What a wonderful time of the year! We will celebrate the third most sacred event in this world's history on Sunday, December 25. Although we know Jesus was not actually born on December 25 we have elected to celebrate it at that time.
There have been many stories told about the cold and winter night when Jesus was born, but given the circumstances we know that it was in the Spring at the time of the Passover when He was actually born. Scholars have estimated that Passover came on or about April 6 on our calendar. There is still much discussion as to the actual year. It doesn't really matter, though. What DOES matter is that we recognize that the Savior of the world was born, that He experienced His young life as did His earthly peers of the time. We suspect that He learned the trade of His step-father and we are pretty sure that He became proficient as a carpenter.
We know that He did not take a ministry upon Himself until the age of 30, because that was the age that a man was considered knowledgeable enough to preach by the culture of the time. We do know that He went to the temple beginning at age 12, and we suspect that He went there often so as to learn line upon line, and precept upon precept. What kind of things did He learn? He learned of Jewish law. He learned what the Jews knew about the scriptures and how they were to be treated. He learned the perversions attached to the scriptures that would create the environment the Pharisees wanted or needed to satisfy their existence. He learned the details of the Law of Moses an how the Law had been changed over the generations. He learned to speak to large groups. All that He learned was to prepare Him for His life's mission.
We know He began his ministry with 40 days and nights of fasting and communing with His physical Father. We know that He was temped in much the same way as we are tempted using basic human needs and desires. We know that He resisted those temptations and was able to overcome Satan's enticements.
We know that He preached, taught, expounded, exhorted, and loved His followers. We know that He loved all of the inhabitants of the world so much that He was willing to give up His physical comfort and even His very life for us. We know that He suffered a total withdrawal of the spirit as He paid for the Sins of all the inhabitants of the world, past, present, and future. We know that His payment is conditional upon our accepting that sacrifice, repenting of our sins, and keeping His commandments. We know that He suffered torture, was degraded, spit upon, and scorned.
We know that He was lifted up on the cross at Calvary. We know that He died there on Friday afternoon. We know He laid in the grave through Saturday until Sunday morning and was resurrected on Sunday morning. We know that He visited with the other flocks of His fold as He said He would do. We know that He preached the same gospel to those other flocks as described in the Book of Mormon.
We know that He lives and is concerned about each of us and our lives.
This is my testimony: I know that Jesus lives, that He is the Christ, the Savior of the world. I know that his Father lives and is the Father of our spirits. I know that Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father are physical exalted beings who know each of us by name. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820 for the purpose of setting in motion the restoration of the Gospel after having been dormant for hundreds of years. I know the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is available to us today. I know that the fullness of the Gospel is taught in the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
I hope that each of my readers will seek out those truths for themselves.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
I Am Most Thankful....on Thanksgiving Day 2016
As I sit here contemplating my life as I currently live it, I am considering the things for which I am most Thankful.
I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, for His Son, Jesus Christ, and for the restoration of priesthood authority along with the restoration of church structure as it was founded in the meridian of times. I am thankful for the opportunity to work in the House of the Lord in behalf of those persons who have passed from this life without having received the ordinances required for exaltation.
I am thankful for living prophets who give us the counsel we need to live our lives righteously.
I am thankful for those pilgrims that came to this land early in the 1600's. I am thankful for the religious freedoms they found here and that those freedoms are largely still available here. I am thankful for those indigenous peoples that assisted the pilgrims to survive those first few years. The pilgrims were significantly unprepared to live in wilderness conditions.
I am thankful for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe both of them are inspired documents prepared by men selected and prepared by the Almighty to do the work of laying the framework of this most favored nation.
I am thankful for farmers who spend their lives growing the crops needed for our nation and the world. I am also thankful for ranchers who raise the beef, turkeys, chickens, sheep, pigs, and fish needed for our nation and the world.
I am thankful for the friends I have attracted through the years. I am grateful for the influence they have been in my life and that they have supported me in my various avocations.
I am thankful for the heritage given to me by my ancestors. I love the traditions passed from generation to generation that have come into my life. Hopefully I have successfully passed these traditions to my offspring.
I am thankful for a loving wife who is perfect for me. I am thankful for the her parents who raised a righteous daughter. I am thankful for the 7 children she has given me and for the generous people each of our children have turned out to be. I am thankful for my growing posterity and for the individuals each are becoming.
I guess mostly, I am just thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, for His Son, Jesus Christ, and for the restoration of priesthood authority along with the restoration of church structure as it was founded in the meridian of times. I am thankful for the opportunity to work in the House of the Lord in behalf of those persons who have passed from this life without having received the ordinances required for exaltation.
I am thankful for living prophets who give us the counsel we need to live our lives righteously.
I am thankful for those pilgrims that came to this land early in the 1600's. I am thankful for the religious freedoms they found here and that those freedoms are largely still available here. I am thankful for those indigenous peoples that assisted the pilgrims to survive those first few years. The pilgrims were significantly unprepared to live in wilderness conditions.
I am thankful for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe both of them are inspired documents prepared by men selected and prepared by the Almighty to do the work of laying the framework of this most favored nation.
I am thankful for farmers who spend their lives growing the crops needed for our nation and the world. I am also thankful for ranchers who raise the beef, turkeys, chickens, sheep, pigs, and fish needed for our nation and the world.
I am thankful for the friends I have attracted through the years. I am grateful for the influence they have been in my life and that they have supported me in my various avocations.
I am thankful for the heritage given to me by my ancestors. I love the traditions passed from generation to generation that have come into my life. Hopefully I have successfully passed these traditions to my offspring.
I am thankful for a loving wife who is perfect for me. I am thankful for the her parents who raised a righteous daughter. I am thankful for the 7 children she has given me and for the generous people each of our children have turned out to be. I am thankful for my growing posterity and for the individuals each are becoming.
I guess mostly, I am just thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Thoughts on the Election
My thoughts are a little mixed with regard to yesterday's election.
I am elated that Mrs. Clinton did not ascend to the presidency of the United States of America. I am fairly pleased that Mr. Trump was elected. There is much to be done in repairing the damage that has occurred over the past 8 years.
