Monday, November 29, 2010

What will you DO for Christmas?

Christmastime is upon is.  It is a time of careful consideration.  I have thought for many years that the commercialism that is so rampant during these 4 weeks is obscene.  While I think the giving of gifts is representative of the gift the Savior gave to us through the Atonement, I believe we should spend less money and spend more of our time and personal effort to ease the burdens of others. 

One of the best times of my family's life is when we helped another family to enjoy Christmas.  Our children agreed to reduce their expectations in order to help our target family.  Several days before Christmas we left a tree at their door because we noticed they had no tree.  The next day we left lights for the tree.  The next day we provided small gifts for the children and so on.  On Christmas eve we gave the food needed for a traditional Christmas dinner.  Then on Christmas morning we left a large box of gifts we thought the children and even the adults would enjoy.  We spent less than a quarter of the money we would have normally spent, but our children remember that Christmas best, and some have incorporated that tradition in their own families now. 

We have learned several lessons.  Our family doesn't have to RECEIVE to enjoy Christmas.  Our family enjoys Christmas more when they see the gifts they GIVE lighten the burden of others.  We rarely remember the things we GET for Christmas, but we always remember the joy and wonder the recipients show when we give of ourselves.

We also learned we don't need to depend on others for our happiness.  We can generate it for ourselves.  If our political leaders would understand that lesson we all would be better off.

We learned that we, as a community, can watch out for each other and help each other without interference from the government.  We learned that we can enjoy the joy of others particularly when we do it anonymously.  We are better when WE choose how to help instead of politicians forcing us.

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