knowledge. We are told that it was done by God’s power delegated to Jehovah.
At any rate the world was completed and a garden planted eastward in Eden. It was a glorious garden. It was a paradise. Food grew spontaneously. It would support life. Heavenly Father and Jehovah saw that the creation was complete except there was no people yet on the earth.
President Harold B. Lee taught that our Heavenly Parents produced two physical children for this world, Adam and Eve. We know that the Arch Angel we knew as Michael in the pre-earth life, became known as Adam. He was given the honor because of his station in the pre-earth life. The spirit that became Eve was equal in spiritual stature to Adam and was given the honor of being the first daughter to inhabit a physical body. Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden and were given commandments by God.
1. Take care of the Garden of Eden.
2. Multiply and replenish the earth.
3. Don’t partake of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
4. Stay together.
In their current state, they were not yet mortal. They had physical bodies, but they were not yet mortal. So they could not have children. They were in a quandary. What should they do? They were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth, but they couldn’t unless they partook of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The were taught what the consequences would be if they partook of the fruit.
What should they do? Satan helped them with their decision. Here’s a thought that each of us should consider. Satan will use truths to aim us at his goal post. Satan taught them that if they wanted to continue with their celestial journey, they must partake of the fruit and become mortal. He purposely didn’t mention that by so doing they would loose the spiritual connection with God that they had previously enjoyed.
Adam was resistant. He was pretty happy to live in the Garden of Eden with his sweetheart. Eve, however, could see beyond the moment. She understood that in order for them to progress they would have to choose mortality. Thus she partook of the fruit and encouraged Adam to do likewise.
The fall was understood. Adam and Eve understood the consequences. But they also knew the benefits. They were able to follow the higher law by transgressing the lesser law. As a result, mankind was permitted to follow. We came into this life because of the choice that Adam and Eve made.
We came to this world full of promise and thinking we could overcome anything thrown our direction. I believe our family ties were established in the pre-earth life and that we may have even chosen some of our own circumstances. I’m pretty sure we were, in a way, pretty delusional about how well we would do. I doubt we had any clue how hard it would be to always make right decisions. I don’t think we knew how much work it would be to control this physical body and its appetites. I suppose if we knew then what we know now, we’d have entered into this life with much more fear.
When we see a little baby, new from the pre-earth life, we can tell of its divine nature. Then when we understand that we are responsible to teach this little creature the difference of right and wrong, what consequences follow our decisions, and what we must do to earn eternal life, we find the responsibility very daunting. Some of us never learn and thus never teach our children those things that will get them back to our Heavenly Father. Some of us are afraid to teach our children for fear they won’t like us anymore. It is hard to be firm to our children if we think we have to be their friend. But let us think of the consequences of NOT teaching them correct principles. If we only depend on the church, or the schools to teach our children, we fail them, we fail our Heavenly Father, and we fail ourselves.
We must teach them of morality, What clothing is inappropriate to wear in public, What language is inappropriate, What attitudes are inappropriate, What actions are inappropriate. We must teach them of loyalty to our God, our Church, and our Country. We must teach them to follow the teachings of the prophets and even our own Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. We must teach them and ourselves to obey the commandments and guidance given to us by God through his prophets.
Then as we grow old and prepare ourselves to depart this life, we will find satisfaction in our lives. My father was still giving us guidance up until just a few days before he passed away. He was fulfilling his responsibilities as a father.
When we have passed through this mortal life and have done all we think we can, when we have repented of the bad decisions we have made, and when we have tried to mend whatever fences we’ve broken with those about us, we can rest easy. But our lives are not over. We just pass in to a different phase of our eternal existence.
When we leave this life, we pass into a Post-earth existence as spirits. If we have failed in this life we will go to a state of spirit prison. I believe this to be a state of mind more than an exact prison. We will be in darkness just as people who live in sin here live in darkness, not knowing the true light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If we have done well we can enter into a state of paradise. While in the post-earth spirit existence we may be asked to work as missionaries to teach those who didn’t get a chance to enjoy the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We may be asked to serve in other capacities too. When we die, our lives are not over and we don’t just stop doing. We’ll still be concerned for our descendants. We’ll be able to become acquainted with our ancestors. We’ll be able to help those of our friends that we didn’t teach when we were living. We’ll still have things to accomplish.
When the right time comes, we will be judged by our actions according to the knowledge we have attained. We will be placed into an eternal existence that will most fit our circumstance. The Apostle Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 15:40-41:
40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differeth from another star in glory.
I believe we will receive the kingdom that will be most comfortable for us. I believe that is the mercy of our Father in Heaven. The hell will come when we remember our potential, but know our station. That we could have been celestial, but fell short.
If we do as our Heavenly Parents did, we will be able to build our own glory just as they did and are doing. We can begin to create worlds without number and to have children without number to people those worlds. This is our ultimate goal.
I testify to you that the principles I have taught you today are true. They have been similarly taught by prophets throughout the generations of this world. They have been understood by the Saints in each dispensation from Adam to Joseph Smith. They can be found in the writings of the prophets that we know as the Holy Scriptures.
God loves us. We are his children. He wants us to succeed, but he won’t compel us to do so. He only asks us to follow his commandments and teachings and in return he promises all he has to us.
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