Thankfully, the era of apologizing to the world for the USA will soon be past us and we can again place ourselves into leadership. It will take a whole lot of time and patience, but it can be done and needs to be done as soon as possible.
Here are a few suggestions for the President Elect:
Close the EPA: It has been the single most damaging agency with regard to jobs and income for the small business and individuals in the USA. There is no constitutional authority for its existence.
Close the Department of Education and send responsibility for education back to the states. There is no constitutional authority for it in the first place. Currently is is a department of jack-booted thugs that exercises severe intimidation of state and local schools. Pinch off the money pipeline to Colleges and Universities. Let the students do what we did in our time. Work through the summer to pay for the year of education. Two things will result. Education will become less expensive and the students will better appreciate the things they learn.
Close the BATF and send whatever chores they may be doing back to the states, who actually do most of the work anyway. There is no constitutional authority for its existence.
Close the Department of Energy. It is the second most damaging department in the administration. It does more to limit energy in the United States that it does in helping produce it. Let private industry do what it does best which is risk management and production of goods and services.
Close the Department of Transportation and send those responsibilities back to the states where they belong. Again the constitution does not give authority for it. This department regulates an industry that it does not represent nor understand. It writes rules and regulations that are nonsensical and difficult to fulfill. Let trucking companies and railroad companies do what they do best.
Reduce the IRS and get rid of the unconstitutional courts that operate within it. The IRS and its courts have abandoned the 5th amendment and needs to be reined in.
This re-organizing of the Federal Government will go a long way to reduce costs.
At the same time, I believe all of the military departments need strengthening with a little prudence. It appears to me that there are too many of our soldiers working at the Pentagon and too few working in the field. Non-Governmental auditors would have a good effect and would then permit an honest wage for the military men who actually do the work of defending our nation. that would be the enlisted forces.
The largest body of water on this planet sits on the western border of the United States. I'm told it is too expensive to pump that water out, harvest the minerals and convert it to fresh water for farmland and for domestic use. I do not understand that thinking. Some of the most highly qualified engineers and scientists are located on the left coast. Surely they could figure out how to do filtration and sales of minerals in such a way that it can be done with a "0' net cost. If they cannot, perhaps I could point them to a successful inventor that could help them with that project.
Congressional staffs could be reduced somewhat too. Perhaps those men and women who were elected to protect our interests in congress could actually do some of the reading and investigations themselves. What a novel idea!
A law should be established that no Representative or Senator could vote on an issue, statute, or bill without first having personally reading it in its entirety. Perhaps the thousands-of-pages-long bills would not be enacted.
I know I've stood on this soap-box in the past, but I still hold on to these beliefs. Use the constitution as it is written and let the citizens do what they do best.
If Mr. Trump would like to contact me, I'd be happy to offer more suggestions for paring down the government.
I am elated that Mrs. Clinton did not ascend to the presidency of the United States of America. I am fairly pleased that Mr. Trump was elected. There is much to be done in repairing the damage that has occurred over the past 8 years.
Thankfully, the era of apologizing to the world for the USA will soon be past us and we can again place ourselves into leadership. It will take a whole lot of time and patience, but it can be done and needs to be done as soon as possible.
Here are a few suggestions for the President Elect:
Close the EPA: It has been the single most damaging agency with regard to jobs and income for the small business and individuals in the USA. There is no constitutional authority for its existence.
Close the Department of Education and send responsibility for education back to the states. There is no constitutional authority for it in the first place. Currently is is a department of jack-booted thugs that exercises severe intimidation of state and local schools. Pinch off the money pipeline to Colleges and Universities. Let the students do what we did in our time. Work through the summer to pay for the year of education. Two things will result. Education will become less expensive and the students will better appreciate the things they learn.
Close the BATF and send whatever chores they may be doing back to the states, who actually do most of the work anyway. There is no constitutional authority for its existence.
Close the Department of Energy. It is the second most damaging department in the administration. It does more to limit energy in the United States that it does in helping produce it. Let private industry do what it does best which is risk management and production of goods and services.
Close the Department of Transportation and send those responsibilities back to the states where they belong. Again the constitution does not give authority for it. This department regulates an industry that it does not represent nor understand. It writes rules and regulations that are nonsensical and difficult to fulfill. Let trucking companies and railroad companies do what they do best.
Reduce the IRS and get rid of the unconstitutional courts that operate within it. The IRS and its courts have abandoned the 5th amendment and needs to be reined in.
This re-organizing of the Federal Government will go a long way to reduce costs.
At the same time, I believe all of the military departments need strengthening with a little prudence. It appears to me that there are too many of our soldiers working at the Pentagon and too few working in the field. Non-Governmental auditors would have a good effect and would then permit an honest wage for the military men who actually do the work of defending our nation. that would be the enlisted forces.
The largest body of water on this planet sits on the western border of the United States. I'm told it is too expensive to pump that water out, harvest the minerals and convert it to fresh water for farmland and for domestic use. I do not understand that thinking. Some of the most highly qualified engineers and scientists are located on the left coast. Surely they could figure out how to do filtration and sales of minerals in such a way that it can be done with a "0' net cost. If they cannot, perhaps I could point them to a successful inventor that could help them with that project.
Congressional staffs could be reduced somewhat too. Perhaps those men and women who were elected to protect our interests in congress could actually do some of the reading and investigations themselves. What a novel idea!
A law should be established that no Representative or Senator could vote on an issue, statute, or bill without first having personally reading it in its entirety. Perhaps the thousands-of-pages-long bills would not be enacted.
I know I've stood on this soap-box in the past, but I still hold on to these beliefs. Use the constitution as it is written and let the citizens do what they do best.
If Mr. Trump would like to contact me, I'd be happy to offer more suggestions for paring down the government.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
A Special and Historic Day
Today was an Historic and Special day for me. Before I tell you why, I must give some background.
A little over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. As a result of the disease, I have been told that the blood vessels in my lungs are becoming thick and are restricting the amount of oxygen that can pass into my blood, and the only cure is a heart-lung transplant. In the mean time I have been on full time Oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen available, as a hope to mitigate the problem. One of the symptoms of my disease is shortness of breath, especially when exerting any physical activity. As an example I could not climb even a short flight of stairs without nearly passing out. I would have to stop and pant to recover enough oxygen, even if I was currently using supplemental oxygen.
