Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mr. Obama Is Not Responsible?

I wonder if any CEO in any enterprise in the world could say to his stockholders, "I wasn't involved, and I'm not responsible."

Let me see if I have this straight. 

Mr. Obama obviously doesn't hold meetings with his Cabinet.  I guess it would get in the way of his Golf games, parties, and numerous vacations.

However, if I remember correctly, each of the Federal Government's several departments report to the President of the United States.

Solyndra was an Energy Department mess (along with others).  The Energy Department is a department of the Federal Government and thus reports to Mr. Obama.

Benghazi was/is a Department of State debacle.  The Department of State is a department of the Federal Government and thus reports to Mr. Obama.

The current IRS scandle is a Treasury Department problem.  The Treasury is a department of the Federal Government and thus reports to Mr. Obama.

The AP scandle is a Department of Justice project.  The Department of Justice is a Federal Government that reports to Mr. Obama.

Fast and Furious was a project of the Department of Justice.  The Department of Justice is a department of the Federal Government that reports guessed it...Mr. Obama.

But Mr. Obama learned of all these events by watching the news? 

Perhaps if he had meetings with his people and held them responsible for their departments there might be a difference.  However, not having ever managed anything more than a classroom, he still has no experience managing a large organization. 

Perhaps Mr. Obama simply selected corrupt minions to work in his behalf thinking they could work without supervision.  That's what has happened, but MR. OBAMA IS STILL RESPONSIBLE and MR. BIDEN is also culpable because he agrees, aloud, with everything Mr. Obama does or says. 

I think both Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden should resign.  I'm nervous what kind of president Mr. Boehner would be, though.  He is not exactly Mr. Conservative.

We have a corrupt, inept, disorganized, and disconnected government and we need to get it fixed ASAP.

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