Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The message goes unheeded

I see our "fairly" elected members of congress still have not got the message.  I see the Senate rejected the ban on earmarks.  8 so called conservatives joined the Democrats to alter the will of the people again.  It sounds much like we'll have to target them in their next election.  Of course most of us will have forgotten that they bailed on conservatism.  Are they RINOs or are they just Republicrats.  Why can these people not understand that the people want the government to REDUCE, REDUCE, REDUCE.  Bringing home the so called bacon is what is killing our economic health and increasing poverty. 

Michael Savage is right!  Instead of practicing "Trickle Down Economics", we are practicing "Trickle Up Poverty".  The socialists in power are determined to repress the wealthy and middle class until we are all amongst the poverty class. That way we all have to lean on the government for everything.  I wonder why that didn't work in the Soviet Union, hasn't worked in Cuba, isn't working in Venezuela, and has been partially abandoned even in China.

We need to reduce government at any cost and strenuously foster manufacturing and farming at any cost.  Remove the barriers to entrepreneurship.  Stop requiring a "license" for every little thing.  I can't believe all of the regulations and rules preventing men and women from entering into family run businesses.  I live in a small town...what a joy it used to be before we decided we must act like a metropolis and enact laws and ordinances preventing people from doing what they hope will be their life's work.  After all, these days a child must have a "license" to operate a lemonade stand in front of her home.  What kind of idiot thinks up these things?

We, who live in a small community, used to be conservative.   However some of us have succumbed to the enticings of the liberal drivel dominating the so-called main stream media.  Unfortunately the regular people think they must know something because they speak well and use big words. I say boot the bums out.  I'd rather have an uneducated citizen in political office than one that is there just for the power he/she can wield as a result.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What will you DO for Christmas?

Christmastime is upon is.  It is a time of careful consideration.  I have thought for many years that the commercialism that is so rampant during these 4 weeks is obscene.  While I think the giving of gifts is representative of the gift the Savior gave to us through the Atonement, I believe we should spend less money and spend more of our time and personal effort to ease the burdens of others. 

One of the best times of my family's life is when we helped another family to enjoy Christmas.  Our children agreed to reduce their expectations in order to help our target family.  Several days before Christmas we left a tree at their door because we noticed they had no tree.  The next day we left lights for the tree.  The next day we provided small gifts for the children and so on.  On Christmas eve we gave the food needed for a traditional Christmas dinner.  Then on Christmas morning we left a large box of gifts we thought the children and even the adults would enjoy.  We spent less than a quarter of the money we would have normally spent, but our children remember that Christmas best, and some have incorporated that tradition in their own families now. 

We have learned several lessons.  Our family doesn't have to RECEIVE to enjoy Christmas.  Our family enjoys Christmas more when they see the gifts they GIVE lighten the burden of others.  We rarely remember the things we GET for Christmas, but we always remember the joy and wonder the recipients show when we give of ourselves.

We also learned we don't need to depend on others for our happiness.  We can generate it for ourselves.  If our political leaders would understand that lesson we all would be better off.

We learned that we, as a community, can watch out for each other and help each other without interference from the government.  We learned that we can enjoy the joy of others particularly when we do it anonymously.  We are better when WE choose how to help instead of politicians forcing us.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Commitment - the way out

What if Congress lived up to its commitments?  What if our political representatives actually contained themselves and voted to require themselves to live under the same rules as the rest of us.  What if there was no federal retirement for politically elected and appointed people.  What if congress became a "part-time" job.  What if the President were confined to a staff of 20.  What if congressional representative were confined to a staff of 3.  What if the Pentagon was actually required to be responsible for the money it spends.  What if the Department of State could not keep secrets from the public.  What if our representatives were required to retire at 60 years old like airline pilots.  What if congress had to live by the same rules it requires of truck drivers. 