Fast forward to 6.5 months ago. I was asked to work as an Ordinance Worker in the St. George Temple. When I was set apart I was given a blessing of "health sufficient to the work". From that moment on I have not needed oxygen while working in the Temple. This miracle continued. I no longer need Oxygen as long as I am in St. George, Utah.
Fast forward to today. We were permitted to use the Assembly Room on the 4th Floor of the Temple for our Preparation Meeting today as all of the shifts are doing this week. Access to the 4th Floor entails climbing 5 flights of stairs. This is an historic event, because we are not normally permitted into the Assembly Room. Access is controlled by the First Presidency of the Church. It is kept just as it was constructed in 1877. It has no air conditioning, no lights, and no carpet. And yet, the spirit I felt there was phenomenal. Every living prophet except Joseph Smith has been in that room. We were able to feel the Spirit of the Lord very strongly. The miracle for me is that I was able to climb the stairs, at normal pace and without stopping to gasp for air, from the ground floor up 5 full flights of stairs. When I arrived at the 4th floor I was not out of breath at all.
I am grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord. I am grateful for the blessings I have received over my lifetime and particularly for those blessings I am experiencing today.
I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that he is in control of my circumstances. I know that He is the Son of the Living God. I know that he communicates his will to a living prophet who he has called and prepared to lead his covenant people. I know that Thomas S. Monson is that prophet today. I know that through the Prophet Joseph Smith the same authority given to Peter, James, and John of the New Testament, and to the prophets of old, was restored to the earth after generations of darkness. I know that many of my readers may have trouble understanding how this is possible. I welcome any comments you may have.
A little over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. As a result of the disease, I have been told that the blood vessels in my lungs are becoming thick and are restricting the amount of oxygen that can pass into my blood, and the only cure is a heart-lung transplant. In the mean time I have been on full time Oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen available, as a hope to mitigate the problem. One of the symptoms of my disease is shortness of breath, especially when exerting any physical activity. As an example I could not climb even a short flight of stairs without nearly passing out. I would have to stop and pant to recover enough oxygen, even if I was currently using supplemental oxygen.
Fast forward to 6.5 months ago. I was asked to work as an Ordinance Worker in the St. George Temple. When I was set apart I was given a blessing of "health sufficient to the work". From that moment on I have not needed oxygen while working in the Temple. This miracle continued. I no longer need Oxygen as long as I am in St. George, Utah.
Fast forward to today. We were permitted to use the Assembly Room on the 4th Floor of the Temple for our Preparation Meeting today as all of the shifts are doing this week. Access to the 4th Floor entails climbing 5 flights of stairs. This is an historic event, because we are not normally permitted into the Assembly Room. Access is controlled by the First Presidency of the Church. It is kept just as it was constructed in 1877. It has no air conditioning, no lights, and no carpet. And yet, the spirit I felt there was phenomenal. Every living prophet except Joseph Smith has been in that room. We were able to feel the Spirit of the Lord very strongly. The miracle for me is that I was able to climb the stairs, at normal pace and without stopping to gasp for air, from the ground floor up 5 full flights of stairs. When I arrived at the 4th floor I was not out of breath at all.
I am grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord. I am grateful for the blessings I have received over my lifetime and particularly for those blessings I am experiencing today.
I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that he is in control of my circumstances. I know that He is the Son of the Living God. I know that he communicates his will to a living prophet who he has called and prepared to lead his covenant people. I know that Thomas S. Monson is that prophet today. I know that through the Prophet Joseph Smith the same authority given to Peter, James, and John of the New Testament, and to the prophets of old, was restored to the earth after generations of darkness. I know that many of my readers may have trouble understanding how this is possible. I welcome any comments you may have.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Where is Captain Moroni?
I wonder, in the midst of the rule of the King-men and in the midst of the Gadianton Robbers, where is Captain Moroni? We are in the middle of an election cycle that pits a professional politician, wanting to be coronated so that the the policies of the establishment elites can be perpetuated, against a flawed man who is interested in liberating the nation and restoring liberty to the individuals. One is a globalist and the other is a nationalist. One wants to advance the "New World Order" and the other wants to return to "America First'.
The struggle I see is much like the struggles described in Alma chapters 60 thru 62. So now we must determine who is Captain Moroni. Who will restore a representative democracy, where each CITIZEN has a vote and none else? Who will attempt to enslave our citizens through executive fiats and king-like decrees permitting laws handed down from other nations or the United Nation even if it will be contrary to our own laws and traditions? Who will corrupt our political system and permit citizens of the world to vote in our nation's election? Which candidate is recruiting voters that no longer are able to vote due to criminal activity? Who is recruiting dead citizens to vote and then using those registrations to vote in the dead's behalf?
Which candidate is going out to the masses in their communities to seek support of those communities? Which candidate is listening to the common individual without regard to their ethnicity? Which candidate understands the destroying limitations placed on business and individuals by out-of-control national and local governments?
Who will appoint justices that will uphold the original intent of those divine documents of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? Who will appoint justices that will continue to limit freedoms?
Neither of the two major candidates are perfect. Both have flaws. Both have offended a portion of the electorate. So it becomes necessary for the CITIZENS to determine who will do the least damage to our way of life.
It is disturbing to me that these questions must be answered. Our nation was not founded upon liars, cheats, and thieves but rather on honest men who wanted only to be free from oppression. Today we have more oppression than that against which the revolution was fought, and it must be defeated again.
So I repeat... Where is Captain Moroni?
The struggle I see is much like the struggles described in Alma chapters 60 thru 62. So now we must determine who is Captain Moroni. Who will restore a representative democracy, where each CITIZEN has a vote and none else? Who will attempt to enslave our citizens through executive fiats and king-like decrees permitting laws handed down from other nations or the United Nation even if it will be contrary to our own laws and traditions? Who will corrupt our political system and permit citizens of the world to vote in our nation's election? Which candidate is recruiting voters that no longer are able to vote due to criminal activity? Who is recruiting dead citizens to vote and then using those registrations to vote in the dead's behalf?
