As I sit here contemplating my life as I currently live it, I am considering the things for which I am most Thankful.
I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, for His Son, Jesus Christ, and for the restoration of priesthood authority along with the restoration of church structure as it was founded in the meridian of times. I am thankful for the opportunity to work in the House of the Lord in behalf of those persons who have passed from this life without having received the ordinances required for exaltation.
I am thankful for living prophets who give us the counsel we need to live our lives righteously.
I am thankful for those pilgrims that came to this land early in the 1600's. I am thankful for the religious freedoms they found here and that those freedoms are largely still available here. I am thankful for those indigenous peoples that assisted the pilgrims to survive those first few years. The pilgrims were significantly unprepared to live in wilderness conditions.
I am thankful for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe both of them are inspired documents prepared by men selected and prepared by the Almighty to do the work of laying the framework of this most favored nation.
I am thankful for farmers who spend their lives growing the crops needed for our nation and the world. I am also thankful for ranchers who raise the beef, turkeys, chickens, sheep, pigs, and fish needed for our nation and the world.
I am thankful for the friends I have attracted through the years. I am
grateful for the influence they have been in my life and that they have
supported me in my various avocations.
I am thankful for the heritage given to me by my ancestors. I love the
traditions passed from generation to generation that have come into my
life. Hopefully I have successfully passed these traditions to my offspring.
I am thankful for a loving wife who is perfect for me. I am thankful for the her parents who raised a righteous daughter. I am thankful for the 7 children she has given me and for the generous people each of our children have turned out to be. I am thankful for my growing posterity and for the individuals each are becoming.
I guess mostly, I am just thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
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