Unfortunately, Congress will never agree to all this.  That is why it will take a violence free revolution.  We just need to vote all current office holders out of office and start anew.  Then on to term limits.   3 terms in the House, 2 terms in the Senate.  Put the professional politician out of work.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

This nation can again become great

There is a simple solution to all of our economic, social, and international problems.  The solution is simple, but the implementation of it is not. 

A prophet on the American Continent over 4000 years ago said this, "For behold, this is a land choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God.  And it is not until the fullness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off." (Ether 2:10)

As I see it the way to improvement is through repentance and return to worship Almighty God.  Return to our roots of personal, family and community worship. Teach again  the Golden Rule.  Teach morals, honesty and integrity.  Teach concern for our fellow man.  Return to real commitment to spouse and children.  Protect "good samaritans" in every case.

So here is a beginning.  Institute tort reform.  Put the lawyers on notice that if they seek out clients and lose a case, the lawyer pays, not the client.  Put the courts on notice that if they cannot adjudicate laws honestly according to the Constitution, they will be voted out of office.  Close the casinos.  Encourage family farming  and manufacturing again. 

Then, get government out of our pockets.  Reduce the Department of Agriculture.   Defund the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, The Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Health,  The Department of Transportation, The Securities and Exchange Commission, Most of the Department of State, Most of the Department of the Interior, The Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Communications Commission and Most of the Department of the Treasury including the IRS.  Sell off the land currently managed by the Bureau of Land Mis-management, Sell off the National Parks and National Monuments to responsible resort management companies.  Make the US Congress a 90 day/year service.
The reduction in fraud, mis-management, bribery, and outright criminal abuse of the public would go far.  Just think of the money saved as a result.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Lame ducks are indeed lame

I have always been interested in the tomfoolery in which a lame duck session of Congress involves itself.  This congress cannot possibly think that it can put another one over on the electorate.  I've heard all the babble about how members of congress are better informed than the electorate, and that may have been true in times past.  However, in these times of highly accessible information, there is little that is not known to anyone who has the desire to dig.  And most of us that are into politics ARE willing to dig. 

Members of congress need to be alert that WE the PEOPLE will not again permit them to think that we are uninformed.  By way of this post they should be wary of underhanded and shady dealings with "special interest" groups that wind up contrary to the best interests of the PEOPLE.  We have shown that we can "fire" members of congress, and we are willing to do so again if they fail to pay attention.  We have a motto, in my circle of friends, which is "SEARCH, PONDER, & PRAY.  I admonish members of congress to SEARCH out the will of the people, PONDER the effects, and PRAY to Heavenly Father to know how to implement the will of the people and NOT the will of those few elitists in the halls of congress.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

We have much for which to be thankful

Today is Thanksgiving.  We have much that makes our lives worthwhile.  I am thankful for the Pilgrims that came to this land to escape the conditions in Europe nearly 500 years ago.  I am thankful for the founders of our great nation, who wrote 2 divinely inspired documents.  I am thankful for the drafters and signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.  I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, who watches over those who are willing to follow His Son, Jesus Christ.  I am thankful for the atonement that permits me to return to Heavenly Father's presence.  I am thankful for a church that helps me to learn of Him and learn to follow Him.  I am thankful for my family.  I am thankful for the love that my family has for one another, and for others in our realm of influence.  I am thankful for wonderful friends and neighbors who look out for us.  I am thankful for the marvels of modern medicine.  I am thankful for modern technology that permits me to post this message. 

Mostly, I am just thankful.  I'll return to my political rant tomorrow.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I just can't believe it.

So the poor little TSA molesters are upset that the public doesn't like getting pawed.  I'm sooo sorry.  What in the world did they expect?  That the sheeple would just put up with sexual molestation that would be illegal anywhere else?  C'mon!  Even lazy brain-dead government grifters ought to know better.  I heard today that Big Sis won't do the so called "body scan", and neither will the smartest woman in America (Mrs Clinton for those of Rush Limbaugh's Rio Linda audience). 