Which candidate is going out to the masses in their communities to seek support of those communities? Which candidate is listening to the common individual without regard to their ethnicity? Which candidate understands the destroying limitations placed on business and individuals by out-of-control national and local governments?
Who will appoint justices that will uphold the original intent of those divine documents of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? Who will appoint justices that will continue to limit freedoms?
Neither of the two major candidates are perfect. Both have flaws. Both have offended a portion of the electorate. So it becomes necessary for the CITIZENS to determine who will do the least damage to our way of life.
It is disturbing to me that these questions must be answered. Our nation was not founded upon liars, cheats, and thieves but rather on honest men who wanted only to be free from oppression. Today we have more oppression than that against which the revolution was fought, and it must be defeated again.
So I repeat... Where is Captain Moroni?
Saturday, September 10, 2016
I Am Boycotting the NFL
I have made a personal resolution to never watch another professional football game, either live or on television, because of the apparent lack of respect for our nation and its flag shown by the NFL and its employees, players and coaches. I find the juvenile, violent, and abusive behavior of these so-called "heroes" towards whom the youth of our nation look for inspiration to be abhorrent and I will not support it.
While I believe it is appropriate for these people to express their own personal beliefs I believe I am justified in expressing my contempt for those decisions. I am not naive enough to think my personal decision to boycott the NFL, its broadcasting partners, distributors, and any other person or organization that may support the NFL will much affect them, it does have an effect on me.
I am extremely supportive of our nation, its flag, Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance, and Declaration of Independence. I will gladly support those people, organizations, companies and churches that reflect my personal belief and I accept the responsibility to reject those who do not. I understand our nation is under siege politically and spiritually and I will not permit that deviance affect my life. I will vote for those whom I believe will unashamedly lead our nation within the concepts of the Title of Liberty. It is time for our people to acknowledge and revere that Supreme Being that inspired the establishment of our nation and encourage our people to return to the habit of prayer and supplication.
It is time to teach our children that the only true path to peace and happiness is through the efforts of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is time that we collectively accept the concepts found in the Scriptures and live by those concepts.
While I believe it is appropriate for these people to express their own personal beliefs I believe I am justified in expressing my contempt for those decisions. I am not naive enough to think my personal decision to boycott the NFL, its broadcasting partners, distributors, and any other person or organization that may support the NFL will much affect them, it does have an effect on me.
I am extremely supportive of our nation, its flag, Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance, and Declaration of Independence. I will gladly support those people, organizations, companies and churches that reflect my personal belief and I accept the responsibility to reject those who do not. I understand our nation is under siege politically and spiritually and I will not permit that deviance affect my life. I will vote for those whom I believe will unashamedly lead our nation within the concepts of the Title of Liberty. It is time for our people to acknowledge and revere that Supreme Being that inspired the establishment of our nation and encourage our people to return to the habit of prayer and supplication.
It is time to teach our children that the only true path to peace and happiness is through the efforts of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is time that we collectively accept the concepts found in the Scriptures and live by those concepts.
Friday, August 19, 2016
RE: supposed White Privelege
I'm getting a little tired of folks blaming so-called white folks for the ills happening in the United States today Here's a little dose of reality: In my own family's case, my ancestors migrated from Europe in the space of time of 1840-1867. They used ALL of their families resources just to get to the United States and then when they arrived they were abused, were victims of discrimination, were spat upon, and even called vermin by the state of Missouri. They were forced from their homes by "militias" and were denied basic protections by the Federal Government. They left their homes with little more than the clothing on their backs and a few provisions with which they made their way into the west.
Did they complain? I'm sure they must have, but instead of rioting or tearing down their own community, they left their homes after cleaning them and putting them in order. Rather than fight and destroy, they were compliant. They moved to locations where nobody else wanted to live and they began to build. Did they request assistance from the various governments? NO! They went to work and created their own environment within which they were more comfortable. My family comes from a rich heritage of hard work and community involvement.
So my question is this: Why are these "thugs of color" afraid to work in a similar manor. I have never in my life understood why they tear up their own communities, the stores from which they shop, the businesses that hire their people and the churches to which they claim to worship God. Why would they not want to lift themselves up instead of lowering themselves. I have often heard the statement, "We'll show "whitey" who we are". All they have shown "whitey" is that they cannot be trusted in their own neighborhoods. They refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and their own status. I heard one young man say, "all these people are rich and they aren't giving us any money." Why would any one person think he/she deserves the resources for which he/she refuses to work?
I believe this to be a familial tragedy. I believe this attitude begins at home. The parents do not appear to be teaching the children about self worth, self motivation, self esteem, self determination, or personal responsibility. Of course there are exceptions I admire the mothers that pulled their sons away from rioting and punished them for such anti-social behavior.
These people are their own worst enemies. What they should be doing is build and lift instead of destroy and sink.
Did they complain? I'm sure they must have, but instead of rioting or tearing down their own community, they left their homes after cleaning them and putting them in order. Rather than fight and destroy, they were compliant. They moved to locations where nobody else wanted to live and they began to build. Did they request assistance from the various governments? NO! They went to work and created their own environment within which they were more comfortable. My family comes from a rich heritage of hard work and community involvement.
So my question is this: Why are these "thugs of color" afraid to work in a similar manor. I have never in my life understood why they tear up their own communities, the stores from which they shop, the businesses that hire their people and the churches to which they claim to worship God. Why would they not want to lift themselves up instead of lowering themselves. I have often heard the statement, "We'll show "whitey" who we are". All they have shown "whitey" is that they cannot be trusted in their own neighborhoods. They refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and their own status. I heard one young man say, "all these people are rich and they aren't giving us any money." Why would any one person think he/she deserves the resources for which he/she refuses to work?
I believe this to be a familial tragedy. I believe this attitude begins at home. The parents do not appear to be teaching the children about self worth, self motivation, self esteem, self determination, or personal responsibility. Of course there are exceptions I admire the mothers that pulled their sons away from rioting and punished them for such anti-social behavior.
