I remember years ago there was a post circulating around the Internet regarding the "new" IRS form 1040. it said something like this:
Line 1........Total Earnings for Year 2014 __________________
Line 2........ Make Check for the amount on line 1 payable to:
The Internal Revenue Service
Washington DC
I see now that there was not much that was wrong with that thinking except it was too futuristic for it's time.
with "Obamacare" AKA the "Affordable Care Act" that is about what it feels like.
Here's an example.
A middle class employee, 55 years old, making about $50,000.00 per year will pay about $21,500.00 in Federal, State, and Local taxes, including property, income, excise, fuel and sales taxes. that leaves him with $28,500 per year or about $2375/month to take care of everything else. Let's also suppose there is only two people in the household. Household expenses are pretty much as follows:
Rent/Morgage payment: $1500.00/month
Utilities including phone/TV, household energy 500.00/month
Food 600.00/month
clothing 100.00/month
Home owners, auto insurance 125.00/month
Obamacare premiums 1300.00/month
Obamacare deductibles up to 833.00/month
TOTAL over $5000/month
If the spouse also goes to work and makes $50.000 income then it all becomes more "affordable" because now the two of them can barely scrape by and heaven help them if they have an appliance, auto, other unplanned expense.
I think I begin to see what this is really about. The federal government has figured out how to make living so expensive that both spouses HAVE to work so that they HAVE to place their children into government controlled day-care or schools. Therefore the government can determine how the children are raised/taught because the parents have no time to do so. We really are living in the culture that "1984" envisioned.
1. The liberal government has elected to eliminate lower cost energy, i.e. coal, domestic oil/gas.
2. The liberal government has determined that the people have no right to control "personal and/or real" property.
3. The liberal government just passed a bill declaring the citizenry of the United States to have no right to private/personal communication.
4. the liberal government will soon pass a bill declaring that "freedom from unreasonable search" does not mean the authorities cannot enter your property at will and search for "contraband" without a warrant. Of course the warrant is pretty much no protection at all because rare is the time a judge will deny it.
These days Liberal largely means Democrat and Republican alike. There appears to be no difference between the two parties.
Additional to all that is that our political leaders do not think they need to listen to the electorate at all. We've just seen a perfect example of that over the past few days. They put on a good face for the elections, but then turn their collective backs on us when we "trust" them. What genuine pig excrement!
We understand it more when we see the federal government furnishing local police departments with wartime supplies and equipment. The elites know the populace will not put up with this long and they are determined to put down the rebellion that is sure to come. It cannot come fast enough, say I.
I guess I must be a rebel. All this time I thought I was a patriot. I was obviously wrong.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
the "Play-Time" President
I remember when I was a child we sometimes played as if we were a government and we would take turns being "President". Some of my playmates would act as if he/she were king of a monarchy and some would take the more democratic method of governance.
It seems to me that the Grand Ayatollah Barry Soetero (Obama) is one of those playmates that is just playing at being president, but using the monarchy plan. He wants to decide every little thing of our lives, but doesn't want to do the hard things required of his station. He took an oath to defend our nation from enemies from without or from within. Anyone want to tell me when he has done that?
Instead of defending our nation, he invites terrorists in by opening our borders to anyone that wants to come in. He fails to defend us when he sees a progressing evil and decides it can wait until someone else has to deal with it because he doesn't want to appear to be a warmonger. He's right. He isn't a warmonger. At the same time, he isn't the defender of the faith or the defender of the nation. Instead of defending freedom, he encroaches upon our freedoms. We have become a nation very similar to nazi Germany, in my opinion.
Now, how do we combat this arrogant, pretender?
We must fall to our knees and plead for help from our Heavenly Father. We have been promised that this nation will never fall if we never fail to worship God. Now we, as a nation, are turning away from God. Every branch of government is working to undermine worship of God. The so-called Freedom From Religion folks are undermining our freedom to worship God. And now the Supreme Court of the United States refused to take up a cause that will surely indicate a refusal to permit our citizens to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. By denying a God issued command that marriage is only between one man and one woman , we are set up to be chastized by our God.
The Gadiaton Robbers are indeed in control. And their associates, the King-Men are working tirelessly to assist them in their conquest of anything righteous.
God Help us all.