And now I see they don't like it when people just strip off their clothing.  TSA agents make them put their clothing back on so they can grope them.  HUH????  Did I understand this correctly?  "Put your clothes back on so we can molest you?"  I guess they can't molest with just their eyes, and if there are no clothing, they have no reason to touch passengers.  Now it all comes clear.

And why is it a crime to capture the treatment of the public by these goons on tape?  I guess because if it can't be taped, it can't be brought to light.  So much for Obama's transparency in government.  We all knew it was a lie, but he told it so well. Every passenger on every flight should take video of the goings on at the checkpoints and then press criminal charges for Lewdness, Voyeurism, Molestation, Assault, Unlawful Detention, Unreasonable Search, and Conspiracy.  Let's force the courts to resolve this issue.  It needs to be a massive court embarrassment to the government.  I'll bet there are many hungry attorneys looking for work.   If local District Attorneys aren't willing to take the cases, then we'll go to civil court.  We won't be treated this way.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Welcome to the People's Republic of America

I have feared this for some time.  We have finally arrived to the USSR 1960's.  I wonder when the Secret Service will start following people around to make sure they don't do anything subversive.  Oops....The FBI already does that.  Errr, I wonder when this TSA nonsense will become...."You can't fly without "papers" permitting you to do so signed by some political crony of whatever politician is in power."  I wonder when it will become illegal for US citizens to leave the country because the American Politburo has determined it isn't "safe".  What CRAP!

Let's see.  The current crop of potential Politburo candidates want to confiscate our personal weapons.  They make us get a license to do anything professional.  They prevent innovation and/or risk through taxation.  If there is a way to repress the people they seek to implement it.

Too bad there isn't a better place on the planet to live.  I prefer to participate in the revolution it will take to make this nation the place it was intended to be by the founders. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

We've already lost the war on terror

Osama and his ilk have already won.  America is terrorized from within.  With all the so called "security defenses" that have been and will be instituted we have lost our freedoms and our peace of mind.  I figure I am terrorized when I have to show my naked body to perverts at the airport or instead allow myself to be legally sexually molested.  When we are afraid to fly because Obama's gestapo agents will molest us or ridicule us when we fear for our personal security, we have lost the battle.

I personally will no longer fly.  I will drive or take the train, or take the bus, but I will not fly.  I, who used to be a fairly frequent flier, will no longer fly.  I hope the airlines get this message quickly.  They cannot and should not allow the federal government to dictate how their passengers are treated.  Since the properties used by the airlines are not owned by the federal government, and the planes are also not owned by the government, and since the airlines must pay to use the air routes in which they fly, the government needs to get out of the airline's and it's passenger's business.

The stories coming out now with regard to abusive behavior of the TSA agents are not acceptable.  They treat people with or without medical conditions with impunity.  Congress needs to defund the Department of Homeland Security in general and TSA specifically, and then limit the ability of government to terrorize Americans.

Monday, November 15, 2010

TSA - A pervert's dream come true.

I wonder what questions the TSA asks their potential employees.  I suppose questions could be:

1.  Do you enjoy groping people of your own sex?

2.  Are you voyeuristic?

3.  Do you enjoy grabbing testicles and/or breasts to be sure they are not implanted with bombs?

4.  Are you addicted to pornography?

5.  Do you believe that 911 and subsequent terrorist activities were the fault of older white anglo men and women?  Or that it was Older African American men/women?

6.  Are you a child molester or a registered sex offender?

If you answer "Yes" to all of the above you are extremely qualified to work in the TSA's exam and enforcement division at airports and rail stations.

If you have problems with any of the above, you obviously are a terrorist.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mrs. Pelosi should leave congress.

