Friday, May 24, 2013

Musings of an old fashioned, conservative nobody.

1.  In the middle of several investigations that have just begun, the USA's government takes a break.  Most of us had the good fortune to work today and will again get to work half a day on Monday.  Congress takes more time off than school teachers.  Perhaps they should make school teacher salary?

2.  Why is it that the more money you make the more time off you get?  It should be the other way around.

 3.  It used to be that governmental leaders encouraged families to save money and resources for "a rainy day", for disaster, or for "retirement".  Today government is working to keep us from saving, and if we did manage to save anything, they will tax and re-tax and re-re-tax it until there isn't anything left. 

4.  Isn't it interesting that in liberal New Orleans, when disaster struck, the people all looked for somebody to take care of them.  When God fearing conservative Oklahoma was struck with disaster, they began to clean up and fix up immediately using their own resources.  They didn't wait for the government.  As a matter of fact they resisted governmental interfering.  I wonder why that might be.  Could it be that conservatives are more willing to be take care of themselves than liberals?  I'll probably get some hate-mail for that one.

5.  I wonder why the perception of "illegal" immigrants is that they are just here for welfare.  I know a great many immigrants. I have no idea whether they are legal or "illegal", but I find them to be industrious, hard working, God fearing people.  Many are here to avoid a terrible situation in the gang infested regions of Mexico, or the repressions of Peru, or the hate in Brazil, or the regime of Nicaragua, and...and...and.  Some came here because of mortal peril.  They were threatened with death in their own country because of their religious belief. 

I believe in stronger border control, but I also believe in welcoming immigrants who are not criminals.  I don't care what education they have or what position in life they may have attained.  I don't even care about quotas.  I believe immigrants have a responsibility to learn the language, study our constitution and Declaration of Independence, and participate in our society openly.  I also believe they should speak their native language at home and in their family to preserve their culture, but when out in public they should communicate in the common language.

6.  I wonder why being a raging Islamist isn't wrong, but being a devout Christian or Jew is.  I wonder why all of the so-called Christians sects do not and will not respect each other.  I wonder why there is so much hate between religious sects.  Why is there discrimination against Christians and Children of Israel.  I wonder why Islam hates Israel when both descended from Abraham.  I know, but I'll bet they don't. know.

7.  I wonder when the USA will return itself to a nation of Christian Judeo traditions upon which it was founded.  I wonder when we will return to open worship of our God instead of restricting our ability to practice our religion.  I wonder when we will again have "freedom of religion" instead of "freedom from religion".  I wonder when we will honor our constitution instead of dishonor it.

8.  I wonder when we will again have an honest POTUS.  We certainly do not have one now.

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