These people are their own worst enemies. What they should be doing is build and lift instead of destroy and sink.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
My Cup Runneth Over
Here is my latest Political analysis:
Hillary must not be permitted to occupy the White House. Her stated goals for her potential presidency will completely destroy the traditional American culture. We cannot permit her to appoint even one Supreme Court justice. I believe her mental health to be marginal at best, and I cannot envision her as commander-in-chief of the armed forces when she cannot even take care of one ambassador and his staff. Lying seems to be her best accomplishment.
The new arrival on the scene, Evan McMullin is endorsed by the establishment Republican elitist class. He appears to be a great candidate, and his stated positions look pretty good, but so have the past candidates. Here are my problems with Mr. McMullin:
1. He doesn't participate in family life. 40 years old and never married. I don't know and I don't really care the reasons why. He cannot identify with the middle class family situation.
2. He is endorsed by establishment Republicans who we propose to replace. The establishment Republicans are elitist and have been in power AND HAVE NOT DONE WHAT THEY WERE SENT TO WASHINGTON TO DO. They just don't get it. In my opinion, the ideal candidate is one that intends to shake up the federal government and get it back to where it should be with respect to the consitution.
3. He is entering the race very late. There is not sufficient time to complete vet him. Just because he is LDS is not sufficient for me. He could be the spoiler for the republican party.
I don't like Mr. Johnson because of the warts he brings to the table. He is an admitted current illegal drug user. Can you even consider letting him be Commander-in-Chief?
So, I guess my vote will go to Mr. Trump. Even though I think there are better candidates available, I will vote so that the Supreme Court can be filled with conservative justices with an originalist bent.. He isn't a politician, which I like, and he is interested in shaking up and reducing the blood sucking federal agencies that are killing our society and culture.
Hillary must not be permitted to occupy the White House. Her stated goals for her potential presidency will completely destroy the traditional American culture. We cannot permit her to appoint even one Supreme Court justice. I believe her mental health to be marginal at best, and I cannot envision her as commander-in-chief of the armed forces when she cannot even take care of one ambassador and his staff. Lying seems to be her best accomplishment.
The new arrival on the scene, Evan McMullin is endorsed by the establishment Republican elitist class. He appears to be a great candidate, and his stated positions look pretty good, but so have the past candidates. Here are my problems with Mr. McMullin:
1. He doesn't participate in family life. 40 years old and never married. I don't know and I don't really care the reasons why. He cannot identify with the middle class family situation.
2. He is endorsed by establishment Republicans who we propose to replace. The establishment Republicans are elitist and have been in power AND HAVE NOT DONE WHAT THEY WERE SENT TO WASHINGTON TO DO. They just don't get it. In my opinion, the ideal candidate is one that intends to shake up the federal government and get it back to where it should be with respect to the consitution.
3. He is entering the race very late. There is not sufficient time to complete vet him. Just because he is LDS is not sufficient for me. He could be the spoiler for the republican party.
I don't like Mr. Johnson because of the warts he brings to the table. He is an admitted current illegal drug user. Can you even consider letting him be Commander-in-Chief?
So, I guess my vote will go to Mr. Trump. Even though I think there are better candidates available, I will vote so that the Supreme Court can be filled with conservative justices with an originalist bent.. He isn't a politician, which I like, and he is interested in shaking up and reducing the blood sucking federal agencies that are killing our society and culture.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Why Am I Forced to Know of Bedroom Activity?
I am not interested in what goes on in any individual bedroom. I am not interested in whether LGBT or straight activity is going on. I don't want to know if there are any deviant activity or not. So WHY AM I FORCED TO KNOW WHAT LGBT ACTIVITY IS GOING ON BY LGBT ACTIVISTS?
Would it be offensive to have a Straight Pride parade? We are forced to witness Gay Pride parades all over the country through newscasts, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Why is it offensive to desire non-trans restrooms? I am not interested whether or not a Trans uses any particular restroom However, if one LOOKS like a male, he/she should use a men's room. If one LOOKS like a female he/she should use the ladies room. Why would one intentionally want to draw attention to himself/herself if they are really interested in privacy?
Why do I need to participate in the deviant activities and appear to agree with them, when doing so is contrary to my own beliefs?
Why is it acceptable to force these things on me?
Why is not acceptable for me to observe and practice my 1st Amendment rights?
Why am I criticized for practicing my religion. Why are Churches being criticized for practicing their stated precepts?
While I love each member of my family, I do not need to know what they do in their own homes, and I am not interested in having any of my posterity report that information to me unsolicited. These things are personal and private, in my opinion, and do not need to shared.
Would it be offensive to have a Straight Pride parade? We are forced to witness Gay Pride parades all over the country through newscasts, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Why is it offensive to desire non-trans restrooms? I am not interested whether or not a Trans uses any particular restroom However, if one LOOKS like a male, he/she should use a men's room. If one LOOKS like a female he/she should use the ladies room. Why would one intentionally want to draw attention to himself/herself if they are really interested in privacy?
Why do I need to participate in the deviant activities and appear to agree with them, when doing so is contrary to my own beliefs?
Why is it acceptable to force these things on me?
Why is not acceptable for me to observe and practice my 1st Amendment rights?
Why am I criticized for practicing my religion. Why are Churches being criticized for practicing their stated precepts?
While I love each member of my family, I do not need to know what they do in their own homes, and I am not interested in having any of my posterity report that information to me unsolicited. These things are personal and private, in my opinion, and do not need to shared.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Dale and Maxine (the In-Laws)
Dale and Maxine
Dale and Maxine fell in love in Septemberof 1950 and began their family that we all remember.
It was the beginning of every-day family life.
There was great joy, and love, and very little strife.
There were cats, dogs, birds and even some fishes.
Poems were written while the kids washed dishes.
There were Proms, Scouts, Church and schools.
And there were jobs to do, little time for the city pool.
There was Little League, Band and oh-so-much going on,
8 children to raise, feed, clothe and so-on.
Through it all, Dale and Maxine let their love grow vast.
The children were growing and leaving the nest.
Four of the children were called by the Prophet to serve
Which pleased Dale and Maxine, though it took much nerve.
Money was tight, but with care it was enough to make it all work.