It seems to me that the Grand Ayatollah Barry Soetero (Obama) is one of those playmates that is just playing at being president, but using the monarchy plan. He wants to decide every little thing of our lives, but doesn't want to do the hard things required of his station. He took an oath to defend our nation from enemies from without or from within. Anyone want to tell me when he has done that?
Instead of defending our nation, he invites terrorists in by opening our borders to anyone that wants to come in. He fails to defend us when he sees a progressing evil and decides it can wait until someone else has to deal with it because he doesn't want to appear to be a warmonger. He's right. He isn't a warmonger. At the same time, he isn't the defender of the faith or the defender of the nation. Instead of defending freedom, he encroaches upon our freedoms. We have become a nation very similar to nazi Germany, in my opinion.
Now, how do we combat this arrogant, pretender?
We must fall to our knees and plead for help from our Heavenly Father. We have been promised that this nation will never fall if we never fail to worship God. Now we, as a nation, are turning away from God. Every branch of government is working to undermine worship of God. The so-called Freedom From Religion folks are undermining our freedom to worship God. And now the Supreme Court of the United States refused to take up a cause that will surely indicate a refusal to permit our citizens to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. By denying a God issued command that marriage is only between one man and one woman , we are set up to be chastized by our God.
The Gadiaton Robbers are indeed in control. And their associates, the King-Men are working tirelessly to assist them in their conquest of anything righteous.
God Help us all.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Life After 60?
I wonder why my life has gotten so interesting since I turned....well actually, I guess it started after I turned 50. My life certainly isn't what I expected for these years. I thought the "golden years" would be restful and would be a time when I could just enjoy time with my bride of all these many years. I am spending a lot of time with her, but it seems much of it is while she is setting in a chair while I'm laying in a hospital bed.
I've been having some struggles breathing over the past few years. I've been poked, prodded, stabbed, invaded, placed in very tight places, given chemicals to breath, inflicted with many sensors, and more. I've received various diagnoses including Pneumonia (never had it), Asthma (never had this one either), over exertion (now you KNOW that didn't happen). And these same diagnoses were given over and over by several different doctors except the pulmonary specialists who claimed none of the above could be proven. However, they didn't know either.
5 years ago I suffered a heart event and underwent an angiogram. It indicated that I had suffered something (nobody knew what) to my heart. The cardiologist thought then and he maintains today that it was a spasm that affected the floor of my heart. Maybe I thanked to many people from the bottom of my heart? At any rate there was little damage to my heart and echo cardiograms later indicated the damage had been repaired.
Two years ago I suffered an incident in Grand Junction that I was sure was a heart attack. All the tests done at St. Mary's were inconclusive and they sent me home with medicine to cure Pneumonia because they couldn't find anything else to diagnose. Last year I suffered a similar incident and again underwent an echo cardiogram. Again I was told everything was normal and nothing to worry about.
Two weeks ago I went to my new doctor because my old one retired (of all the nerve) because I've been struggling with having enough air to even climb a flight of stairs. I've been sucking on oxygen for the past year and still have trouble. I've even had to increase the amount of oxygen so that I can stay even. My new doctor looked over all my records and paid particular attention to the echo cardiogram done last year and said something to the effect, "it is here in black and white. I suspect that you have Pulmonary Hypertension."
HUH? I've never heard of such a thing. She immediately got ahold of my cardiologist and set up an appointment with him for me to visit and schedule a angiogram, which I did last Thursday. Well...I had the angiogram on Friday. The results?
Dr. Radley's diagnosis is confirmed. I have Pulmonary Hypertension. My Pulmonary Arterial blood pressure is more than double normal. In the mean time, I've been researching what that means. I found a whole lot of information on a website maintained by the Pulmonary Hypertension Association that taught me a whole lot, but didn't satisfy my need for information. However, Dr. Radley thinks the information on that website is a little outdated so I continue to search out more information.
The first site I researched was not very positive on my life expectancy, but the more I researched, the more I learned and am still learning. Pulmonary Hypertension is not curable. It can be treated and the symptoms can be mitigated somewhat, but the end result is still heart disease, liver failure and eventually death. Dr. Radley told me today that she expects my life expectancy to be in the 15-20 years neighborhood.
However there is more to this story. I have problems breathing at higher altitudes. Dr. Radley instructed me to plan on moving to a lower altitude. I don't like the heat and it doesn't like me, so I have resisted living in St. George. However, I may have to bite the bullet and move to the St. George area anyway in order to breath better.
...and the saga continues....
