Monday, April 11, 2011

Politics at it's worst.

Here is the gospel according to Saint Jumbo Jim.

The taxpayers lost when this "budget deal" was struck.  Our duly elected representatives have spent our nation into the poor house and then when their constituents complain and expect them to "fix" it, they just agree to spend more money.  Here is what they haven't bothered to explain.

Our national budget is increased by a certain percentage each year, and they all it "status quo".  When they increase spending it is above and beyond the "set increase" each year.  So when they say they are going to "cut" spending by $38.5B, they really mean they are going to decrease the increase.  The set increase is reportedly 6%, or for fiscal year 2011 it is about $78B.  Even with the $38.5B "cut" in spending (meaning 2.9%) the net increase is nearly $40B.

So, where is the cut?

It kind of reminds me of a magician.  If they can distract us long enough, we won't notice that they have successfully bamboozled the public.

I say throw the whole bunch of them out.  We need someone in office that understands what we mean when we say....REDUCE.  We need people who will actually READ the legislation they vote upon, and figure out how to understand the gobbledegook they write.  They expect the little people to just sit back and take it.  I say....we need lay legislators who take the job seriously and who take the constituents seriously. 

Don't think enough has been said, but it is enough for this post.

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