Each child knew they were loved and had great worth.
Some of their children also have children in this story.
21 grandchildren to expand Dale and Maxine’s glory.
Great grandchildren are coming, no telling the count.
Each one will know they are loved and will recount
To their own clan the stories told of Dale and Maxine
And the love that they share in the Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring.
Dale passed beyond the veil some time back
But his love for Maxine has never been slack.
She has been lonely, but she knows
He’s waiting for her and his love still flows.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
When will Mr. Obama and Congress Get a Clue?
I read this morning that an ISIS member, living the good life in the U.S., shot up a night club in Orlando, FL. 50 people were killed and many were wounded. I imagine the follow up investigation will indicate that this lunatic, Omar S. Mateen, came to the U.S. as a refugee or student. The FBI admits they have known about him for some time, but he didn't show any indication he would commit violence even though he was an ISIS supporter and FBI knew it.
In this case Mr. Trump is correct. We need to round up all of these people and move them back where they came from. If Islam is so wonderful, why did they leave the nations where Islam is the state religion?
Here is a warning to Mr. Obama and whoever is the next POTUS: Get this under control or we will cease to be the nation our forefathers founded. The United States of America, the European nations, Israel, Jordan, Egypt and any other nations that are having trouble with these violent "refugees" need to focus all energy, weapons, and force to eradicate the infestation of radical Islam beginning with ISIS and any other organization that promotes violence against our combined nations no matter what the cost. And then we must remain vigilant and stay focused on not permitting this type of behavior to crop up again.
I believe Satan is in control of this violent behavior and it will not stop until those that perpetuate it are destroyed...not incarcerated....but destroyed by any means at hand. Satan's influence must be bound through any means necessary. And that doesn't mean restrict the means of self protection to our citizens, but rather increase our ability to protect ourselves.
We cannot afford to permit this environment to permeate our society.
It is of notice that the so-called "non-violent" inmates that were released from Gitmo are those who are leaders in the violence we are seeing.
In this case Mr. Trump is correct. We need to round up all of these people and move them back where they came from. If Islam is so wonderful, why did they leave the nations where Islam is the state religion?
Here is a warning to Mr. Obama and whoever is the next POTUS: Get this under control or we will cease to be the nation our forefathers founded. The United States of America, the European nations, Israel, Jordan, Egypt and any other nations that are having trouble with these violent "refugees" need to focus all energy, weapons, and force to eradicate the infestation of radical Islam beginning with ISIS and any other organization that promotes violence against our combined nations no matter what the cost. And then we must remain vigilant and stay focused on not permitting this type of behavior to crop up again.
I believe Satan is in control of this violent behavior and it will not stop until those that perpetuate it are destroyed...not incarcerated....but destroyed by any means at hand. Satan's influence must be bound through any means necessary. And that doesn't mean restrict the means of self protection to our citizens, but rather increase our ability to protect ourselves.
We cannot afford to permit this environment to permeate our society.
It is of notice that the so-called "non-violent" inmates that were released from Gitmo are those who are leaders in the violence we are seeing.
Monday, April 25, 2016
My New Obsession
Two weeks ago I was called by a marvelous young lady who asked if I could come and visit with President Jones. I asked what President Jones was President of and was informed he was a Counselor in the St. George Temple Presidency.
Well, that surprised me somewhat, but I agreed and we set aside a time and date for me to come and visit with him. I was unsure what this was all about, but I suspected that he was going to interview me preparatory to becoming a Temple Ordinance Worker. And...that was what it was. I'm not sure who recommended me for that work, but I suspect it was my Bishop. I began my adventure, of which I won't give many details, on April 13. I am assigned two shifts per week, but I can volunteer for more. The first week I worked three shifts and last week I worked only my two shifts. We'll see what this week brings.
When President Jones set me apart, he gave me a blessing that I would have health sufficient for the work, and that has been the case. I have a lung disease that often requires me to use Oxygen. However, I have not needed it when I have been working my assignments in the Temple. It has been a blessing and a marvel to me. I have learned the processes and procedures quickly. I am amazed because I have never memorized anything well before now.
I am blessed. My life has been one blessing after another. I am married to the perfect wife, my children, while not perfect, are still prize arrows in my quiver. My grandchildren, while also not perfect, are gems in my eyes. Each member of my family is special to me as are some of my very close friends (you know who you are).
Thanks to all of you who have supported me/are supporting me/will continue to support me in my various little challenges.
Well, that surprised me somewhat, but I agreed and we set aside a time and date for me to come and visit with him. I was unsure what this was all about, but I suspected that he was going to interview me preparatory to becoming a Temple Ordinance Worker. And...that was what it was. I'm not sure who recommended me for that work, but I suspect it was my Bishop. I began my adventure, of which I won't give many details, on April 13. I am assigned two shifts per week, but I can volunteer for more. The first week I worked three shifts and last week I worked only my two shifts. We'll see what this week brings.
When President Jones set me apart, he gave me a blessing that I would have health sufficient for the work, and that has been the case. I have a lung disease that often requires me to use Oxygen. However, I have not needed it when I have been working my assignments in the Temple. It has been a blessing and a marvel to me. I have learned the processes and procedures quickly. I am amazed because I have never memorized anything well before now.
I am blessed. My life has been one blessing after another. I am married to the perfect wife, my children, while not perfect, are still prize arrows in my quiver. My grandchildren, while also not perfect, are gems in my eyes. Each member of my family is special to me as are some of my very close friends (you know who you are).
Thanks to all of you who have supported me/are supporting me/will continue to support me in my various little challenges.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Quit Yer Whining!
Over the past few years I have encountered a number of people who are not satisfied with their lives. I wonder if they could see themselves the way others see them, if they would alter their own attitude and/or actions. I sincerely doubt it.
One of such people is a woman that continually complains about her husband who she thinks does nothing at home but play video games. Whenever I see her she goes off again. It would not be so bad except she uses a very whiney attitude. She whines about her job, her husband, her family, and her position in society. Rather than use her energy in building up her situation, she uses it to tear down her whole environment. She wants a "magic solution" to cure her complaints. It would be entertaining to secretly video her exchanges with others just to be able to play it for her. I'm sure it would cause anger and embarrassment.