Imagine the arrogance of Mrs. Pelosi.  She is of the opinion she had nothing to do with the historical losses the Democrats took in the mid-term elections.  She indicated that it was only the economy that defeated the Democrats.  Good grief!  Does she not know that the economic disaster came on her watch?  Does she not know that the policies of giving money to the banks, insurance companies, automobile companies directly did nothing to help the economy?  And now she wants to INCREASE taxes.  Obviously the Speaker's office comes with complete insulation from reality.  In order to improve economic health, money needs to get into the hands of the SPENDERS, not the already overpaid executives and kicked-back to the politicians who do not spend to the same degree. 

Money is like water.  In order for it to remain fresh, it must move.  Give the money to the masses who will spend and spend and spend.  As they do so, jobs are created, tax revenues are increased. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Austerity? Maybe it depends on what the definition of is is.

Let's see.  70 airplanes, $200M per day for expenses.  Seems a little like disregard for the trust of the American people.  That money being spent EVERY DAY would support more than 4000 families for an entire year.  So when you figure 10 days at that rate, Mr. Obama is spending enough in 10 days to support 40,000 families for a year.  So much for being concerned for the so called "little people".  These political elites have no idea what the "little people" deal with.  We need to get them ALL out of office and start with CITIZEN LEGISLATORS.  Meaning not professional legislative thieves, but rather real people who go to Washington with the intent of staying only 2 terms in office.  I'd rather they not be lawyers or government employees but people who have to scrimp and save to stay alive.  These elites have no idea what a dollar means.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Building Our Nation

Perhaps our national and state leaders should occasionally listen to leaders of religion, and then look back in history to learn what made our nation a great nation.

Our ancestors came to this land as families.  They built their communities based on families.  They built family farms, factories, stores, and services.  The sons learned the family business from their fathers and grandfathers who taught them what worked for them and what didn't.  They worked hard and were usually, but not always, successful.  They rarely gave up.

Our nation needs to again focus on the family.  We should be working fervently to keep families together, and to reduce the divorce rate.  The so called "Inheritance tax" should be eliminated.  Those monies have already been taxed and should not be taxed again.  Instead it should be encouraged to be invested in the family's business, thereby producing employment which in turn produces tax revenues,

When the family is strengthened, the communities are strengthened.  When the communities are strengthened crime is reduced.  When crime is reduced insurance payouts are reduced.  When payouts are reduced premiums are reduced.  When premiums are reduced, more money is reinvested to produce more employment and therefore more taxes. 

Strengthen families by encouraging church attendance. Nobody says you have to indicate which church, but encourage church attendance wherever they choose.

Results?   Our nation becomes stronger and its citizens become better people.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What about China?

I've been doing some amateur research lately.  It is very hard to find products on store shelves that are not made in China.  Surely Americans can make anything that is made in China.  We can get our economy moving and create jobs by one simple device.

Close the door on China.  Totally embargo Chinese goods.  It will upset them, but after all they have the most populace.  Perhaps they can use the goods they produce there.

Get rid of the environmental regulations that prohibit domestic factories from producing products we need.

Reduce most foreign aid.  Those people don't appreciate our money.  It is obvious by the distaste we detect when we visit foreign countries.


1.  Jobs are created.  Money is retained in the US for reinvestment.

2.  The treasury is flooded with money.

3.  Instills the "invest in America" culture.

4.  No more China problem

Will they never learn?

Boy...I don't know if those whom we elect to run our country have any brains or not.  First we endured the "Stimulus" package that only put money where it WOULD NOT be used to move our economy along.  Then we get the economy busting "Health Care Reform" nonsense.  All that for WAAAYY more money than it would take to put this country on the fast track to recovery.  Here's my recomendation:

1.  Get a list of all the US Passport holders.

2.  Give all current valid passport holders (regardless of who they are or their tax status) $10,000.  Give the populace 6 months to obtain their passport and still qualify for the $10,000.


1. Bills are paid.. Mortgages are caught up.  Goods and services are purchased.

2. The money trickles up. Companies receive the money and are able to reinvest in their business.  Banks get the money back.  The treasury gets ALL the money back plus some because this money is taxed every time it changes hands.

Am I the only one that can see this?