Saturday, March 19, 2011

Libya: Interference is not good.

I wonder about current political thinking.  According to the current thinking, it appears that it is ok for the international community to interfere with domestic events in sovereign nations.  I wonder if it would be ok for the international community to interfere with events in the United States if  the citizens decided to raise up against the Ayatollah Barry Obama and the current political government.  Would they establish a no-fly zone here?  Would they determine that the United States was no longer a "democratic" society?

We are pretty arrogant in our thinking.

Of course Colonel Quadaffi is protecting his government just as our government would do in the United States.  What right do we have to prevent him from doing so?  At the same time, those who initiated the unrest in those nations in the Middle-East and Africa are also not citizens there.  They, and not the governments should be blamed for whatever violence the governments undertake to quell rebellion.  It is too much of a coincidence that so many nations are involved in domestic unrest at the same time.  Someone is coordinating all this.  It feels like a conspiracy to me.

While I think those regimes are repressive and should be overthrown, it is up to the native peoples to do so.  I don't recall much international involvement when the British Colonies in America decided to revolt and throw off the yoke of their masters.  They knew it would be bloody and would take courage.  We are the stronger as a result.  

If the native peoples of those nations are successful in throwing of their oppressors, they will be the stronger for it; but only if they do it without influence from new despots who just want power over the people much like those they are attempting to depose.

Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. Might wanna check those history books:

    I'm not sure it's a good idea to get involved in Libya either, but then if our government suddenly started turning the full power of the military force onto unarmed civilians I imagine I'd hope someone would intervene.

    As to the conspiracy, revolution is catching, we've known this for a very long time. There's a reason slave revolutions caught like wildfar, and there's a reason so many colonies shook off foreign rule in such a short amount of time. It wasn't exactly a conspiracy, it's just that once people realize that someone else managed to rise above oppression they start wanting to try to do it themselves.

    It's just facilitated in this day and age of instant communication. The revolutions weren't exactly localized, they were put out on the internet for the entire world to watch real-time. That said, it's no secret that the Muslim Brotherhood is doing their best to work people up and prod the revolutions.

    I have to say that your constant personal name-calling of Obama is getting on my every last nerve. Do you have to make up a new slight every time you mention the guy's name? I get that you don't like him, but how mature is that?