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Athiests, Agnostics, Pagans, oh my.
I wonder about lots of things and as I get older I find more things to wonder about.
I wonder why it is ok to sue because you are offended that someone might speak the word "God", but it isn't ok to sue the "Freedom From Religion" foundation because I'm offended they bar me from exercising my 1st Amendment rights.
Why do the minority have more power than the majority in our nation? Why can athiests insist that we may not practice our religion in their presence? Why do we permit them to force their "religion" upon those of us who practice organized religion? Why do we not "protest" and scream and cause civil unrest?
Why do we let the "political correctness" crowd push us around? I know of few people who take seriously these items of "integrity". Again, we permit the minority push the majority around.
The people are not going to sit idly by and let these things go much further.
Here is my thinking of how things work.
Why do we let these things go on? Because we are more polite than are the "protesters".
Why do anglos not riot when a black policeman kills a white teen? May I make an observation? I believe it is because we are more polite than the protestors and we trust in the system a little more. I am not racist. I simply make the observation.
Why do "Right-of-Center" politicians not cause as much trouble as do the "Left of Center" politicians? Because the more conservative we are the more polite we are. Again, I simply make the observation that any logical person could make if he/she paused to take note.
Why does the Constitution of the United States mean more to right-leaning citizens than it does to the left? Because we are convinced that the Constitution was written by men inspired by God. The framers knew it. And now over 200 years later, the doubters want to deny it much as the Islamists want to deny the Holocaust. Is the event too far in the past?
Some say these "protesters" hate America. I don't believe it. I believe these "protesters" simply are uneducated. Education has nothing to do with what we learn in school, but rather what we learn in family units. How to be polite, How to interact with others. How to meditate and contemplate. How to accept responsibility for one's actions. How to respect What to respect. How to become self-controlling.
Just some thoughts.
I wonder why it is ok to sue because you are offended that someone might speak the word "God", but it isn't ok to sue the "Freedom From Religion" foundation because I'm offended they bar me from exercising my 1st Amendment rights.
Why do the minority have more power than the majority in our nation? Why can athiests insist that we may not practice our religion in their presence? Why do we permit them to force their "religion" upon those of us who practice organized religion? Why do we not "protest" and scream and cause civil unrest?
Why do we let the "political correctness" crowd push us around? I know of few people who take seriously these items of "integrity". Again, we permit the minority push the majority around.
The people are not going to sit idly by and let these things go much further.
Here is my thinking of how things work.
Why do we let these things go on? Because we are more polite than are the "protesters".
Why do anglos not riot when a black policeman kills a white teen? May I make an observation? I believe it is because we are more polite than the protestors and we trust in the system a little more. I am not racist. I simply make the observation.
Why do "Right-of-Center" politicians not cause as much trouble as do the "Left of Center" politicians? Because the more conservative we are the more polite we are. Again, I simply make the observation that any logical person could make if he/she paused to take note.
Why does the Constitution of the United States mean more to right-leaning citizens than it does to the left? Because we are convinced that the Constitution was written by men inspired by God. The framers knew it. And now over 200 years later, the doubters want to deny it much as the Islamists want to deny the Holocaust. Is the event too far in the past?
Some say these "protesters" hate America. I don't believe it. I believe these "protesters" simply are uneducated. Education has nothing to do with what we learn in school, but rather what we learn in family units. How to be polite, How to interact with others. How to meditate and contemplate. How to accept responsibility for one's actions. How to respect What to respect. How to become self-controlling.
Just some thoughts.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Ranting about this and that.
Whoa! I can't believe it has been over a year since my last rant. I should remember that Princess Bride and I have been serving as missionaries over the past 18 months, so it should not be surprising.
I felt, then, that I should not incase myself with political strife during those few months, and mostly I didn't. However, now it is over and I can permit myself a little more rope (with which to hang myself?)
This post will be a little disjointed. I hope you, gentle reader, will grant me a little latitude.
I've been observing our current government commit the basest acts over the past few years. In my not-so-humble opinion a leader is one who leads....kinda simple, isn't it? Apparently it isn't that simple. Our "leader" hasn't got a clue of what is going on. We've been hearing over and over that he gets information the same way we do, through public media.
Yesterday he told us that he doesn't watch/read the news because he usually knows ahead of time what will be reported. So is he prescient? or maybe gets a preview before the newscast? or perhaps his various minions write the "news" articles and distribute them to the various news outlets. Maybe he knows about the news because he creates what he wants what Rush calls the "Drive-By Media" to report and they report nothing more than the "news" given them.
