In all this time, I've never welcomed the NSA as a regular reader of my blog. However, now I can see that I just haven't been paying attention. After all, as soon as I press the "Publish" button I have two hits. This doesn't just happen occasionally, but each and every time. If I had been half-way aware I would have known this would only happen if someone actually had a direct pipeline because who else would get my posts immediately?
So I say, "Welcome, Big Brother". I hope you find something interesting in my writings. Most of what I say is what I sense and condense from what I learn elsewhere. It is also what I've deduced from public Government sources. Here's a couple of things to think about:
1. If this NSA domestic spying stuff is supposedly keeping us safe, why did it not let us know ahead of time about Benghazi? And why did we not know about the Boston Marathon Bombing ahead of time? And what about the Newtown, CT massacre? I could name a few more. Why is it that the only things the government can name is something that cannot be verified. They could say anything and expect us to believe it.
2. If this domestic spying stuff is so great, why did they not know about Mr. Snowden before he escaped to Hong Kong?
3. If this NSA spying stuff is so wonderful, why is the civil war in Syria going the way it is. And what about Egypt?
I believe they are doing what they are doing so that they can nail down political enemies by researching through their files, phone calls, etc. Just as they did against Mr. Romney. I have no doubt that the NSA, IRS, FBI, Secret Service and the rest of the Alphabet Soup were all used to play political tricks against Mr. Romney.
Mr. Obama, Wannabe DOTUS. (that would be Despot of the United States).
The problem is that Mr. Obama's regime is correct. It didn't start with him, but all his promises to end domestic spying went for not. He figured out the power he could wield and power went to his head. Unfortunately, the old saying marks Mr. Obama. Power corrupts...absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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