Monday, November 22, 2010

I just can't believe it.

So the poor little TSA molesters are upset that the public doesn't like getting pawed.  I'm sooo sorry.  What in the world did they expect?  That the sheeple would just put up with sexual molestation that would be illegal anywhere else?  C'mon!  Even lazy brain-dead government grifters ought to know better.  I heard today that Big Sis won't do the so called "body scan", and neither will the smartest woman in America (Mrs Clinton for those of Rush Limbaugh's Rio Linda audience). 

And now I see they don't like it when people just strip off their clothing.  TSA agents make them put their clothing back on so they can grope them.  HUH????  Did I understand this correctly?  "Put your clothes back on so we can molest you?"  I guess they can't molest with just their eyes, and if there are no clothing, they have no reason to touch passengers.  Now it all comes clear.

And why is it a crime to capture the treatment of the public by these goons on tape?  I guess because if it can't be taped, it can't be brought to light.  So much for Obama's transparency in government.  We all knew it was a lie, but he told it so well. Every passenger on every flight should take video of the goings on at the checkpoints and then press criminal charges for Lewdness, Voyeurism, Molestation, Assault, Unlawful Detention, Unreasonable Search, and Conspiracy.  Let's force the courts to resolve this issue.  It needs to be a massive court embarrassment to the government.  I'll bet there are many hungry attorneys looking for work.   If local District Attorneys aren't willing to take the cases, then we'll go to civil court.  We won't be treated this way.

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