Another person is a man who continually complains about his position within the company for which he works. "Nothing ever goes right. Nobody does their job. Management doesn't understand. Employees are not required to comply with instruction". The list goes on and on. Again this gentleman employs a whiney voice when he is speaking. Again he looks for the "magic solution" to his complaints.
I am at a loss as to why I have become the listening post for people who routinely complain about their circumstance. Why is it that I attract such people?
I have been tempted to exclaim loudly..."For heaven's sake, GROW UP! You and only you (along with Jesus Christ) can improve your station in life. You entered into your situation yourself. Now, go create your own environment within which you can be satisfied. Turn your lemons into satisfying lemonade. Nobody else can do that for you."
I know....I'd lose friends. But GOOD GRIEF!
I may not be the person to whine to. I am extremely satisfied with my position in life. There is very little for me to complain about. I chose the perfect spouse (for me) with whom I have lived nearly 43 years and who has largely raised 7 intelligent, caring, supportive children (with a little help from me). I retired from a company with which I have had a wonderful relationship.
Oh, I could complain about health, wealth, or political conditions in our nation (and I do from time to time), but I have been blessed all my life. Heavenly Father has been very good to me. I wonder why I have been chosen for such blessings.
One of such people is a woman that continually complains about her husband who she thinks does nothing at home but play video games. Whenever I see her she goes off again. It would not be so bad except she uses a very whiney attitude. She whines about her job, her husband, her family, and her position in society. Rather than use her energy in building up her situation, she uses it to tear down her whole environment. She wants a "magic solution" to cure her complaints. It would be entertaining to secretly video her exchanges with others just to be able to play it for her. I'm sure it would cause anger and embarrassment.
Another person is a man who continually complains about his position within the company for which he works. "Nothing ever goes right. Nobody does their job. Management doesn't understand. Employees are not required to comply with instruction". The list goes on and on. Again this gentleman employs a whiney voice when he is speaking. Again he looks for the "magic solution" to his complaints.
I am at a loss as to why I have become the listening post for people who routinely complain about their circumstance. Why is it that I attract such people?
I have been tempted to exclaim loudly..."For heaven's sake, GROW UP! You and only you (along with Jesus Christ) can improve your station in life. You entered into your situation yourself. Now, go create your own environment within which you can be satisfied. Turn your lemons into satisfying lemonade. Nobody else can do that for you."
I know....I'd lose friends. But GOOD GRIEF!
I may not be the person to whine to. I am extremely satisfied with my position in life. There is very little for me to complain about. I chose the perfect spouse (for me) with whom I have lived nearly 43 years and who has largely raised 7 intelligent, caring, supportive children (with a little help from me). I retired from a company with which I have had a wonderful relationship.
Oh, I could complain about health, wealth, or political conditions in our nation (and I do from time to time), but I have been blessed all my life. Heavenly Father has been very good to me. I wonder why I have been chosen for such blessings.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The Current Political Season
4 years ago I explained my feelings about the then current candidates for the U.S. Presidency. I thought I'd celebrate my own birthday by doing the same today.
On the Republican ticket:
Donald Trump: A business mogul that understands economics and portends to be conservative. Mr. Trump has previously presented himself as liberal but now wants to be seen as conservative. I like many of the things Mr. Trump is saying. However, like everyone else, Mr. Trump has some warts. Under Mr. Trump the nation may undergo a traumatic transformation returning from a nanny state to a thriving capitalist republic. I imagine there will be some economic hardship during the transformation. I don't believe that to be a bad thing, though it will be a hardship. There may likely be many of the current welfare recipients having to actually learn how to work and maintain jobs even if they have to be given accommodations. There is likely to be many protests formed. I always wondered how so many people could afford to miss work to be protesters. However, I believe many are on some kind of government support. Perhaps more people would not have time to "protest" and would spend more time making our nation thrive again. If Mr. Trump is willing to take up the Title of Liberty, he improves his chances.
Ted Cruz: A political newcomer, but very conservative. I like Mr. Cruz because of his political stance. However, he also comes with warts. He understands politics, but I don't think he understands the quantity of solutions needing to be made or how ingrained graft, corruption and evil are in the current government agencies. He will be fighting a fierce "Medusa". He will need to use the "nuclear solution" in most of those agencies, bureaus, and departments. I like that Mr. Cruz is determined to bring worship back to America. I like that he claims to be a God fearing Christian who will defend his faith. For the moment, at least, Mr. Cruz is my favorite candidate. He appears to be a defender of the Title of Liberty.
Ben Carson: Of all the candidates on the Republican ticket, I place Mr. Carson at the top of the list of affable candidates. I like much of what he says, but I think he lacks the capacity to be stern with our enemies both within our government and borders, and outside our borders. He is a nice man. But can he be a tiger when needed? I haven't seen much to indicate that our enemies will fear him. I doubt Mr. Carson has the economic fortitude to take care of America's morass. We have had such a long time with such "wet noodle" leaders that we now need a strong sturdy president who will give the world the leadership it needs. I believe he wants to defend the Title of Liberty, but I don't think he has the capacity.
The other Republican candidates are what I call "also rans" and at this point are not likely to be viable.
On the Democrat Ticket:
Hillary Clinton is an un-indicted criminal in my mind. She needs to be tried in a court of law for her lawlessness, and she should not be permitted to run for national office. The Title of Liberty has no place in her life.
Bernie Sanders is a self-proclaimed Socialist. He also should not be permitted access to the ballot. Our nation has been fighting Socialists and Communists for the past 70 years. We don't need to invite that society into our nation. We already have a closet socialist in the White house. We don't need more of the same. The Title of Liberty does not even appear to cross his mind.
Martin O'Malley: he is against self sustaining energy emergence. He is a proponent of the nanny state. He is a defender of Christianity across the world. Not a defender of our culture, language or border.
-30- for now.
