Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Ayatollah-in-Chief pretending to be an Osterich?

I just don't understand how a negative number added to a negative number somehow comes out as a positive number.  I don't get it.  I admit that I'm not a math whiz, but it doesn't take much to understand that if I can't pay my bills living the way I've BEEN living, I have to do one of two things.  I must either spend LESS or generate more.

I have offered several ways to spend less.

1.  Dismantle the following:  Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security and the EPA.  Send them all out to look for private enterprise employment.  After all, Mr. Obama says he has created all these new jobs.  It is time to put up or shut up.

2.  Limit the number of "advisors, czars and staff" currently under employ (I struggle to say "work") by  the Administration and Congress.

3.  Decrease the salary for elected representatives/senators to the median salary of their constituents.  Staff members should get less.  After all they are getting invaluable experience and education that will make them vast sums when they leave government service.

The federal government can generate more by:

1.  Imposing a tariff on goods that exercise unfair advantage, i.e. Chinese and other goods that are made using unfair advantage.

2.  Sell land currently under the control of the Bureau of Land Management.  I can't find anything in the constitution that provides for the federal government to own such vast lands.  Sell the National Parks to a park development group that can return them to the vibrant places they used to be.

3.  Foster oil exploration and exploitation.  The current tax structure on oil and gas can be reduced and still make a sufficient dent..  Why do we need to import oil when we have more oil in our own nation than all the Arab nations combined.  No need to export to others and no need to import from others.

These suggestions will not only improve the debt of our nation, but will stimulate our economy.  Just think of the development that will result in opening such vast lands for private enterprise.  As a result of more development there is more employment and therefore more tax revenue.

Mr. Obama needs to get his head out of the sand.  He needs to stop relying on dunces to put their ideas on his teleprompter and begin using his own deductive abilities, if he has any.

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