After all, the IRS works for the Department of the Treasury, not for the President. Ambassadors work for the Department of State, not for the President. Border Protection works for the Department of Homeland Security, not for the President. CIA/NSA work for the National Security Advisor, not for the President. AND, since Cabinet Meetings are not being held, those departments cannot report to the President and can run afoul of the law and the constitution without his knowing anything about it.
The jury is still out. I prefer to believe Barry Soetero, AKA Barak Husein Obama, just doesn't care about what is going on. In my opinion he has a large dose of the Marie Antoinette disease. He doesn't know where tax money comes from and he doesn't really care unless the lack of it restricts his ability to play 30+ rounds of golf per year and take multi-million dollar vacations every other month.
I believe congress should give the White House a budget within which the President must live. He makes a goodly sum already at $400,000.00/year. Roughly 100 times more than we "normal" folk, who pay for his lavish lifestile. It used to be that travel by the first family (other than by the President,himself) was paid for out of the President's salary. I wonder why that changed.
This president and his government is so arrogant that they personally believe the lies that are passed to us ingrates as soon as they pass the lips of the speaker. And then those people in government are insulted when we refuse to believe them. Any person with any kind of logical mind can see through this nonsense. Sequential, logical thinking goes a long way. It is too bad none of that is done in government.
I think I'll coin a phrase:
"Those who can, do. Those who can't, regulate those who can, so that the net result is the same." After all we are ensconced in a government that dances to the "outcome" tune. It doesn't matter how it is done so long as the desired outcome is the result. And right now, the desired outcome is bringing the United States of America down to the level of the lowest level of living in any nation in the world. After all, it is only the ruling elites that should be able to make decisions.
more later.
I felt, then, that I should not incase myself with political strife during those few months, and mostly I didn't. However, now it is over and I can permit myself a little more rope (with which to hang myself?)
This post will be a little disjointed. I hope you, gentle reader, will grant me a little latitude.
I've been observing our current government commit the basest acts over the past few years. In my not-so-humble opinion a leader is one who leads....kinda simple, isn't it? Apparently it isn't that simple. Our "leader" hasn't got a clue of what is going on. We've been hearing over and over that he gets information the same way we do, through public media.
Yesterday he told us that he doesn't watch/read the news because he usually knows ahead of time what will be reported. So is he prescient? or maybe gets a preview before the newscast? or perhaps his various minions write the "news" articles and distribute them to the various news outlets. Maybe he knows about the news because he creates what he wants what Rush calls the "Drive-By Media" to report and they report nothing more than the "news" given them.
After all, the IRS works for the Department of the Treasury, not for the President. Ambassadors work for the Department of State, not for the President. Border Protection works for the Department of Homeland Security, not for the President. CIA/NSA work for the National Security Advisor, not for the President. AND, since Cabinet Meetings are not being held, those departments cannot report to the President and can run afoul of the law and the constitution without his knowing anything about it.
The jury is still out. I prefer to believe Barry Soetero, AKA Barak Husein Obama, just doesn't care about what is going on. In my opinion he has a large dose of the Marie Antoinette disease. He doesn't know where tax money comes from and he doesn't really care unless the lack of it restricts his ability to play 30+ rounds of golf per year and take multi-million dollar vacations every other month.
I believe congress should give the White House a budget within which the President must live. He makes a goodly sum already at $400,000.00/year. Roughly 100 times more than we "normal" folk, who pay for his lavish lifestile. It used to be that travel by the first family (other than by the President,himself) was paid for out of the President's salary. I wonder why that changed.
This president and his government is so arrogant that they personally believe the lies that are passed to us ingrates as soon as they pass the lips of the speaker. And then those people in government are insulted when we refuse to believe them. Any person with any kind of logical mind can see through this nonsense. Sequential, logical thinking goes a long way. It is too bad none of that is done in government.
I think I'll coin a phrase:
"Those who can, do. Those who can't, regulate those who can, so that the net result is the same." After all we are ensconced in a government that dances to the "outcome" tune. It doesn't matter how it is done so long as the desired outcome is the result. And right now, the desired outcome is bringing the United States of America down to the level of the lowest level of living in any nation in the world. After all, it is only the ruling elites that should be able to make decisions.
more later.
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