My thoughts are a little mixed with regard to yesterday's election.
I am elated that Mrs. Clinton did not ascend to the presidency of the United States of America. I am fairly pleased that Mr. Trump was elected. There is much to be done in repairing the damage that has occurred over the past 8 years.
Thankfully, the era of apologizing to the world for the USA will soon be past us and we can again place ourselves into leadership. It will take a whole lot of time and patience, but it can be done and needs to be done as soon as possible.
Here are a few suggestions for the President Elect:
Close the EPA: It has been the single most damaging agency with regard to jobs and income for the small business and individuals in the USA. There is no constitutional authority for its existence.
Close the Department of Education and send responsibility for education back to the states. There is no constitutional authority for it in the first place. Currently is is a department of jack-booted thugs that exercises severe intimidation of state and local schools. Pinch off the money pipeline to Colleges and Universities. Let the students do what we did in our time. Work through the summer to pay for the year of education. Two things will result. Education will become less expensive and the students will better appreciate the things they learn.
Close the BATF and send whatever chores they may be doing back to the states, who actually do most of the work anyway. There is no constitutional authority for its existence.
Close the Department of Energy. It is the second most damaging department in the administration. It does more to limit energy in the United States that it does in helping produce it. Let private industry do what it does best which is risk management and production of goods and services.
Close the Department of Transportation and send those responsibilities back to the states where they belong. Again the constitution does not give authority for it. This department regulates an industry that it does not represent nor understand. It writes rules and regulations that are nonsensical and difficult to fulfill. Let trucking companies and railroad companies do what they do best.
Reduce the IRS and get rid of the unconstitutional courts that operate within it. The IRS and its courts have abandoned the 5th amendment and needs to be reined in.
This re-organizing of the Federal Government will go a long way to reduce costs.
At the same time, I believe all of the military departments need strengthening with a little prudence. It appears to me that there are too many of our soldiers working at the Pentagon and too few working in the field. Non-Governmental auditors would have a good effect and would then permit an honest wage for the military men who actually do the work of defending our nation. that would be the enlisted forces.
The largest body of water on this planet sits on the western border of the United States. I'm told it is too expensive to pump that water out, harvest the minerals and convert it to fresh water for farmland and for domestic use. I do not understand that thinking. Some of the most highly qualified engineers and scientists are located on the left coast. Surely they could figure out how to do filtration and sales of minerals in such a way that it can be done with a "0' net cost. If they cannot, perhaps I could point them to a successful inventor that could help them with that project.
Congressional staffs could be reduced somewhat too. Perhaps those men and women who were elected to protect our interests in congress could actually do some of the reading and investigations themselves. What a novel idea!
A law should be established that no Representative or Senator could vote on an issue, statute, or bill without first having personally reading it in its entirety. Perhaps the thousands-of-pages-long bills would not be enacted.
I know I've stood on this soap-box in the past, but I still hold on to these beliefs. Use the constitution as it is written and let the citizens do what they do best.
If Mr. Trump would like to contact me, I'd be happy to offer more suggestions for paring down the government.
Sounds great. I also believe the FDA needs to be replaced with something that makes sense. The AMA needs to be replaced with Drs. that want to find cures. If we have a healthcare system we need to cut out the insurance companies. Patty