Saturday, November 6, 2010

Will they never learn?

Boy...I don't know if those whom we elect to run our country have any brains or not.  First we endured the "Stimulus" package that only put money where it WOULD NOT be used to move our economy along.  Then we get the economy busting "Health Care Reform" nonsense.  All that for WAAAYY more money than it would take to put this country on the fast track to recovery.  Here's my recomendation:

1.  Get a list of all the US Passport holders.

2.  Give all current valid passport holders (regardless of who they are or their tax status) $10,000.  Give the populace 6 months to obtain their passport and still qualify for the $10,000.


1. Bills are paid.. Mortgages are caught up.  Goods and services are purchased.

2. The money trickles up. Companies receive the money and are able to reinvest in their business.  Banks get the money back.  The treasury gets ALL the money back plus some because this money is taxed every time it changes hands.

Am I the only one that can see this?

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