On the Republican ticket:
Donald Trump: A business mogul that understands economics and portends to be conservative. Mr. Trump has previously presented himself as liberal but now wants to be seen as conservative. I like many of the things Mr. Trump is saying. However, like everyone else, Mr. Trump has some warts. Under Mr. Trump the nation may undergo a traumatic transformation returning from a nanny state to a thriving capitalist republic. I imagine there will be some economic hardship during the transformation. I don't believe that to be a bad thing, though it will be a hardship. There may likely be many of the current welfare recipients having to actually learn how to work and maintain jobs even if they have to be given accommodations. There is likely to be many protests formed. I always wondered how so many people could afford to miss work to be protesters. However, I believe many are on some kind of government support. Perhaps more people would not have time to "protest" and would spend more time making our nation thrive again. If Mr. Trump is willing to take up the Title of Liberty, he improves his chances.
Ted Cruz: A political newcomer, but very conservative. I like Mr. Cruz because of his political stance. However, he also comes with warts. He understands politics, but I don't think he understands the quantity of solutions needing to be made or how ingrained graft, corruption and evil are in the current government agencies. He will be fighting a fierce "Medusa". He will need to use the "nuclear solution" in most of those agencies, bureaus, and departments. I like that Mr. Cruz is determined to bring worship back to America. I like that he claims to be a God fearing Christian who will defend his faith. For the moment, at least, Mr. Cruz is my favorite candidate. He appears to be a defender of the Title of Liberty.
Ben Carson: Of all the candidates on the Republican ticket, I place Mr. Carson at the top of the list of affable candidates. I like much of what he says, but I think he lacks the capacity to be stern with our enemies both within our government and borders, and outside our borders. He is a nice man. But can he be a tiger when needed? I haven't seen much to indicate that our enemies will fear him. I doubt Mr. Carson has the economic fortitude to take care of America's morass. We have had such a long time with such "wet noodle" leaders that we now need a strong sturdy president who will give the world the leadership it needs. I believe he wants to defend the Title of Liberty, but I don't think he has the capacity.
The other Republican candidates are what I call "also rans" and at this point are not likely to be viable.
On the Democrat Ticket:
Hillary Clinton is an un-indicted criminal in my mind. She needs to be tried in a court of law for her lawlessness, and she should not be permitted to run for national office. The Title of Liberty has no place in her life.
Bernie Sanders is a self-proclaimed Socialist. He also should not be permitted access to the ballot. Our nation has been fighting Socialists and Communists for the past 70 years. We don't need to invite that society into our nation. We already have a closet socialist in the White house. We don't need more of the same. The Title of Liberty does not even appear to cross his mind.
Martin O'Malley: he is against self sustaining energy emergence. He is a proponent of the nanny state. He is a defender of Christianity across the world. Not a defender of our culture, language or border.
-30- for now.
Friday, January 1, 2016
A New Year - What Will We Do With It?
Today is the first day of a New Year. What shall we do with it? We can go merrily along like we did last year, or we can make some goals that are reasonable, sustainable, and attainable. I have elected to make and attain two specific goals and perhaps some not-so-specific goals.
1. I will retire at the end of January. It is early, but I have determined, after consulting with my family and the Lord, that it is best. I will miss my colleagues, I will miss my customers, and I will miss the company for which I work. I will not miss the stress levels, although my stress levels have decreased over the past few months as others began to lift my scheduled duties from me and learn my position. I have been working in the transportation industry for the past 42 years starting on this journey as a lowly switchman for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. I will retire as dual-hat Manager of Equipment Control and International Freight for Andrus Transportation Services (it's a trucking company).
2. I will put my house in order. By this statement I mean my residence, but I am also determined to improve my spiritual and physical persona. We moved into our current home over a year ago and we still have things crated up that we haven't seen since then. We've made do, or purchased new versions of the same thing, but now we need to put things in order. It takes me a longer time these days, as my health deteriorates, but I am determined to take care of these things. I have great expectations of taking care of things little by little until it is all in order.
I believe I can mitigate some of the dangers in my life. I am determined to come a little closer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I will fulfill my errand a little better. I will offer more opportunity to share my understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those whom I love and with those with whom I associate.
I believe I can improve the relationships I have with my family. We are pretty close knit, but improvements can be made. We have already made some plans that will help us to fulfill this desire.
I believe we can improve our readiness for disaster, whether physical, emotional, spiritual, or natural disaster. We have already, at Princess Bride's urging, started doing so. Food Storage is important, but it is not everything. There are so many everyday things for which we need to prepare, i.e. Money, sanitary supplies, temporary living quarters, and food processing/cooking supplies, among other things. We may never need to use those tools, but we are working to be ready in the eventuality they are needed.
These are the things I will do in 2016.
1. I will retire at the end of January. It is early, but I have determined, after consulting with my family and the Lord, that it is best. I will miss my colleagues, I will miss my customers, and I will miss the company for which I work. I will not miss the stress levels, although my stress levels have decreased over the past few months as others began to lift my scheduled duties from me and learn my position. I have been working in the transportation industry for the past 42 years starting on this journey as a lowly switchman for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. I will retire as dual-hat Manager of Equipment Control and International Freight for Andrus Transportation Services (it's a trucking company).
2. I will put my house in order. By this statement I mean my residence, but I am also determined to improve my spiritual and physical persona. We moved into our current home over a year ago and we still have things crated up that we haven't seen since then. We've made do, or purchased new versions of the same thing, but now we need to put things in order. It takes me a longer time these days, as my health deteriorates, but I am determined to take care of these things. I have great expectations of taking care of things little by little until it is all in order.
I believe I can mitigate some of the dangers in my life. I am determined to come a little closer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I will fulfill my errand a little better. I will offer more opportunity to share my understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those whom I love and with those with whom I associate.
I believe I can improve the relationships I have with my family. We are pretty close knit, but improvements can be made. We have already made some plans that will help us to fulfill this desire.
I believe we can improve our readiness for disaster, whether physical, emotional, spiritual, or natural disaster. We have already, at Princess Bride's urging, started doing so. Food Storage is important, but it is not everything. There are so many everyday things for which we need to prepare, i.e. Money, sanitary supplies, temporary living quarters, and food processing/cooking supplies, among other things. We may never need to use those tools, but we are working to be ready in the eventuality they are needed.
These are the things I will do in 2016.
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