Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Don't You Just Wonder?

So, Ms. Lerner pleaded the 5th amendment.  It isn't possible to plead the 5th amendment to cover someone else's sins, so she must be trying to keep off of the Obama regime's "hit" list by not testifying.    It isn't just the administration she is afraid of, but also senators and representatives that have been pressing IRS to repress conservative organizations and individuals. 

I've been hearing stories from across this nation, and from those who fled overseas to protect themselves from this quazi-nazi behavior that the Obama administration has been demonstrating.   Let's see...they have abrogated the 1st amendment; they are trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment; and they have abrogated the 4th amendment.  They have ignored the 9th amendment, the 10th amendment, and they have made the 13th amendment moot by enslaving the citizens of this nation through excessive taxation.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg.  I suspect if an honest evaluation was made of the United States Government it would cause genuine revolt.  Never in my memory has there been a more corrupt administration.  LBJ was  bad, Nixon was bad, "Slick Willy" Clinton was worse,"W" wasn't great, but Mr. Soetero-Obama is by far the worst of them all.  Mr. Obama would like us to believe that he is a "hands-off" president so he can honestly say, "I wasn't involved".  But, whether he is directly involved or not, he is the President and he MUST take responsibility for hiring such corrupt individuals.  Not only was he involved, but he promoted the worst offender in the IRS and gave her a bonus for her work!

I say, "Impeachment and conviction is warranted".

The USA sold arms to entities known to associate with our enemies on Mr. Obama's watch.  He knew.

The USA fostered the overthrow of foreign sovereigns, Mr. Obama knew

The administration violated the citizens' trust with the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS mess, the AP attack, persecution of conservative individuals leading up to the Election, among other items of interest.  Mr. Obama knew of each of these things.  No department would dare embark upon these serious infractions without getting approval from Mr. Obama. 

Mr. Obama and his minions must go.

I can't wait for Mr. Obama to tell us it was Bush's fault.  Maybe so, but he didn't stop it.  He has "guilty" written across his forehead.

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