Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas, My Friends

What a wonderful time to be alive!  I've been thinking about all the marvelous things that have happened in my lifetime.  I'd like to share some of those things with you.

I was born the year that Dwight Eisenhower was elected. During the years since then a national network of freeways has been established and America was on the move.  Commerce between states became easier, trucks could bypass small towns and save time in their transit of cargo.  Diesel Engines became popular for trucks and trains which resulted in a great savings also. With increased MPG came fewer fuel stops resulting in shorter transit times.

During my lifetime we saw space exploration bloom.  We sent men to the moon, we developed a space station where we can learn more and more.  We sent a space telescope into space and now we have a better picture of our place in space.  We learned much from our space program.  Computers and hand held calculators were a result and then projected forward to hand held computers that can do pretty much anything.

Communications became much better.  I remember that when I was born many people did not have a telephone at home.  Pay phones were available, but calls were expensive. When I was 20 years old an international call would cost $4 per minute and, in some countries, often you had to go to a local phone center to make such a call. In times past we had to wait for newspapers to publish news and get it to us.  Maybe it wasn't all the news we wanted, but we had no way to know if there was any thing else.  With the advent of television we were able to get the news several times per day, but still only what the broadcasters wanted us to know.  Now, by use of a Smart Phone, I can be anywhere and ask for news from many sources and get a better picture of what is happening in our world.  There are few places where I cannot access information.  In times past if we wanted our friends or family to know of an event in our lives we had to write a letter and send it via snail mail.  Now if we have an event or comment we want our friends and family to know we just post it to Facebook and they know about it instantly.

Publishing became easier.  When I was born, if someone wanted to publish a book he had to find a publisher willing to print it.  Now if I want to publish a book I can write and print it right here at home.  In times past a typewriter was a bulky and time consuming machine that could not correct its own mistakes.  Now we can compose a document or an essay while we ride a subway train and print as soon as we get home or to the office.

Commerce because easier also.  I remember my mother ordering things from Sears or Montgomery Ward or JC Penney through the mail.  She would fill out an order form, mail it via snail mail, and wait for her order to come.  There was no delivery plan, no idea when it would arrive.  Today I can order an item, specify how I want it to come and get a delivery plan with a tracking number so I can check on it several times per day to see what to expect.

There are many improvements.  It is too bad that our world citizens cannot accept the improvements and rejoice instead of constantly looking for ways to destroy the advances made.  Why is it that people from varieties of cultures cannot accept their neighbors for whom they are and not work, fight, struggle, and argue to change others to match their own view of what the world should look like.  I believe paradise to be when each of us can live satisfied with our own lives and letting others be satisfied with theirs.

I love my life.  I love my Princess Bride and my family.  But most of all I love that our Savior Jesus Christ was born and lived all those many years ago.  I love that he taught his followers the keys to salvation/exaltation.  I love that He was willing to give up His mortal life so that all of His brothers and sisters, who are willing, can be saved and exalted.  I honor Him, I praise Him and I love him.     


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

I am thankful for many things.

First and foremost, though, is my bride of over 42 years.  Sometimes I am impatient with her, and she puts up with me.  We have never argued in all those years.  I believe it is because neither of us HAS to be right at the expense of the other.  We respect each other, we understand each other and we love each other.

Second, I am thankful for my children.  Each of them is a precious individual with his/her own talents, traits, personality, and thought process.  I love them all to the extent that I would give my life to salvage theirs if it became necessary.  I have sincerely prayed for them when they are in trouble and when they've had medical challenges, and when they have asked I have willingly offered "Father's Blessings" to them.  I have enjoyed listening to the stories they tell about the military, their families, or whatever concerns them at the moment.  I love being a part of their lives.

I am grateful for those of my sons that have served and are now serving in our nation's Military.  Our nation needs willing men and women who are capable and willing to fight to protect our nation.  I am grateful for my sons that have served in that great spiritual army, going out into the world to teach Heavenly Father's children the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Third, I am thankful for the grandchildren presented by my children.  I'm not as close to most of them as probably I ought to be, but I enjoy their emerging personalities.  I'm grateful for the individuals they each are, and I'm grateful for the challenges they each present.  I love them and I enjoy time spent with them.

I am grateful for the Church to which I belong.  I love the Prophet and the Apostles called to serve all mankind.  I enjoy my little calling in the Church which is teaching teenagers.  I love teaching concepts they haven't previously considered.  And I love seeing the light turn on in their minds.

I am grateful for our lives in this great nation, which was established for the purpose of protecting religion, personal rights, and life.  I am grateful for the Pilgrims that came to the American Continent to escape persecution.  I am also grateful for my Pioneer ancestors that came to Utah for the same purpose.  I am grateful for the nation of Mexico that was willing to shelter my refugee ancestors when needed.

