Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The gift that won't go away

So, the demicans can't figure out how to make themselves look good, so they've decided to just sabotage themselves and the whole process of government.  Now they've decided to attempt to torpedo Mr. Obama's compromise struck with the republicrats.  The only thing on their mind is to figure out a way to continue the destruction of the greatest nation on this world.   I wonder why these knot-heads haven't been looking the examples of socialism that have NOT been successful.   Evidence of insanity is to continue doing the same things over and over with the expectation of a different outcome.  It didn't work out well in the Soviet Union, China's attempt at socialism has had to be altered, Venezuela's attempt is in failure mode, Cuba is poverty stricken as a result of their version of socialism. 

I wonder why these highly informed and educated legislators cannot see what I see.  I am pretty sure I am no smarter than anyone else.  Perhaps my thinking that "common sense is not that common" is more correct than even I realized.

I wonder how bad things must get before the populace will simply revolt, stop playing sheep, and root out the corruption in government.  I hope it will be soon.  We have a good beginning with the recent election cycle, but it isn't enough.  I believe that power does corrupt.  And the more power accumulated = more corruption.  Our government is too over-powering, too corrupt, and too invasive.  

Lucifer was cast out of heaven because he wanted to force all of God's children to do good.  God wants us to have the freedom to choose.  Government shouldn't even attempt to prevent the choices that God has given us.

1 comment:

  1. You talked about common sense, Jim. I guess you didn't get the memo several years back that the law of common sense has been repealed!
