Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When is enough enough?

I thought I had heard all the drivel the liberal appeasers could spew.  However I read something today that set my hair on fire and blood shooting out of my eyeballs. 

When do we stop catering to one piece of 4th century civilization and begin exercising some sense?  I read an article today about a man in Switzerland who was convicted of a crime because he offended muslims when he began to YODEL while mowing his lawn.  He was on his own property mowing his own lawn with his own lawnmower, enjoying the weather and his life and began to yodel.  The neighbors were incensed because it sounded to them like he was making fun of their religion.  I am offended that society caters to this segment of our civilization.  I am offended that I must be terrorized by this.  I am offended that I must be so careful to not offend that I cannot even express myself at all for fear of prosecution. 

It seems to me that these muslims offend and offend and offend, but it is deemed proper because they only offend Christians, Buddists and others.  After all, only muslims are proper people.  Everyone else is cannon fodder and not worthy to live.  I learned a term, when I worked on the railroad, that properly describes this thinking.  Bull manure!!  I believe that many muslims are good hard working solid citizens, but the vast majority are terrorists, either actively or passively.  They make us nervous because we "might offend" them and cause them to kill us all. 

My opinion is this.  Let them.  God permits bad people to do bad things so that they may eternally indict themselves.  Bad people will be bad no matter what.  Let them send themselves to lodge with Lucifer if that is what they want.  It won't change the rest of us.  Why should we subject ourselves to all of this nonsense. 
We should maintain our liberties and if it offends others...shame on them.   One of my very good friends said this: "Offend me once, shame on you.  Offend me twice, shame on me."  I don't intentionally offend anyone, but I also laugh at the jokes that target me.  It's funny...why should I be offended instead of laugh.  I'm not that sour.


  1. I figure it this way. I am going live my life as a respectable, respectful citizen of my city and my country, and if people don't like it, TOUGH ROCKS!! If what I do in my personal life offends someone, as long as it isn't illegal or morally wrong (and I would never do any of either anyway), they need to develop a thicker skin. If I -a white American male in his late 20's- decided that the things people do offend me, and they aren't crossing any of the "illegal or morally wrong" lines, people would either tell me to just deal with it, or ignore me altogether. So why then, isn't this same mentality applied to everyone? I don't get it. I realize that we need to protect and help those who need it, but skin color, ethnic background, gender (to a point), and country of origin should NOT be considered when deciding if something is legally or morally wrong. But then again, that's just me.
