Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The So-Called "Affordable Care Act"

I remember years ago there was a post circulating around the Internet regarding the "new" IRS form 1040.  it said something like this:

Line 1........Total Earnings for Year 2014                               __________________
Line 2........    Make Check for the amount on line 1 payable to:
                                     The Internal Revenue Service
                                     Washington DC

I see now that there was not much that was wrong with that thinking except it was too futuristic for it's time.
with "Obamacare" AKA the "Affordable Care Act" that is about what it feels like.

Here's an example.

A middle class employee, 55 years old, making about $50,000.00 per year will pay about $21,500.00 in Federal, State, and Local taxes, including property, income, excise, fuel and sales taxes.  that leaves him with $28,500 per year or about $2375/month to take care of everything else.  Let's also suppose there is only two people in the household.  Household expenses are pretty much as follows:

Rent/Morgage payment:                                   $1500.00/month
Utilities including phone/TV, household energy      500.00/month
Food                                                                   600.00/month
clothing                                                               100.00/month
Home owners, auto insurance                              125.00/month
Obamacare premiums                                        1300.00/month
  Obamacare deductibles                         up to    833.00/month
       TOTAL                                                over $5000/month     

If the spouse also goes to work and makes $50.000 income then it all becomes more "affordable" because now the two of them can barely scrape by and heaven help them if they have an appliance, auto, other unplanned expense.

I think I begin to see what this is really about.  The federal government has figured out how to make living so expensive that both spouses HAVE to work so that they HAVE to place their children into government controlled day-care or schools.  Therefore the government can determine how the children are raised/taught because the parents have no time to do so.  We really are living in the culture that "1984" envisioned.

1.  The liberal government has elected to eliminate lower cost energy, i.e. coal, domestic oil/gas.
2.  The liberal government has determined that the people have no right to control "personal and/or real" property.
3.  The liberal government just passed a bill declaring the citizenry of the United States to have no right to private/personal communication.
4.  the liberal government will soon pass a bill declaring that "freedom from unreasonable search" does not mean the authorities cannot enter your property at will and search for "contraband" without a warrant.  Of course the warrant is pretty much no protection at all because rare is the time a judge will deny it.

These days Liberal largely means Democrat and Republican alike. There appears to be no difference between the two parties. 

Additional to all that is that our political leaders do not think they need to listen to the electorate at all.  We've just seen a perfect example of that over the past few days.  They put on a good face for the elections, but then turn their collective backs on us when we "trust" them.  What genuine pig excrement!

We understand it more when we see the federal government furnishing local police departments with wartime supplies and equipment.  The elites know the populace will not put up with this long and they are determined to put down the rebellion that is sure to come.  It cannot come fast enough, say I.

I guess I must be a rebel.  All this time I thought I was a patriot.  I was obviously wrong.

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