Saturday, June 27, 2015

The United States of Sodom and Gomorrha

Oh what a wicked and perverse generation we have become.  I do not believe that Sodom and Gomorrha were any more wicked than the United States of America.  Even in Sodom and Gomorrha there were righteous people and there are righteous people in the United States of America.  However, it appears to me that the constitution has been perverted to the extent that we cannot any longer call this the "Promised Land".  While it is still better than most nations, we have lost much of our liberties, much of our brotherly love, much of our common sense, much of our love of God, and much of our ability to tell right from wrong.  We are instructed that there is no such thing as "wrong" today. 

The Supreme Court of the United States just ruled specifically against God and against Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions when it ruled that homosexual marriage is legal in the 50 states.  I worry about the future of our nation.  We have sunk lower than did Rome of old and our nation is doomed to failure just as was Rome.  As a nation, we do not seem to be able to take the lessons learned in our history and then avoid the pitfalls that the peoples of those times fell into.

I suspect much of our fall from grace is because we do not teach historical fact in our schools any longer.  We are too focused on teaching Current Social Skills and Political Correctness.  We are too afraid to "offend" others with truth.  We don't teach the children to learn to seek out answers through logic, but rather to seek out answers through "feelings".  If heard it said that 2 + 2 can be 5 if one "feels" it to be correct.  Common Core does not teach our children common sense, or logic.  The people who designed it must be insane.  College History, English, Math and Science professors must have a very hard time undoing all the bad habits learned as a result of Common Core.

 I worry that the Master will come and we will be found wanting.  I anxiously await his coming.  I hope it is soon.  The perversity of today's society is unbearable to me.

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