Thursday, March 3, 2011

The news can be disturbing

Unrest in Libya, unrest in Egypt, unrest in Yemen, Unrest in here and there, unrest everywhere. What do you think is causing such "spontaneous" unrest?  I have my own suspicions, but no proof. 

What if one wanted to take the world population's mind off of world financial woes?  What if one wanted to do as magicians do and misdirect our attention away from what causes us most trouble.  What if our world leaders hoped to subvert our sensibilities by causing us to be concerned elsewhere other than keeping our eye on the real prize.

What if peace and freedom was at risk, but our energies were focused on little feuds around the world?  What if civil wars in several countries were stimulated by evil men wanting to circumvent the rules of world order?   What if the "New World Order" is being brought about by  conspiring men through secret combinations against the will of the peoples of the world?  What if...what if.

We must stay close to our Heavenly Father.  I learned, in my youth, a little piece of wisdom.   I learned it in Seminary.  It is simply this: Search, Ponder and Pray.  Search out Heavenly Father's will for us by studying His dealings with His people in times past and by studying His prophet's teachings today.  Ponder what you have read and learned.  Then pray about it.  Ask Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, how what you have learned is to be applied to you directly.

I'll bet you'll learn things you didn't know before.  You might not be happy with what you learn.  After you have received your answer, pray again for confirmation that the answer is from Him.  Then act upon that answer and follow His plan for you.

I know you will be better for it.  If the peoples of the world would return to worshipping God instead of personal power and wealth there would be peace and prosperity for all.  Look at the City of Enoch.

Enough said. 

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