Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What a GIANT flippin' mess.

Now that the coalition is busy destroying Libya, suddenly nobody wants to be in charge.  France says it isn't fighting a war, Germany backed out completely, Italy says if NATO isn't in charge it won't participate, the Ayatollah Obama said the United States is not in charge, the Arab League is going to withdraw it's support, so the ones left holding the bag seems to be Great Britain.  

I wonder if it is because the wind isn't blowing in the direction all these nations thought it would blow.  Citizens of these nations are wondering the same thing I've been wondering.  What was the point of this exercise?  Merely to show that we are stronger than Libya?  I don't get it. 

Now we learn that Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood are fighting to figure out who will come out as leaders after this is all over.  We big bad interfering countries aren't going to do anything but bomb bomb bomb, so someone has to take charge.  I wonder how much better off Libyans will be when they get the privilege of living Sharia law.  I wonder how we'll sleep at night knowing that we helped put those people under an even more repressive regime than they've had.  I, for one, thought this was a bad idea from the outset and I'm being proven correct.

 I wonder when we'll learn to follow the precepts taught in the scriptures.  If you are the aggressor, you will lose.  If you are simply defending your nation, family, and way of life, you will overcome.  Our nation needs to return to it's God fearing roots and get out of this socialist/communist leftism under which we are languishing. 

We need to get on our knees, repent of the stupid things we've done in the last 50 years and get back to our family based culture.  We need to study the Scriptures and pray to learn what they are trying to teach us.

Enough said.

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