Sunday, March 20, 2011

For once I agree with some Democrats

Perhaps there ARE some Democrat politicians that have a brain cell left.  They are asking, "what is our objective in Libya?"  and, "at what point do we declare success?"

Some of them are asking why we are there in the first place, just as I asked.  Why ARE we there?  The Ayatollah Obama has embroiled us in a Civil War in which we can be nothing but losers.  The Libyan government doesn't want us there, nor does the populace.  We have no national interests there.  We have no business interfering in Libya's domestic struggles.   We cannot afford to be the world's policemen any longer.  Bad people will be bad.  Will the United States fall into the same paint?

Mr. Kucinich asks if these missile strikes are not impeachable offenses.  I also wonder.  We have let the United Nations again lead us blindly into an unsustainable position.  This week the Arab League will likely retract it's support for this action.  And then where will we be?  We were supposed to be helping to keep innocent citizens from being killed by Mr Quadaffi. Instead the coalition is doing it for him.  We need to get out now and stay out of any nation's domestic problems.  I imagine we would have felt the same if another nation would have interfered during the protests and riots  of the 60's.

Get out now.  Turn the ships and aircraft around and get out of Dodge.  This is pure insanity.

Enough said.

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