There are a few things that I worry about. Several of them are political, some are connected to my religious belief, and some are pretty personal.
1. The Grand Ayatollah Barry Soetero (Obama) is beginning to look more and more like a Central American despot. I wonder if he has been watching how Cypress is paying its bills and thinking, "I wonder why I didn't think of that". Just steal billions of dollars from people's savings accounts and when that's gone...oh...wait....he won't be president any more so he doesn't have to worry about that.
2. Mr. Soetero (Obama) is buying up all of the ammunition he can in the name of Homeland Security. I wonder who he is planning to use 2 Billion rounds of ammunition on. I'm betting it isn't any attempt to defend our national borders. I'm betting it is so it can be used against law-abiding citizens. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm betting I'm right.
3. Today the Supreme Court heard arguments with regard to California's Proposition 8 that was passed by a great majority of voters. The issue was raised through the justice system until it arrived at the US Supreme Court. By all accounts the court will struggle with this. I wonder if any of these people in black robes even know what the fall out will be if they negate that law. I wonder if they will ponder what will be the next step. Allowing Polygamy, Bestiality, Incest???
4. Tomorrow the Supreme Court will hear arguments with regard to the Defense of Marriage Act that was processed through congress and was signed by President Clinton. I worry about what they will do with that case too for the same reasons above.
5. I am concerned that our national (and in some cases, state) legislators do not understand what the founding documents are and how they LIMIT government intrusion into private lives and businesses. They obviously do not understand that our founding documents were inspired by a loving Heavenly Father who wants his children to live honest, righteous, loving lives.
6. I am concerned that as I get older my physical condition deteriorates. I am so susceptible to infections these days that I'm down as much as I'm up. It worries me.
7. I am concerned that all of my children are not aiming at the same goal as my princess bride and I. I don't worry about today as much as I worry about life after this life.
8. I guess I just worry.
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