Friday, August 19, 2016

RE: supposed White Privelege

I'm getting a little tired of folks blaming so-called white folks for the ills happening in the United States today  Here's a little dose of reality:  In my own family's case, my ancestors migrated from Europe in the space of time of 1840-1867.  They used ALL of their families resources just to get to the United States and then when they arrived they were abused, were victims of discrimination, were spat upon, and even called vermin by the state of Missouri. They were forced from their homes by "militias" and were denied basic protections by the Federal Government.  They left their homes with little more than the clothing on their backs and a few provisions with which they made their way into the west.

Did they complain?  I'm sure they must have, but instead of rioting or tearing down their own community, they left their homes after cleaning them and putting them in order.  Rather than fight and destroy, they were compliant.  They moved to locations where nobody else wanted to live and they began to build.  Did they request assistance from the various governments?  NO!  They went to work and created their own environment within which they were more comfortable.  My family comes from a rich heritage of hard work and community involvement.

So my question is this:  Why are these "thugs of color" afraid to work in a similar manor.  I have never in my life understood why they tear up their own communities, the stores from which they shop, the businesses that hire their people and the churches to which they claim to worship God.  Why would they not want to lift themselves up instead of lowering themselves.  I have often heard the statement, "We'll show "whitey" who we are".  All they have shown "whitey" is that they cannot be trusted in their own neighborhoods.  They refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and their own status.  I heard one young man say, "all these people are rich and they aren't giving us any money."  Why would any one person think he/she deserves the resources for which he/she refuses to work?

I believe this to be a familial tragedy.  I believe this attitude begins at home.  The parents do not appear to be teaching the children about self worth, self motivation, self esteem, self determination, or personal responsibility.  Of course there are exceptions  I admire the mothers that pulled their sons away from rioting and punished them for such anti-social behavior.

These people are their own worst enemies.  What they should be doing is build and lift instead of destroy and sink. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly ! I come from grandparents who immigrated to America and worked very hard for what they had. My parents were extremely hard working (farming and both working outside jobs) I was brought up not to feel entitled but to work hard for what I wanted. I tried to pass this this along to my children one owes you anything but you owe it to yourself to succeed and if you fail keep trying.