I am grateful for the marvels of modern medicine without which I would likely not still be living. I am grateful for modern communication that permits me to write this blog and transmit it for any person willing to read it. I am grateful for "Star Trek" style communicators that permit me to visit over long distances while traveling.

I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and for the great Plan of Happiness instituted in our behalf and executed by His son, Jesus Christ, whom I serve.

These are only a small sampling of the thinks for which I am thankful.  And I am thankful for willing readers.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Religion In My Family

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons).  I was raised by Latter-day Saint parents. I come from a heritage of 6 generations of Latter-day Saints. 

So that there is no doubt in anyone's mind:

I know that Jesus Christ lives.  I know that his life on this earth was precipitated by his glorified, physical, eternal Father in Heaven and his very mortal mother, Mary.  I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ is very much in charge of this world and all that has been created here.  I know that the Lord Jesus Christ has called, through all generations of time, prophets who were and are charged with communicating his will to the inhabitants of this world.

He said, "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself, and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same".

I know the doctrines and policies published over the last few days by the Church to be truly the doctrine established by the Lord Jesus Christ and communicated to the world through the Prophet and Apostles He has called. 

I am disturbed to have learned that some of my grandchildren are being taught differently.  I am greatly disappointed to have learned that religion is apparently disregarded and in fact denigrated.  I wonder how many generations of my descendants will be affected by this disregard.  I wonder how many souls will be lost. 

While I cannot change the decisions made by my offspring and cannot live their lives for them, I worry constantly about the decisions that are made that push them away from the teachings learned in their youth.  I worry about how far-reaching the consequences of those decisions will be. 

I can, and do, pray for those of my descendants that are so affected.  I love each of my children and grandchildren more than they will probably ever know.  I worry about them probably more than I should.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

My Life - Part 3

Work Experience

Right after My mission, I thought I’d assist
ESL students in Colton; I worked to persist
In teaching them English, but instead I learned
that the teaching profession is not for what I yearned.
So into the world of retail sales I went
selling carpet and giftware and all that bent.
It was no good, I couldn’t make enough
to support a family, and it was rough.

Santa Fe Railway was looking for help
So I went a-railroading with a yelp.
I started as a switchman in the town of LA;
Ended up as Assistant Sup’t down El Paso way.
I retired my lantern and moved my brood
to Enterprise, where there’s a more quiet mood.
We loved that little berg, the people are grand
We love the closeness they have with the land.

In the meantime, I still needed to work
to pay the bills and not go beserk.
I got my CDL and went truckin’ for a bit,
but Santa Fe beckoned and promised me writ
if I’d come help them combine with BN.
I worked long hours helping, and then
my contract was over and back home I came.
Back to Andrus and trucking was my game.
Dispatching and running international freight I did.
Until I thought I saw greener pastures and bid
for a job with Rasmussen Equipment; parts I sold.
I was manager for a few years, until behold
They thought they could do without me; did me harm.
So back to Andrus again, 3rd time’s the charm.

I’ve been in transportation for near 42 years
in all that time I’ve had many fears.
I worry my customers will not get their due
I worry my company will not persue
the relationships I've fostered in my little part
of the business now that I'm ready to depart.
I’ll be retiring soon, I’m ready to leave
I need to rest for a time I do believe.
My health is no good, much I can't do
to the level I want so Cerece is training anew.
There is much to teach; I have learned much.
I'm sure she will get it as I put her in touch.
I have much to do with family and friends
I hope there’s time to do all my errands.
I still have much to think about and desire
before my health leaves me in the mire.
My bucket list is short, not much left that I need.
I've had a good career; very good indeed.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

My Life - Part 2 - Family


I was released from my mission in ‘73
and I returned to my home in Californy.
I yearned to be a father and husband.
I looked ‘round and could only see one
young lady that was created especially for me.
She was kind, and sweet, but most of all she
loved me as much as I did her.
So just 3 months and a little bit more
after I returned from my missionary chore,
We visited our Bishops and Stake President; then
we went to the temple and there did listen
to a man of God who sealed us together
for time and eternity and told us to ever
remember the ceremony that wrought
our family that will n’er be forgot.

One by one our little ones came.
Our camera was filled frame by frame.
First came Caryn, cuddly and small,
then came Kristin who could out scream them all.
Along came Matthew a little later on.
Janice was next and I thought we were done.
Then Gardner found his way
into our clan and joined the fray.
Along about then I was sure, I thought
there were no more little ones to be brought.
But, to our surprise, more happened along;
twins to make our days busy and long
Peter and Jeremy were cute little fellas,
Made all our friends a little bit jealous.

Our family now was finally complete.
That is until our children began to compete
to see how many grandchildren they could bring us.
Here they come, and what a great fuss.
(I thought we were out of the baby business.)

