Saturday, November 27, 2010

This nation can again become great

There is a simple solution to all of our economic, social, and international problems.  The solution is simple, but the implementation of it is not. 

A prophet on the American Continent over 4000 years ago said this, "For behold, this is a land choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God.  And it is not until the fullness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off." (Ether 2:10)

As I see it the way to improvement is through repentance and return to worship Almighty God.  Return to our roots of personal, family and community worship. Teach again  the Golden Rule.  Teach morals, honesty and integrity.  Teach concern for our fellow man.  Return to real commitment to spouse and children.  Protect "good samaritans" in every case.

So here is a beginning.  Institute tort reform.  Put the lawyers on notice that if they seek out clients and lose a case, the lawyer pays, not the client.  Put the courts on notice that if they cannot adjudicate laws honestly according to the Constitution, they will be voted out of office.  Close the casinos.  Encourage family farming  and manufacturing again. 

Then, get government out of our pockets.  Reduce the Department of Agriculture.   Defund the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, The Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Health,  The Department of Transportation, The Securities and Exchange Commission, Most of the Department of State, Most of the Department of the Interior, The Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Communications Commission and Most of the Department of the Treasury including the IRS.  Sell off the land currently managed by the Bureau of Land Mis-management, Sell off the National Parks and National Monuments to responsible resort management companies.  Make the US Congress a 90 day/year service.
The reduction in fraud, mis-management, bribery, and outright criminal abuse of the public would go far.  Just think of the money saved as a result.

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