I remember when I was a child we sometimes played as if we were a government and we would take turns being "President". Some of my playmates would act as if he/she were king of a monarchy and some would take the more democratic method of governance.
It seems to me that the Grand Ayatollah Barry Soetero (Obama) is one of those playmates that is just playing at being president, but using the monarchy plan. He wants to decide every little thing of our lives, but doesn't want to do the hard things required of his station. He took an oath to defend our nation from enemies from without or from within. Anyone want to tell me when he has done that?
Instead of defending our nation, he invites terrorists in by opening our borders to anyone that wants to come in. He fails to defend us when he sees a progressing evil and decides it can wait until someone else has to deal with it because he doesn't want to appear to be a warmonger. He's right. He isn't a warmonger. At the same time, he isn't the defender of the faith or the defender of the nation. Instead of defending freedom, he encroaches upon our freedoms. We have become a nation very similar to nazi Germany, in my opinion.
Now, how do we combat this arrogant, pretender?
We must fall to our knees and plead for help from our Heavenly Father. We have been promised that this nation will never fall if we never fail to worship God. Now we, as a nation, are turning away from God. Every branch of government is working to undermine worship of God. The so-called Freedom From Religion folks are undermining our freedom to worship God. And now the Supreme Court of the United States refused to take up a cause that will surely indicate a refusal to permit our citizens to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. By denying a God issued command that marriage is only between one man and one woman , we are set up to be chastized by our God.
The Gadiaton Robbers are indeed in control. And their associates, the King-Men are working tirelessly to assist them in their conquest of anything righteous.
God Help us all.
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