Caryn began with her little group
giving birth to Brittany and into the soup
she went – for that was not all.
Andrew came along, not very small,
Justin was next and we thought that was fine.
Then little red headed Ciana entered the fam.
Colin was next, a tiny little gem.
He could throw a fit with the best of them.
Caryn was done – that’s what she said.
Then came HER twins, Colton and Logan instead.

Kristin was only to be in this mortal world
a little while and then she was gone in a whirl.
Heavenly father needed here there, I guess.
She left while driving home, maybe too fast.
She left a little boy, who we call Jon-Jon.

Janice was late, she wondered if she ever
would get to enjoy a family, but she never
gave up hoping and with faith she strove
Finally along came Ivy to hold and to love.
A little while later  ZoĆ« entered this world
She caused us concern and worry unfurled.
But now she’s growing and all is fine
Her older sister thinks she is divine.

Peter met his sweetheart and fell head over heels
Dorian came first and all was well... then...
Surprise... here’s Caleb, how’d that happen?
So two little boys within a year’s short time.
Wow!, what work.  But worth it – they’re fine.

Jeremy knew his bride as a childhood chum
She always kept him in line so he’d never be glum.
He went into the Air Force to learn his way
but he knew he just had to pull her away
and into his life, permanently, she came.
First came Cody who everyone adores
but he is so shy and can’t bear to score
a glance in anyone’s direct eye view.
things went well and then time to renew.
Along came Eli into the fold
looks just like Cody, who could have told.
Now we have Emmy, fresh from above.
She has the same look, one we all love.

My Life - Part 1 - my youth


I was born at a very young age,
to a pretty young lady and a fairly young sage.
They taught me all through my years
that I am worth more than just a few tears.
I’ve caused some tears of sorrow and joy
as I’ve struggled through my life, but boy,
I wouldn’t change an instant of it, except,
I’d have learned the gospel better and accept
all of the teachings of the prophets of old
written down experiences that have been told
to help us gain that testimony strong
that Jesus is the Christ and in not very long
we will experience that which has been told in story.
We’ll see him come again to earth in glory.

When I was a child, I and a buddy
stole a doll from a girl and made it all muddy.
Then we threw it into a near-full ditch
to cover our sin, but there was a glitch.
Someone saw our dastardly deed.
They called our parents who did heed
the news and made us repent of our mistake
and search the ditch banks with shovel and rake
to find that doll and return it back
to the little girl with hair shiny and black.

When I was older we had a great flood.
There was much water and lots of great mud.
To the church we went to get all of us shot
with typhoid shots, so none of us got
a dread disease that would make us sick.
Some of the kids went out into the flood to pick
out the good spots to play and wallow in the mire
where parents wouldn’t come and see us conspire
against one another and against friend or foe,
whether against Ronnie, or Shirla or Greg, or Joe.

As a teen I thought it was great fun
to take a girl out to the graveyard and run.
I’d tell stories about ghosts and those long gone
(making things up as I went along).
I hoped to cause such a horrible fear
the girl would want to stay very near.
One time, though, things went awry;
the car stalled and so by and bye
I couldn’t get it started again and then
we began to hear noises long and thin.
Those noises gave us both a fright
even when we turned on the light.

When I graduated from High School
I thought it’d be pretty cool
to go on a mission; visit and preach
the gospel to others; reason and teach
people who hadn’t yet received it.
So..onto my knees I went to visit
each morn and eve with Father in Heaven.
I asked for help to learn to leaven.
I asked for confirmation of my testimony small.
I even asked for an angel to teach me all
the things I’d need to know
as a missionary whe’er I’d go.
I never got any celestial view
but nonetheless I did learn and review
the lessons that I’d need to apply
to investigators in “El Uruguay”.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It Is Too Early for Presidential Politics, but...

I think it is way too early for Presidential Politics.  If I had my way congress would pass a veto-proof law that would restrict national office campaigning to the year in which the election is held.  Why in the world do we have to be inundated with political angst 18 months before said election?  That being said, I will do as I did last cycle and make my observances.  You all know that I am conservative.  In fact I make Rush Limbaugh look like a centrist.

On the Democrat side:

Basically anyone but Hillary.

Mr. Biden was ineffectual as a Senator, pretty much a do nothing VP.  Why would we expect anything different as President?

Mr. Sanders is an admitted Socialist.  While we've suffered through an Obama socialist experiment, Mr. Sanders would be Obama on steroids.

Mr. O'Malley is someone I've heard little about.  I can make no comment about him.

On the Republican side:

I like what Mr. Trump is saying.  So far he has stayed true to his cause.  He is very anti-establishment and if he follows through with his stated program our nation would be much better off than it is today. That having been said, I wonder if his various business organizations can get along without him for 8 years.  It is something to consider.  He does connect well with the populace.  If he can keep doing so is the real question.  I believe Mr. Trump could take the country by storm even if he went under the umbrella of a 3rd party. The nation is craving a true conservative and he at least talks like one.

I also like what Mr. Cruz is saying.  I like it more because he irritates the Republican establishment elitists and that I like.  I like what he is saying about immigration, and he is ready for the fight.  However, I don't believe he has the staying power I'd like to see.

Mr. Rubio is fading fast.  I can't think he'll make much of a showing.  He is a centrist in conservative clothing.

Ms. Fiorino is someone I could seriously consider.  I think she may be a little too naive, but I hope she will go far enough to have some strength left for the future.

Mr. Santorum is a non-starter.  otta give up now.

Mr. Pataki is also a non-starter.  wasting his money and political influence.

I would be interested in hearing more from Dr. Carson.  I think he is way to naive to be a serious politician, but I think he'd make a great Sec. of State.

I wish we'd hear more from Mr. Jindal.  I like what he has done in Louisiana.

I'd like to think Mr. Walker could go far, but he doesn't have the ability to connect with the people well.

I'd like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket.  I think that ticket would be unbeatable.  

It is still early and my mind is still open to change.

 - 30 -

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Funny Thing Happened....

A funny thing happened to me recently when I was preparing to go to visit my elderly Mother-In-Law.

On our way out of town we stopped by the local Wal-Mart to pick up some supplies.  As it is a 6+ hour trip we thought it would be a good idea to pick up some drinks and snacks where it is cheaper so we didn't need to stop at convenience stores for those items enroute.  However our stop at Wal-Mart turned out to be a little more exciting than we planned.

I was tasked to go pick up some sodas.  The section that has the soda-pop is in the rear of the store behind the grocery area, so I trekked back to get what we wanted.  I enjoy drinking caffeine free Diet Coke, but I didn't see it right away.  When I did find it, it was stored a little differently than usual.  I didn't have a basket with me and I wanted 2 2-liter bottles.  They were placed upright on the rack, like all the other brands/flavors, but they also had 2 bottles laying horizontally on top of the other bottles.  AND THAT WAS WHERE MY TROUBLE BEGAN.

First I have to tell you that I am not as strong as I once was.  My hands are filled with arthritis and so I can't grasp as well as I have in the past.

I got the first bottle with no problem.  After all, I had two hands to do it with.  It was the second bottle that caused all the excitement.  I got it out of the rack, but it was upside down.  While I was trying to get it upright it slipped out of my hands.

Have you ever seen a bottle rocket?  This two liter bottle of soda slipped from my hand and landed on the floor in the lid-down position.  It hit the floor with a great "thud" and exploded upwards like a bottle rocket, spewing Diet Coke along the way.  There was a large metal poster on the wall and this "rocket" hit that metal poster with a great BANG!

And then people began to show up.  The young man that runs that department was the first to arrive.  He couldn't figure out what happened, so I told him all about it.  In the mean time there was Coke all over the floor.  Wal-Mart employees and other shoppers were tracking it all over the place while I was telling my story.  I guess nobody ever looks where they are walking....  It wasn't funny at the time, but I've sure had fun telling the story to my family.  There is not one ounce of embellishment to this story.  It all happened just as I've told it.

I guess you have to get your amusement where you can....

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The United States of Sodom and Gomorrha

Oh what a wicked and perverse generation we have become.  I do not believe that Sodom and Gomorrha were any more wicked than the United States of America.  Even in Sodom and Gomorrha there were righteous people and there are righteous people in the United States of America.  However, it appears to me that the constitution has been perverted to the extent that we cannot any longer call this the "Promised Land".  While it is still better than most nations, we have lost much of our liberties, much of our brotherly love, much of our common sense, much of our love of God, and much of our ability to tell right from wrong.  We are instructed that there is no such thing as "wrong" today. 

The Supreme Court of the United States just ruled specifically against God and against Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions when it ruled that homosexual marriage is legal in the 50 states.  I worry about the future of our nation.  We have sunk lower than did Rome of old and our nation is doomed to failure just as was Rome.  As a nation, we do not seem to be able to take the lessons learned in our history and then avoid the pitfalls that the peoples of those times fell into.

I suspect much of our fall from grace is because we do not teach historical fact in our schools any longer.  We are too focused on teaching Current Social Skills and Political Correctness.  We are too afraid to "offend" others with truth.  We don't teach the children to learn to seek out answers through logic, but rather to seek out answers through "feelings".  If heard it said that 2 + 2 can be 5 if one "feels" it to be correct.  Common Core does not teach our children common sense, or logic.  The people who designed it must be insane.  College History, English, Math and Science professors must have a very hard time undoing all the bad habits learned as a result of Common Core.

 I worry that the Master will come and we will be found wanting.  I anxiously await his coming.  I hope it is soon.  The perversity of today's society is unbearable to me.